It is almost as if the astrology is stepping us through a process of some sort as of late. There has recently been a continual periodicity of one meaningful celestial event leading to another — a phenomenon which is not always evident. Yesterday (Dec. 19) was a big step, what with Mars entering Pisces and Mercury shifting into retrograde only hours later. Dec. 21 will be even bigger.
Tomorrow, shortly after 5:44 am EST (10:44:06 UTC), the Sun will enter Capricorn. At precisely the same time, the Sun will be directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn — about 23-and-a-half geographical degrees south of the equator.
That’s no coincidence. It’s how the world (and astrology) works. Astrology is set up to be synchronized with the seasons. The seasons, in turn, have to do with where the Sun is rising and setting. Once you understand that, you are only one simple (albeit substantial) conceptual step from being part of the Earth to being part of the Cosmos.
Tomorrow, as the Sun leaves Sagittarius behind to enter Capricorn, everybody on Earth will be taking that seasonal and cosmic step precisely at once — and as one. Not everybody will be moving from one season to another with conscious awareness, even though it’s easy (weather permitting) to do so. All you have to do is watch the Sun.
No matter where you live, sunrise tomorrow will take place as far south on the eastern horizon as it will ever get. Likewise, the Sun will be setting as far south on the western horizon as you will ever see it do. Such an occasion is called a solstice. After a solstice, the Sun turns around.
After tomorrow the Sun will be rising and setting further and further north on the eastern and western horizons. After tomorrow, you will have to gradually position yourself farther and farther north of the Tropic of Capricorn to experience the Sun directly overhead. The result of this turning point, called a solstice, is that the ratio of daylight to nighttime will begin to move back towards equilibrium no matter where you reside.

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When the ratio of day to night changes, everything else changes with it. You will be able to see the consequences all around you. You can also smell, hear and feel your way through the daily steps from one season to another.
It’s not magic. It is wondrous. Such simple but substantial wonders (easily seen, but also easily missed) contribute to make life on Earth what it is. The very same events combine to make astrology pertinent to your life.
There is no separation. You are part of the Earth. As the Earth goes, so goes your life. Same for everybody else. Same as regards to you and everybody else being part of the solar system, the galaxy and the universe. It’s all one thing, and beginning tomorrow you can watch the first step of that thing turning away from one of its most extreme manifestations, and back towards balance, with your own eyes.
Of course, you can look (and step) away. You can pretend that you are separate. You can ignore the Sun and take the Earth for granted. You can make it all about you. Nobody stays separated forever.
Sooner or later, things turn. Better to turn with them than have them turn on you. Better to move with the seasons one step at a time. Tomorrow will be an excellent and easy time to begin turning things around in step with the Sun. You could do a lot worse than simply to see that. Once you see what the Sun is about to show you, you will have a much better idea of what to do, and plenty of time to gradually go about doing it.
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Thank you Len. Happy Solstice!
Quite incredible beauty to the sunrise yesterday, as it had to clear a very long band of grey and white top clouds; that stretched along the horizon.
Been missing the sunsets, but hopefully not tonight; weather permitting.