We live in times that test our capacities. Our physical capacities are tried by a physical environment different from that in which our species has spent most of its history. Our mental faculties are likewise subjected to an intellectual climate defined by information overload.
From a spiritual perspective, even just the basic facts of modern life are enough to challenge the strongest aptitude for belief. Finally, and perhaps most of all, current events are proving to be an emotional test for anybody paying attention.
Yet, if there is one proficiency that distinguishes nearly any individual human, it is the ability to endure. Your expected lifespan exceeds that of most animals. Time and time again you have demonstrated amazing resiliency.
While there may be no scientific explanation of your abilities to persevere in a functional way, you probably know the answer. It’s heart. Both in terms of the muscle that circulates your blood, and in a metaphorical sense, the heart that gets you through. Consider the final testimony of the late, great Muhammad Ali.
In his final moments, Ali’s organs failed one by one. Yet his heart kept beating. To the astonishment of loved ones who were there to witness his transition out of this mortal coil, Ali delivered one final demonstration of his greatness — and your own. Nearly half an hour after his mind and body had otherwise shut down, he sent a message from his heart to yours.
That message is to follow your heart. No matter what your mind may tell you, at least listen to your heart as well. No matter how you choose to believe, only your heart can vindicate your faith. No matter what you set out to do through the means of physical body, unless your heart is in it, it won’t get done. Of all the things you trust, you know that your heart is the most reliable.
Those who distinguish the bodily energy centers called chakras discern that the heart is the center of them all. It is the place where earth and sky come together. It is where all other complementary principles and phenomena are reconciled.
Similarly, astrology’s zodiac may also be said to have a heart. It is the cusp where the single sign ruled by the Moon (Cancer) and the solitary sign ruled by the Sun (Leo) come together. Late tomorrow (or early Thursday, depending on your time zone), Mercury will cross that cusp.
Among its many earthly correlations, versatile Mercury corresponds to the mind, thoughts and intellect. In other words, capacities of your brain. It is customary to assume that the brain is the boss. As a matter of fact, that assumption goes so deep as to be almost (and ironically) unconscious. Yet, as Muhammad Ali proved after losing consciousness, the heart — and all it is associated with — can and does go on even when the mind does not.
Interestingly, the planet perhaps most associated with the heart’s highest capacities has led the way. When Mercury enters Leo tomorrow, it will be following Venus. For the time being, at least, the planet most properly associated with the heart’s ability to love is out in front of Mercury. It is not an example to be ignored.
During these times when your capacities are being put to the test, you could do a lot worse than to follow the example Mercury and Venus are now setting. For the time being, at least, let your heart and its capacity to love lead the way for you. To be sure, it would be wise to follow up with some sound and consciously aware thinking. For, just as Mercury and Venus are but parts of a larger system, so are your heart and mind.
For the sake of your own system, however, rely on your heart. At least until Mercury catches up to conjoin with (and then pass) Venus this weekend, depend on your strongest part — your heart — to get you through any confusion, any challenge, any trial. If there is indeed any harmony between what’s above and what’s down here below, you won’t be sorry for letting your heart lead the way for now.
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