By Amanda Painter
We’re approaching the Aquarius New Moon on Monday, which happens at the midpoint of Aquarius — and therefore at the midpoint of the current season (the ancient Pagan cross-quarter celebration known as Imbolc). Yet despite the tone of ‘winding down’ that a waning Moon often brings, we’re in the midst of some other astrology that’s urging action and self-expression.

The path may be snowed over, but it’s still there. Photo by Amanda Painter.
Namely, the ‘personal planets’ Venus and Mars are both in squares to slow-moving outer planets (Eric discussed some of the broader themes of these squares in Monday’s essay).
Mars, currently in its home sign Aries, is making a square to Pluto in Capricorn (exact tomorrow), and is moving toward a conjunction to Eris. I know at least a couple of Aries folks who have been feeling this square pretty strongly, namely as a deep need to get moving and ‘do’ that is being frustrated in various ways.
There’s a lot of energy in a Mars-Pluto square, and you, too, may be feeling a need to get things done (and perhaps you’re accomplishing them). But Pluto, being the Lord of Change, tends to disrupt plans or make it clear where you’ve skipped steps and left loose ends. Having to adjust your course of action is not necessarily a bad thing, even if it’s inconvenient; there may be important lessons involved. With Eris in the neighborhood, however, the mandate to avoid any tactics that are ruthless or underhanded is underlined in the face of frustration.
Venus, for its part, is making contact with several planets and points over the next few days. Just before it leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on Sunday (at 5:29 pm EST / 22:29:07 UTC), it makes a square to Chiron in Pisces. This would seem to bring some impetus and awareness to whatever your healing path currently is — perhaps especially in regard to your relationships, or to how you offer and receive love.
Eric spoke of this aspect primarily in the context of the conjunction Venus is making to the centaur Ixion right now (exact Saturday), noting the idea “I am in pain, so I can do anything to you” as one to be wary of. Yet the other aspects Venus is making currently may help to balance that.
For one, Venus is also conjunct the Galactic Center (exact tomorrow). To me, this is a reminder to turn your heart light on. Think E.T. if you need a visual for that — for the idea of making contact; for being a little open and vulnerable (the lovable extraterrestrial’s glowing chest taking the place of ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’); for orienting on a sense of ‘home’ that is far beyond your usual four walls. This may be of great assistance to making the most of any second chances appearing to you now (second chances being another Ixion theme).
We also have Venus in a sextile to Pallas in Libra (the sign Venus rules). I see this contact as bringing in some balance, wisdom and an ethic of fairness or justice — though you must choose to activate it. Venus making a trine to Uranus in Aries opens the way for seeking what is different and new, perhaps especially in love and/or sex. If you’re trying not to repeat a mistake of some kind, or if you’re attempting to move out of a pain-based inner script, these aspects may offer support in your efforts.
In the midst of all this Mars and Venus activity, the asteroid Vesta leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on Friday at 6:01 am EST (11:01 UTC). This placement looks like deep compassion and a desire to serve and possibly heal those in need.
There also seems to be a reminder to keep your spirit connected to your mind and body — that is, to stay grounded in reality. Compassion and the desire to help can be just as prone to projection and blind spots as the traits we often consider ‘negative’; Vesta’s early sextile to Pholus in Capricorn and square to Ceres in Sagittarius may be reminders of that potential: Pholus indicating that a little goes a long way, and Ceres asking you to reconcile your lived wisdom with whatever your intuition (or your well-meaning imagination?) is offering.
We may be in the belly of the season, but nothing about the current astrology suggests hibernation. Venus will arrive in reserved Capricorn soon enough; for now, aim her arrow far and true toward your spiritual home or your spiritual quest. It just may be that the journey itself offers its own sense of home, even when it seems most strange or frustrating.

As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Waves — audio now available for instant access. See more information here. If you’re looking for individual signs, order here.
Beautifully said, and feelin’ it all.
Great photo Amanda!
Yes, thank you so much for this lovely piece (and photo!), Amanda. I absolutely love what you say about ET and his glowing heart. It struck a deep chord in me this morning – as I’m doing a lot of heart-centred meditations at the moment, and it’s such a beautiful and helpful image. There’s a particularly lovely one I’m doing right now by the wonderful Tara Brach, which is deeply healing for both oneself, and for a loved one who might be going through a hard time. Here it is:
<3 xxx
Lizzy, Alaine, & Sara — always grateful to know value has been found in this space!
And yes, I agree the E.T. image is especially poignant. I was thinking it was just the nostalgia factor on my part, but maybe not. Thank you also, Lizzy, for the meditation link. I’ll check it out.
I’d like to add my appreciation for your deeply meditative wisdom at this time, Amanda. So fitting, and the reference to E.T. is magical.
Imbolc – the child is in the belly. Now its development will depend in large measure on how much we love it and the world into which it will be born.
Thank you for introducing me to Tara Brach, Lizzy. To me it seemed a very fitting meditation to coincide with Vesta leaving Aquarius.
My pleasure dear Geoff! And thank you for your lovely comment! I hope you’re keeping warm in chilly Britain (Brrrrrexit!). xxx
Truly lovely “Written in the planets” in today’s PW Almanac. Thank you! <3
And thank you, Lizzy! <3