Sometimes astrology is affirmed by events. Other times, astrology is validated by profound timing. If ever you are likely to see both a precise temporal correspondence and compelling correlations to astrological events, it will be when Mars leaves its Capricorn exaltation behind to enter Aquarius shortly before 1 am EDT (05:51:23 UTC) tomorrow.
You don’t have to be an astrologer to understand Mars. All you have to do is see it in the sky. The steady red glow of Mars is unmistakable, as is the feeling you get in your gut upon consciously sighting it with an awareness of what it is.
Maybe it’s the color. Perhaps it’s the corresponding mythology. It’s even possible that your genetic memory recognizes its origins when Mars is brought to your attention by either direct apprehension of its visage or an indirect experience of its manifestations.
At its best, Mars is emblematic of all the distinctions that separate merely existing from truly living. The energy, passion, desire and need which go into making an effort and finding a way are a vital part of how astrology characterizes the Martian archetype. Paradoxically, Mars also symbolizes much of what is destructive to life.
While there is some continuity of expressed identity, the astrological qualities of Mars are not constant. Context is all-important. A big part of context for any planet is what sign it is currently traversing. That’s how a planet exiting one sign to ingress another is considered by astrologers to be an important occasion. Interestingly, the impending Martian shift into Aquarius will be taking place at about the same time we all get a notion of how an important political event (the U.S. presidential election) is turning out.
Given the pronounced partisan divisions that have so long distinguished U.S. politics, there will be a lot of unhappy people no matter what happens after the votes are counted. Even so, a lot of the same people will also be relieved to see what has been a largely sordid and impertinent campaign finally come to an end. It therefore makes sense that Mars is now winding up about six weeks in a sign where its excesses are implicitly indulged by the established order, and is proceeding to enter a sign where Martian characteristics are likely to be mediated by a more collective sway.
Your part in the grand scheme of things would be more fully realized if you were to move on along with Mars. Implicitly, that would entail putting the election — but not its politics — behind you, beginning tomorrow. That’s because this particular election will more likely signify a beginning than an end. For if there is one common ground that unites both the U.S. electorate and citizens of the world, it’s a clear sense that there has to be a better way.
At this point, a better way to determine how we are all governed will not happen by itself. Even if you are sick and tired of what has happened over the last six weeks, you can be sure that the less savory and more abusive members of existing power structures will not surrender their hegemony. If you do not want politics to continue following its currently disgusting course, you will need to do something — and doing something is what Mars is for.
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I remember Eric writing long ago that our entry and time in the Age of Aquarius would actually be a very dark and troubling time. Time has proven that correct. For all who seek a light at the end of this tunnel, I can only say–perhaps we’re in the wrong tunnel.
Or, maybe it’s just a little longer and darker than we anticipated…
Rob: thank you for giving me cause to indulge a wry smile. One must remember, however, that (as a rule) tunnels are made – constructed for purposes such as shortcuts, bypass or convenience. If we are in a dark and troubling tunnel, it is not by chance – it is by the choice of nearly half of the U.S. electorate.
Our new American President: A Martian-groping populist who we believe (from lack of “government or military experience”) doesn’t know how to govern yet nonetheless, was elected by those who admit that they didn’t care to know how he would govern because the alternative (Clinton) was a known entity and they didn’t want to chose that time of governance.
My extreme novice impression of the signs says its all pretty simple really. Americans, represented by their moon sign in Aquarius, wanted change, and Mars the hot planet, yet action-oriented form tapped our Moon, that is our emotions and passions in oh-so many ways. We ignored the political signs, all of us: Trumps rallies were well-attended and pervasive. He had passionate arguments for emotionally-oriented Americans who like one or two platform measures and are not too concerned with the rest.
Trump has a free ride for at least the next two years with a majority in Congress. Now to pray that the Supreme Court can remain in tact (no one become incapacitated/die, i.e., Ginsberg) which I believe is the biggest threat to the values that we cherish, For policies can and will change frequently but legal precedent, interpreted by the Supreme Court has incredibly longer staying power.
In many respects Trumps winning is a good moment for this nation because it uncovers the populist anger and gives them a chance to govern. In two years every Congressman will be up for re-election and a third of the Senate will be up for re-election, and trust me, the Democrats know this full well. President-elect Trump must focus his policies on his first two years in office when he has a majority in both Houses of Congress. And his leading arguments/platform promises: Build a wall that Mexico will pay for and repeal and replace Obamacare will be big initiatives. He will likely receive support on the latter (Mexico is dead-in-the water on paying for a wall) but how will he replace, fund and work with the states to implement a new health plan? After all, when you repeal a law such as healthcare, an enormous vacuum emerges and it will be the States that will have to deal with the vacuum first. And not all states have Republican governors…some governors that are Republican don’t like Trump…all Governors are States-rightists…yet, most governors do not want to pay for healthcare…
Then there is the infrastructure that Trump has promised to build so that he can “Make America Great Again.” My hats off to him on this platform measure that he mentioned in his acceptance speech last night. But to build roads, airports and the like, he will also have to work with a very extensive existing legislative package that is so intertwined with federal and state laws and planning in various stages (hence “bureaucracy”) that it will be interesting to see how he can shake such contracting measures free in rapid succession, especially without any sort of allegations of favoritism. For example, nearly every bit of our infrastructure is built by private businesses who bid on government contracts. And do you know how long it takes to build a mile of road? A seaport or airport wing? Even if he could cut the time in half it would still exceed two years. But these next two years count so I think the question now is, what are you, as an American, planning to do for the next two years?
I’ve only mentioned a small facet of this fascinating era of the new governing moment when Mars has entered Aquarius. I look forward to reading more by the astrologists on this website and others here. For me, on the politics being personal, I am relieved it is over, saddened by the results but willing to move forward to the new era and do my part by making our officials accountable and do what I can to “keep America Great together.”
Pisces Sun: Please accept my thanks as well for taking the time and effort to post your thoughtful comments. Please do not think me anything less than grateful if I differ on a few points. First: When you say “We ignored the political signs; all of us…” that’s not exactly true. Michael Moore predicted a Trump victory weeks and weeks ago. He was not alone. Some simply chose not to give voice to what was plainly written in the political signs.
Next: the related astrology was not simple, really. The timing of Mars entering Aquarius could just as easily have been used to predict a Clinton victory propelled by emotionally oriented voters who were focused on issues of misogyny and racism and “not too concerned with the rest.” What was clear about the timing of Mars entering Aquarius was that the voters would be intervening to mediate and choose between sets of Martian excesses previously indulged by the established order which Capricorn can plausibly be interpreted to represent.
Also: the odds are against the Supreme Court remaining intact, regardless of how one feels about the efficacy of prayer.
In addition: Those who believe Trump’s promise to rebuild national infrastructure would do well to ask the legion of contractors and employees Trump has stiffed what they think about Trump keeping his word.
Finally: what i’m planning to do for the next two years is not fully formed at this time, and even if it were, I would no longer be comfortable sharing it via the Internet.
Yes Len, thanks for pointing out that I am wrong, that some of us did indeed recognize the true effect that Trump was having on American voters and that most pollsters were plain wrong in concluding that Clinton would win the election. However, the leading stories are that the nation is “stunned” by Trump’s win and it is in that context that I was referencing “us” getting it wrong. Regarding the astrology, I admit to be novice. What I was referencing was the simplicity of Trump’s tactics and strategy which occurred quite frankly, before us. He is simple in his statements, simple in his platform and mercurial and played on American populist opinions.
Yes,Len, I agree with you regarding the Court and as much as I get frustrated about the use of the filibuster I think I’d believe a Democrat in Congress would be hailed a hero if they successfully filibustered and prevent ed an “originalist” (Justice Scalia-type) judicial appointment. The judicial appointments are one of the highest powers and responsibilities that I fear the most in Trump’s hands.
Regarding my response and feelings towards all politics is personal, I am certain I a feeling the effects of Mars, as you suggested we would in this piece. I feel that I must take positive action and know for me, that I once I know what is in front of me, I can address the issue. I am following Bernie Sander’s lead: “To the degree that Trump can follow progressive policies, I am united with him. To the degree that Trump is a racist, misogynist, bigot, and works against the environment than I will oppose him vigorously.” (paraphrased). The President-elect will have a Republican-majority Congress for the next two years. We can’t fight the last campaign any longer but we can look ahead, I think it is owed to the office of the President to support him but also hold him (and all our elected officials accountable). As President Obama said, first and foremost, we are patriots. As you wrote so elegantly here Len, we are facing a new beginning now that the election is over. One that is focused on finding a better way. And for me, as you explained, I am feeling “Mars” assistance towards accepting and then moving forward towards “doing.”
Because there is much more work left to be done to drive towards a more unified nation.
Pisces Sun: It’s not so much about right or wrong. For me being “stunned” (as you put it) is like losing a loved one to a long illness. The passing is not surprising, but the shock of its reality coming to pass is there nonetheless. To paraphrase Keith Olberman, Trump has not changed in seven decades of life, we should not expect him to change now. i cannot bring myself to support a monster who distinguishes himself by bringing out the worst in others, especially a monster who has (by choice of less than a majority of U.S. voters) had conferred upon him a hallowed office which puts him in a position to bring out the worst in an entire nation. i owe a lot to my country. i don’t owe anything to him, regardless of his title. If anything, he owes us (and just look at his track record of stiffing contractors and employees as our only realistic indicator of what to expect). You, in fact, were not wrong in any of the instances you cited. i only begged with all respect to differ about a few things. It is i who am now boldly taking the risk of being wrong rather than mincing words as so many are now doing. If i am proven wrong, I will eat these words reproduced on the paper of your choice.
Len, I don’t want to mince words, certainly not with you, who I deeply respect, but I offer Hillary Clinton’s gracious response when she gave her support to Trump: “it hurts and will hurt for a long time.”
Perhaps outrage is the best response, and taking to the streets in protest is best too. We all react differently but I am definitely feeling Mars’ pressure to act but more in the manner you wrote above. As I wrote in the first instance my sentiment is to “Keep America Great Together.”
Pisces Sun: my hat is off to you. You’ve dived into ‘thoughtful planning and action mode’ far faster than I ever could today!
You make some great points, and ask some good questions. Personally, I am just curious — and more than a little nervous. We might to make praying for the health and safety of our SCOTUS members (especially Ms. Ginsburg!) a daily practice…
Yes, I think daily lighting of candles…
It is indeed better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Good Morning Americans! What have you done to nominate those jackasses to begin with?!! WOWA!
What else can be said other than… people build the tunnels… and living people will turn this moment around, with a little time and TLC.
Let’s keep our centre and remember…. up n down the ladder with the 2 feet on the ground. Honour our roots and stay focused and disciplined.
lindeelou with love