By Amanda Painter
Tomorrow morning, at 7:12 am EDT / 11:12:03 UTC, the Libra Moon opposes the Aries Sun for the Libra Full Moon. While a Libra Moon tends to be a ‘people-pleasing’ placement — an intellectual and artistic Moon that seeks harmony — the chart for this event describes an emotional current that’s under pressure, and which therefore could tip either way: toward creativity or toward disruption.

Shadow Meeting; photo by Amanda Painter.
In fact, you may already be experiencing provocative encounters with certain people in your life; possibly someone is being reactive. Or could it be that you’re the reactive one?
Remember that one inherent property of a Full Moon is that the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s light. It’s a great metaphor for the type of emotional projection that can happen between people, especially if a situation carries unacknowledged baggage from the past, or if a current-moment factor is being left unsaid.
We human beings can have a hard time being introspective when something is thrust in our face; or when too much is demanding our attention around us. Yet one thing this Full Moon appears to be asking for is a high degree of self-awareness — in particular, some self-monitoring of our less-controlled urges.
For one thing, the Sun and Moon are facing off from the very last degree of their respective signs. This may translate to an added edginess — especially since the Sun and Moon are also both in close contact with Uranus in Taurus. The Moon will oppose ‘the cosmic sparkplug’ later on Friday; the Sun will conjoin Uranus on Monday.