We’re approaching that moment when the veil between the worlds grows thin; the Sun is now fairly in Scorpio and Mercury is soon to follow, and Halloween is not far away. The magic of the Old Gods and the mysteries of the Earth are beginning to soak into the atmosphere.

Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore and the Telesterion at Eleusis: the heart of the Mysteries. Photo by Carole Raddato.
This week, you get an opportunity to pay an early visit to those deeper places, and to answer the questions now being put: Who are you, really? Who do you want to be, really? What do you actually want and need, most of all?
You know that the solution to the puzzle of you is an ongoing one, not to mention complex and multifaceted. Human beings are many-dimensional.
To travel to the underworld as the nights draw in, or during the dark of the moon, is to travel inside oneself and explore this very thing. If done consciously and actively, profound healing is the usual reward. Your specific mission just now (should you choose to accept it) is to recognize where you have a tendency to limit your own horizons, particularly in relation to other people, their demands on you and yours on them.
Eric points out that in its journey through Scorpio, the Sun will make a series of trines to objects in Pisces, including Nessus, Neptune and Chiron (and Borasisi). This is likely to have two effects: one being additional clarity, especially that found through intuitive means; and the other being the opening of doors. You can seize on these moments, if you wish to do so, and thus expand your world.
Sometimes we forget that we are whole people in ourselves. If this sounds like you lately, take the chance to stimulate your memory.
With so many progressed planets in Scorpio, this specific mission seems to have chosen me. Its like or as if, I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life. Being whole is definitely a plus, as the fourth ray energy of Scorpio is Harmony through Conflict, and the conflict is intense; so that the harmony (clarity) you girls/guys bring is really great. Thanks, for the reminder.