Dear Friend and Reader:
Today we have the Moonshine horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, written in Cairo. Moonshine is based on your Moon sign, which is a good thing to know if you find astrology helpful. It will open up a new dimension of your astrological consciousness (and there are many more after that). Though they’re written based on the qualities and properties of the Moon sign, I’ve found them useful for both the Sun and rising sign as well. Try them on and see what resonates with you.
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Photo by Eric Francis.
If you’re curious what your Moon sign is, I suggest you go to, get a free membership and enter your birth data. This will tell you what sign your Moon is in. Or you can go to and enter the data there (converting to Greenwich time) and check without having to get a membership.
I would call your attention to a few other recent features from Planet Waves. One is yesterday’s daily post on today’s Capricorn Full Moon. That happens at 2:52 pm EDT. This article includes Mars ingressing Libra (which just happened about two hours ago) and the Moon-Pluto occultation.
I’ve also posted Planet Waves FM early in honor of the Full Moon and staying ahead of the Independence Day holiday. This edition covers the week’s astrology from a different angle than yesterday’s daily, in more nuanced detail — particularly the Moon-Pluto event and Mars entering Libra. If you have the time, this edition of FM is an excellent, patient explanation of deeply sensitive astrology that influences your life personally.
I also look at the USA Sibly chart, then I wrap myself in the rainbow flag and read the Declaration of Independence, a tradition I started last year (though I didn’t read the whole thing). My reading of the Declaration is included as a separate file in case you’re a deejay in Mykonos and you want to mix it up with some fantastic dub step techno house or maybe even a little Lady Gaga.
On a schedule note, there will be no Daily Astrology tonight; that will resume overnight Wednesday to Thursday, and Friday’s subscriber edition will be a horoscope only.
If you’re in the United States, have a safe and sane holiday, and for all those elsewhere, a chill week in the midst of the heat and the hot astrology.
Cancer Birthday Reading is Ready!
Hello Cancer Sun, Moon and rising folk — and happy birthday to Cancer Sun readers.
The Cancer 2012-2013 birthday report is now available. This is a detailed reading of transits as they influence your sign, with a focus on career and relationships — and a special focus on home and security base. It accounts for certain factors going out as far as 2014 that begin to have an influence starting in July.
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Photo by Sarah.
This is an excellent astrological product covering the transits you’ve been reading about in Planet Waves, including the Uranus-Pluto square, the Saturn-Eris opposition, Mars changing signs and the conclusion of Venus retrograde.
I also include a reading with the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless — cross-checking the astrology with the Tarot with some surprising results. The product includes photos of the Tarot spread, the chart, and access to last year’s reading so you can both review and check its accuracy against the events of your life.
If you have never tried one of my birthday readings, we’re so confident it will be helpful that we offer a full guarantee of your purchase. My intention is to make this the most worthwhile $19.95 you’ve ever spent on an astrology product, and I put the best of my talent into the work.
Note, this report is substantially different from the 2012 annual (Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check.) written with six months’ extra perspective and covering many other themes.
Here is your link to order.
This report will be effective and timely for Cancer rising and Moon readers as well. For other signs, we have a page that lists all of my birthday products for the past year or so.
Thank you for your business. Please let me know how you like the reading. Here is what other readers have said about my birthday products — the response has been amazing.
Moonshine Horoscope for July 2012 by Genevieve Hathaway
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Usually your words align with your desire; you possess a clear ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Said another way, you tend to speak and write from a place of honesty and authenticity, a refreshingly genuine trait. For a while, you’ve tried to communicate an idea regarding your emotional needs, specifically the need to create new structures that serve you rather than propagating the patterns of the past. What you wish to state has remained murky, bringing a feeling of frustration. This concept has been a bit slippery to orient on and relate in verbal and written terms. Traction to find the words you seek is becoming available, but involves a stretch. This is less about a physical reaching out, and more an expansion of your vision. Some well-placed curiosity about yourself can yield information that helps you bridge the clarity gap. This will allow you to translate what you’ve wanted to explain to those around you. Focus on open receptivity, and paying attention to what your senses tell you. This will help you to see the whole landscape, including the corners. What you are looking for will manifest on the fringes of your vision then move into the center, granting you access to it in detail. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). |
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Internal patterns that do not serve you have hung around longer than you wished, stemming from a perceived feeling of comfort in knowing how to work with them. Put another way, you were operating from the philosophy that the problem you know is better than the problem you don’t know. This idea is one you were given in childhood, but actually it goes back generations. You can break this cycle of perpetuating these patterns that your family has lived with a long, long time. Acknowledgment that you want a different inner emotional space is the first step. From there it’s a matter of deciding how you want to feel, using your imagination as a guide. I propose you see this as a process of moving away from how you’ve felt in the past, and instead experiment with new emotional responses to familiar situations. Do not worry about getting it ‘right’. Rather, focus on simply experiencing existence differently from before. You are covering new territory. Some of the emotional patterns you try will work and some will not. How you spot a pattern to hold onto is if it makes you feel good about being you, good about existing. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link. |
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your relationship to your emotional framework is evolving. That’s another way of saying how you experience your feeling body has undergone changes. There are two things working here — what you feel, and how you respond to it — and you’re becoming conscious of the connection between the two. This shift has been building for some time. Growth can come with the sensation of a stretch, but where you are reaching to now is a place of deeper emotional balance. Think of this as a chance to imagine a different frame of mind through which you filter experience. This includes knowing your expectations, and changing them if you need to. Proceed actively, harnessing intention as the mechanism by which you make desired changes. Thought of another way, know where you want things to be different and align your choices and emotions with the new vision. Currently, those around you are holding space for you to experiment with new emotional models of receptivity and nurturing. They are more open than you think, which is to say, you have help not being fixated on the past. It’s always better to have cooperation with that one. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Gemini birthday reading is ready! Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric. |
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Our increasingly polluted planet is in a lot of pain — the trees, land animals, critters in the sea — and so is our own species. This influences all of our psychic and emotional bodies, though you are particularly sensitive. You feel this large-scale pain acutely and deeply; you instinctively take responsibility for healing much of the world’s suffering. At times you may not feel like you are making much of a dent in the suffering you see around you. Your intention does go a long way in making a difference. I propose a simple exercise — go hug a tree. I mean literally hug your favorite tree, transferring to it all the love you can muster. Then maybe sit with it and ask how it’s doing and if it has any information for you. The astrology is aligning in the section of your chart that will translate the love you give on a global scale. You stand between the business-as-usual way of living that has brought us nothing but a polluted planet and unhappy human race and, on the other side, love: the inner condition of beauty and harmony. Each loving act — toward your fellow man, animals, plants — tips the balance a little more in the favor of a loving, healthy world. Plus, trees are pretty smart. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Your Cancer birthday reading is ready! It includes more than hour of astrology plus a tarot reading, and has been getting awesome reviews from our readers. Use this link to order. |
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Over the next few weeks, reevaluate where you invest your emotional resources. In terms of what you give back to the world, your deepest needs are calling you to acknowledge and utilize your skills involving emotional nurturing. They are greater than you may recognize, and this is enhanced by the Sun’s forthcoming conjunction to your natal Moon. To feel emotionally satisfied in your soul, you need to be doing work that supports people. I’m not talking about helping your next-door neighbor, but rather participating in the world on a scale larger than you might imagine. I suggest you consider work that benefits women, possibly involving something international (though obviously there are plenty of opportunities to be of service close to home). Your chart at the present time is highlighting the positive influences you can have on what you might think of as the feminine cosmos, for whom some women are the representatives in human form. The key is to make the connection from something tangible to something much larger. Having a Leo Moon can mean you want to take care of everyone, everywhere. Remember that one of the deepest needs women have is companionship. Offering this is not a matter of effort; rather, it’s about attention. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Since early this year, you have worked through a series of journeys to the center of yourself. Each quest has had a different theme and a different feel, but took you to a similar place at your core, where your deepest passions are held. At times this process felt relentless, but served the purpose of driving home a point (and home may include a point about the house you live in). Being clear about what is right for you is actually a matter of alignment with your inner guidance, something most people deny. One reason you struggle with inner guidance is because there can be conflicts between the information you get, and what you think should be true. However, there came a few points where you realized you had no doubts whatsoever about what was in fact true, all doubts aside. You have been considering ideas about whether or not you were living your potential, but much still remained true only in theory. Now is the time to take action on your desires and your deepest values, putting all you have learned into practice. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). |
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your psychic body is increasing in sensitivity this month. And what, exactly is that? Think of that as the aspect of yourself where you simply know something is true, without needing external verification. This is particularly meaningful for informing you about the direction of your life and the choices you make. You have been deepening a connection to something about yourself that you know has always been true. Your intention and desire to act are condensing to the point where something solid can manifest. That, you might say, is the potential. Next, a form of action is required — in particular, consciously moving through emotional blockages belonging to your mother. Your emotional memory is filled with remnants of her attitudes she passed on to you, including her anger. How did she deal with that emotion? By trying to make everyone happy? What was the impact on her? Once you identify her tendencies, it will be easier to put them aside, and you will slip into a new, far more sensitive state of being without all that clutter in the way. Increased sensations of emotional balance, even when your external world is anything but harmonious, are indications you’ve reached this new space of existence. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). |
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The exterior ‘you’ that you present to the world does not often reflect the acute sensitivity and feeling that goes on inside you. You work hard to build a strong shell to keep your soft side well protected, though it’s time to question the wisdom of this. It’s not that you don’t trust people; rather, you are more aware than most of the dark aspects of human nature, and it seems prudent to respond. Yet what is that about? You seem poised to find out. It goes back a long way, to the chilly way you were treated as a child, and being able to see through people and understand their motives. This is now coming to the surface for healing. Acknowledge the pain brought by any lack of demonstration of how precious you were as a child to the people around you. Mothers are only human; and most of them become mothers before they’ve built the skills to raise another human being. Insufficient emotional nourishment in the past does not mean that you cannot catch up now. Forgive your mother’s shortcomings and apparent failures. They were what they were — you’re in charge of your life now, including being in command of responding to your own needs. Yet the path from here to there likely involves coming out of your shell and being just a little more vulnerable. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). |
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Dynamics in your relationships, especially those involving women who look to you as an authority figure or source of emotional support, may seem to get complicated this month. Yet I suggest you view new developments less as a complication and more as a learning experience. What is manifesting is actually coming from within you. It seems to be about changes occurring in your partners or your relationship to them, though that’s reversing cause and effect. Like shining a light through a crystal which produces all the colors contained within one light wave, your modes of relating are now filtering into their many components, which are then projected into the world. While you’re taking the time to look at the components, remember the source of energy that’s creating them, and remember that it’s you through whom they are being filtered. Knowing the flow of energy will serve you a lot better than picking through the details of what only seems to be true. This will help you have an honest conversation with the significant women in your life. Handled with thought, care, love and holding space for all parties to grow, you will create deeper and stronger relationships. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). |
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are a natural leader, which has its roots in your strong personality. Like a massive old-growth tree, your inherent strength is attractive to those around you. Many view you as someone who is strong through even the most chaotic and difficult situations, thus making them instinctively defer to you. At times, this quiet authority you exude has led to power struggles with people who seek authoritative roles but are not good at working smoothly with other leaders (or who intend the opposite). This can and does influence you where you work. Tension between you and an individual involved in your daily work routine has adversely affected the emotional satisfaction of your job. In order to get past this, it will be essential for you to make contact with your sense of security, and to leave your insecurities at the door. You possess naturally what others are only faking. To access the solution, you must step outside your usual problem-solving method. Feeling able to expand as authentically ‘you’ into your space at work will have a ripple effect — bringing a sense of emotional satisfaction to all facets of your life. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). |
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — For the past few months, creative energy has been building in you, pushing to be expressed through art. In July, images and ideas are flooding your brain looking for an outlet in the physical world. I suggest you start carrying a sketchpad or notebook — and using it. Inspiration will be coming at all sorts of times and you will be bursting to jot or draw this down. Tune into your inner guide for the kind of art, writing or music to create; you will instinctively know the best form to express what is burning inside of you. Ignore your doubts surrounding your skill level or creative ability. These doubts are not actually informing you of anything useful. You may never have worked with a particular medium, but if inclination is driving you there, follow it. This process is bringing you in touch with a lost part of yourself — one that was sucked into the ethers with the ongoing technology revolution the past 10 to 15 years (and I suggest looking back that far for forgotten goals and desires). You will claim this part of you back through the physical movements and emotional attunement involved in doing the one thing that the universe was made for — creation. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). |
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your inner world has gone through a series of expansions over the past year. At times this felt like your access to creativity was a never-ending well; other times it felt like you were way ahead of everyone else exploring a new frontier. Both were simultaneously true. Another expansion of your emotional plane occurs this month. It has the feeling of a door manifesting inside of you, inviting you to go through. This portal leads to a deeper well of emotional energy and a sense of the clear landscape of your soul. Opening this door requires a key, which comes in the form of knowledge. Seek information about what is best for you in terms of keeping your physical energy reserves full. Devote yourself completely to maintaining the health of your physical body. Eat well, drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep, do not consume too much caffeine or alcohol, and get in touch with your physical self through movement. Make it a daily yoga to prioritize your physical health and wellbeing, and consciously drop any patterns that detract from your health and energy. — by Genevieve Hathaway. Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).