Woman of the Future; oil and acrylic painting by Geoffrey Greene.
Venus in Sagittarius is one of that planet’s most interesting placements. She seems like the woman from the future, or the woman from some exotic galaxy who is showing us how a woman can be a person rather than a social construction. As such she may not feel very female; that, however, is a matter of conditioning.
Your average modern woman of today would not have seemed very female to someone 100 years ago. Yet when we consider the plight of women today, and society’s seeming obsession with making women into slaves, we have some distance to cover. Here is the thing that’s non-negotiable, for anyone who wants to make progress toward being a person: cultivating self-esteem. And this must be done despite the worst conditions, or under the most favorable ones. It matters not.
Self-esteem is internally mediated, no matter what is going on in your environment. Your relationship to yourself comes first. It may not seem that way — though the “discovery” of self-esteem often happens in the seemingly worst places, times and situations.
Eric: Also: a word for the mutual reception between Jupiter and Venus now that Venus is in Sagittarius (while Jupiter is still in early Libra). Even though i agree with you that “Self esteem is internally mediated” (nobody can take it away, but it is possible to give it away), and even though i myself struggle with that issue, you have to agree that the timing of Jupiter and Venus occupying each other’s dominion right now is indicative of how external participation supports internal mediation.
That certainly makes sense to me, Len! And for sure, when we are children the externals can do a real number on self-esteem (or help to build it up) long before we understand or have the tools for building that inner relationship with ourselves.