By Jen Sorensen,

Psssst! Hey, you! Yeah you — the one reading this. Did you know that you can now get access to articles posted on this website through Planet Waves’ new reader-level membership? So if you have friends who’ve reached their click-limit, pass it along (and if that describes you, what are you waiting for?). Our Core Community membership still gets you email delivery, plus other perks.
Jen! Fantastic! I honestly feel like printing out your comic and taking it with me and presenting it each time I “endure” a legal transaction and offering it to the corporate party: car sales, job interview, child’s college loan, any purchasing transaction basically. Fantastic! Why not start this revolution? Of course the courts say we have a right to chose a different product and not consummate the deal but chose who? With nearly every product being homogeneous, due to large corporations pushing out small mom and pop businesses, consumers really don’t have choices and corporations rule the world with their corporate legal documents favoring their own homies, which of course favors disposition in the State of Delaware, the most favored corporate state! AmeriCo, home of the corporate free and the persons trying to be chin-up brave!