The One and the Many | Eric Francis Coppolino
No matter what the outward style or structure, relationships boil down to a one-to-one meeting between two individuals. Those meetings are set within a larger context with many complex interrelations: a community. Yet one must first be a self — that is, experience a level of inner awareness — to have a relationship with someone else. If this piece provokes you, well…maybe it’s time to be provoked? Click here for full article.
Let’s Get Real: Saturn in Libra | Eric Francis Coppolino
Our collective process of searching for a relationship is so laden with unquestioned habits, values and presumptions, including the presumption that it’s acceptable to lie, it’s amazing anyone ever gets to know anyone else. We need some sanity here. Saturn in Libra is about focusing on relationships, and in particular, authenticity and balance in relationships — something we could use more of regardless where Saturn is presently. Click here for full article.
The Mayans, Juno and the Abyss | Eric Francis Coppolino
I’ve suggested that the Sun conjunct Juno in the first degree of Capricorn on 12/21/12 is about marrying ourselves before we try to marry someone else. Our Juno crisis is speaking directly to our sensation of an impending apocalypse and, I believe, driving it forward. How do we handle the possibility that that our collective relationship crisis is directly involved with our fears about the imminent demise of our society and our planet? Click here for full article.
The Radical Notion that Men Are People | Eric Francis Coppolino
Do men have a bad rap? In this not-to-be-missed edition, I take an in-depth look at the nature of gender inequality in the context of Mars in Libra. Rather than feed into stereotypes of male and female roles, I offer valuable advice on embracing strength instead of projecting blame. Click here for full article.