
Posted by Amy Elliott


It’s well known that Mercury retrograde can be a royal pain in the backside. Yet for many it’s actually a source of relief, rest or inspiration — particularly if one flows with the proverbial tide. If you have experienced a less than ideal phase, this week’s conjunction may be of use.

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. — Vincent van Gogh

Monday sees the rare transit of Mercury across the face of the Sun. Astrologically, the precise conjunction takes place at 11:12 am EDT (15:12:02 UTC).


“The Sower” by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)

The Moon is on the Atlantis degree, 28+ Gemini, in that chart, and is aspected by the asteroid Atlantis itself, among others. Many of us have experienced a relatively rough ride in the past week; or at the least, one or two bumps in the road.

It’s well known that Mercury retrograde can be a royal pain in the backside. Yet for many it’s actually a source of relief, rest or inspiration — particularly if one flows with the proverbial tide. If you have experienced a less than ideal phase, this week’s conjunction may be of use. There might be a moment of sudden clarity or realization, in which the path ahead becomes straighter and possibly easier. If you’re going one step at a time, knowing where to put your feet next can be like liberation.

This week’s astrology suggests that the thing to do is to persist in spite of any apparent obstacles; those barriers are unlikely to be as big as they seem, and you are stronger than you know.

That doesn’t mean you have to write a novel or paint a masterpiece every day. If persistence means getting out of bed, that’s all that’s needed. Chances are you’ll feel stronger for the effort, and all the better once Mercury swings around and starts heading forward once more.

One thought on “Retro-Active

  1. Amanda PainterAmanda Painter

    Such a happy painting for today! :) Going one step at a time still seems to be pointing me in rather that out across a field — though I guess it the field is my mind/imagination/memory/soul, the image is quite apt. Still striding through there, trying to read the signs… I appreciate the reminder to keep going with it all.

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