Those of us in the United States must endure two more weeks of an absurd, two-year election process. It’s been toxic and maddening and a vast waste of time.

Simplified chart, courtesy of Solar Fire, showing the Sun and Mercury (at right) approaching a trine with various points in Pisces.
While the candidates themselves don’t stand for much that is helpful, their presence is reminding us of some important social issues.
You now get to see who is a true believer and who actually thinks. You get to see who stands for what. If you’re doing this right, you’re questioning your own beliefs.
A Course in Miracles tells us that a choice between two unacceptable options is no choice at all; it’s an exercise in futility. As part of your review, though, I would suggest asking yourself what you’ve done to prevent us getting where we are today — especially if you don’t like it.
Have you spoken out against the prevailing treatment of women? Have you expressed any concern that the most wealthy among us pay lower taxes — not smaller percentages, but often sending in fewer actual dollars — than you do?
Have you spoken out against war? Have you ever talked to one of your congressional representatives about an issue that concerns you? Can you name your congressional rep? Can you name your senators?
The Sun and Mercury are moving through early Scorpio this week, which will open many doors and clarify many issues. Make sure you know who is who. Make sure you know where you stand and why. Note the differences between belief and understanding.
Would also be good to read a wonderful book like this, at such times:
A bit more about it here;
While the “Course in Miracles” quote may be true on a spiritual level, on a practical and tangible level we are called to make choices that at times require maturity and responsibility.
The reality is, that as adults we must make choices every day we don’t like. That’s what mature, responsible adults do. Making a choice in this election is, in essence, no different…except perhaps more urgent and consequential.
Democracy is a privilege, our freedom is not guaranteed. And on a practical level, this election requires us to make a choice. We may not like the choices available to us, but in the end, aren’t we responsible for that, whether because of the actions we took or the actions we avoided taking? Because of the words we spoke, or the words we allowed, or the words we subjugated?
Indeed, no choice is a choice. And it may very well be that “no choice” is precisely what has brought us here to the race between Trump and Clinton. However, as responsible citizens of a very imperfect democracy, we must exercise our right to vote, if only to choose the lesser of two evils. That’s what citizens of a democracy, even one that is ailing…do.
Kelly Grace Smith
A course in miracles describes a world not bound by space and time. the purpose is miracles, which would mean manifesting more options. that is, specifically, the “other option”
Yes, and we are spiritual beings, in a physical body, in a physical reality…how we engage with this world, make choices, act or allow…impacts our learning and growth into becoming more of who we are; becoming more “of spirit,” if you will.
And who we are being as human beings impacts humanity; “what I do for me, I do for humanity.” I think insuring Trump is not elected is likely a wise thing to do for ourselves…and for humanity.
Absolutely manifest other options; and one way to manifest other options…is in who you are being here and now. Our Spirit, Soul, Self – however you define that for yourself – does not get to bypass this world and its opportunities for your higher evolution. And “other” manifested options likely won’t be appearing in the voting booth!
Who knows how Hillary’s “journey” until now, and the journey she will experience if elected, will impact her? Certainly President Obama’s journey looked nothing like he expected, yes?
If we are dealing beyond Personality in this discussion…who will say what is her soul’s journey? Perhaps we should vote for her and manifest the highest possible good for her Presidency? A spiritual perspective is one that surrenders to the knowing that the Personality is not all there is to know about another individual…
In other words, you cannot judge what the Soul or Self’s journey is by what you see in the Personality…
Kelly Grace Smith
“The significant problems we face can never be solved at the level of thinking that created them.” — Albert Einstein
“Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.” — A Course in Miracles, Lesson 79