As we begin moving onward and outward from today’s Leo New Moon, the astrology seems to be setting us up to consider matters of the head and the heart. Where do they intersect, and where do they seem at odds with one another? What can one teach the other, and vice versa?
The centerpiece of the week is the conjunction between the Sun and Mars in Leo, exact Wednesday at 8:57 pm EDT (00:57 UTC Thursday).

Photo by Amanda Painter.
This certainly brings the heart into the equation; though it does so in a very expressive Mars style, rather than in the more receptive mode of Venus.
Sun-Mars conjunctions (especially in a sign like Leo) are about getting active to feel good: start a project, especially something you identify with closely, and get creative. If you’re feeling insecure about something, find a constructive outlet (especially anything physical) to help channel those emotions and buffer against recklessness. There is the potential here to get a little caught up in the energy and not notice how much you’re putting out there.
On either side of Sun-Mars, Venus will make a series of aspects. Venus is in Gemini currently: an emotional planet in an airy, mental sign. Venus is said to be amiable in Gemini, but not known for its depth and steadfastness. One take on these Venus aspects is that you’ll be confronted with interrelated facets of yourself, some of which you might rather not face. Yet, this is all knowledge that can help you in the long run.
Venus opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, on Monday, sets up the dynamic of the desire to enjoy oneself versus one’s duty to other responsibilities. Where is your pleasure-seeking at odds with your work ethic?
Venus opposite Ixion (Wednesday) brings in the question of ethics. What you say about how you feel; how you feel about what you want; what you’re actually willing to do or to allow others to do; where do all of these meet? Notice if you’re running two sets of values at once, depending on what’s at stake or who you’re relating to.

Photo by Amanda Painter.
Friday, Venus opposes centaur Pholus and the Galactic Core.
Remember that Pholus represents the small cause with the big effect, while the Galactic Core can be thought of as our ‘cosmic homing signal’.
How do your values and your desires align with those principles — and with each other? All work and no play is no good for anybody; look for the point of honest, ethical negotiation.
Finally, on Saturday, Venus squares Chiron in Pisces. According to Barbara Hand Clow, this aspect is about learning a lesson in receptivity and value systems, and connecting your feelings to your “higher self” or spirituality. Coming at the end of the series of aspects that it does, this makes sense. With all of the Venus aspects involving mutable signs, adjustment — and healing any rift you feel — looks especially possible. So take heart.
And: use your head. Mercury moving into Virgo on Tuesday at 7:41 pm EDT (23:41 UTC) brings a dose of mental stability, logic and practicality. This should help you to guide all the Sun/Mars/Leo energy, and to find tangible pathways for any tension the Venus aspects represent.
Speaking of Mercury: before it changes sign, it enters its pre-retrograde shadow phase on Monday. This is no reason to panic. But it is a good reminder to draw up a plan to tie up any financial and contractual loose ends, and to get to work enacting it this week and next. The Sun and Mars are offering the energy to do so; with any luck, Venus will help you to identify your highest priorities.