Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019

Posted by Sara Victoria Emory


The Sun entered your sign this year with a powerful message of rebirth. This is an ongoing process of integration, of making-whole, and of emergence into a fundamentally more empowered sense of self. This weekend’s Full Moon asks you to feel into what part of your soul you’ve handed over to others, and the role anger plays in healing what might feel lost.


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Yours is a tribe of action; the courageous pursuit of personal fulfillment. This involves risk and requires passion. Your journey has surely led down many paths, each with gifts of wisdom for those who seek it. This year’s long-running square between Jupiter and Neptune has opened doors to deeper spiritual awareness, and planted seeds of wisdom worth cultivating. You’re carving out a new path, with more of yourself to bring to it. We’re heading into a super-charged Full Moon right now and you’ll need to tune in deliberately, to ascertain which paths to follow and what action is wise. It’s a Slippery-When-Wet few days, when risky action of any kind is unadvisable. Frustration, confusion, discouragement or self-doubt are all possible under these conditions. But a karmic wave of sorts is breaking, and profoundly transformative insights are just as likely. Pay extra attention to dreams this weekend. Inner focus now will help you take advantage of a major shift coming up, one that clears the tracks for forward motion in worldly pursuits.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — To believe is to create. That’s Metaphysics 101: the causative power of concentrated thought. The stronger the emotion attached to a belief, the more intense the momentum. This works both ways, of course. Doubt — in your right to experience what you desire, or in its possibility — inhibits that creative force. The trick is to be on the same page with yourself; to get out of your own way. You can’t get what you want ‘till you know what you want, as the song goes. Distilling that into its essential core will help you navigate the deep waters rising over this Full Moon weekend. Long-term goals are in the spotlight, and you’ve got more resources than you might realize with which to actualize them. You don’t have to figure out details about the ‘how’ of it right now. It’s more important to clarify your actual intentions, and note where fears or doubts crop up. This is a gentle, feel-your-way process. Be patient with yourself, and those you wish to travel with into the future.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get.
Order individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your need for private, inward focus — for healing and deep emotional processing — may have been waylaid more than it should. Your public role and relational environment have demanded time and attention, and this weekend’s Full Moon brings much of that pressure to a head. Give yourself permission to actually feel what you feel, but recognize the difference between you and your emotions. This is no time to push yourself, get too down on yourself, or have that extra drink, especially if you’re ‘operating heavy machinery’. The good news is the palpable shift immediately after that wave crests; as the weekend concludes you should start to feel a little lighter. Assembly-line mentality dominates our culture, but to stay sane you’ve got to take time for yourself and have some fun. As much as you possibly can, carve out space for some R and R next week. An important opportunity to stock up on good vibes is closer than you think.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You might have had a bit too much to think. Between demands on the job, a packed schedule and overwhelming mental busy-ness, you could be running on fumes yet unable to stop. As one especially sensitive to lunar cycles, do yourself a favor and slow down. Don’t try to figure anything out right now. A potential for frustrating, confusing or dispiriting exchanges — or interior dialogue — is possible over this Full Moon weekend. Heightened emotional reactivity is familiar territory, but no running with scissors for a few days, OK? Let emotion flow without turning a mood into a manifesto. A reality-check and encouraging word from a solid companion can make a huge difference now, so don’t feel you need to go it alone. The less pressure you place on yourself, the more you’ll be able to tap your psychic reservoir for inner guidance that’s trying to get through. You need time on the proverbial mountain. Your inner world will look considerably brighter as soon as you come down.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The dramatic Full Moon clicking into gear illuminates your innermost psychic depths. The last several weeks have emphasized security issues — what you need to feel safe, and practical methods for strengthening material and emotional resources. You’re also in a cycle of expansive creativity and self-expression, and with it increased confidence in shining your true light out into the world. What’s coming to a head this weekend may feel like a confusing dilemma: risk versus safety, optimism versus worry, art versus paying the bills. Your fears may well be exaggerated, but you’re wise to take real time this weekend to turn within and let yourself feel what’s calling for attention. What have you avoided? The more honest you are with yourself, the more you value and invest in the process, the greater the potential for meaningful revelation. An element of healing weaves in here. Mentors, or renewed commitment to healthy routines, can provide much needed stability.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The Sun entered your sign this year with a powerful message of rebirth. This is an ongoing process of integration, of making-whole, and of emergence into a fundamentally more empowered sense of self. This weekend’s Full Moon asks you to feel into what part of your soul you’ve handed over to others, and the role anger plays in healing what might feel lost. You may have been striving for inner security in terms of an idealized relationship. Or seeking to reconcile the past with a series of confusing impressions that have ricocheted without satisfying resolution or clarity. Letting yourself explore this in some tangible, creative form can be profoundly helpful right now. If you’re in the early stages of a romantic relationship, it may be possible to move through challenging territory for the sake of creating a more solid, honest encounter. Ultimately, however, this is about your relationship with yourself. You’re on the verge of turning an important corner. The enhanced self-esteem that awaits is just the beginning.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

How do we confront this dual problem of premeditated decay of society, and the inner issue of needing the strength to take some meaningful action? Where do we start? As in few other times, this calls for a response from a spiritual place: of deep caring and responsibility; the quest for honest connection above all else.

Planet Waves

It has called forth all of my knowledge, experience and wisdom to do this work. I have proceeded in the spirit of therapy, knowing that most people do not or will not go. That spirit first involves seeking refuge, becoming aware of your situation, ordering your priorities, and then making choices. But the single most important factor of therapy — and of old school spiritual mentorship — is not giving answers, but helping the client find them for themselves. What I have to offer you are 12 readings of approximately one hour each, which use astrology to address the matter: the one about how to orient yourself to make the most of the difficult and challenging times we are in.

All 12 signs are currently $111. I am keeping that price low to encourage having access to all of the work. Individual readings are $44 for the first and $22 for each additional.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Transiting Jupiter in your chart has sought to re-wire limiting thought patterns, and inspire a more expansive view of the future. You have something to say. Yet certain projects, perhaps related to writing or education, could be hovering in limbo. Demands on your time, your job, or maybe health issues have kept intentions on hold. The real culprit seems related to self-esteem, however. A build-up of psychic pressure just beneath the conscious threshold may register as vague anxieties: fears or frustrations that haven’t been fully processed. This should start dissipating just after the Full Moon. Forward motion on several fronts is set to commence, so to ride the currents to best advantage, tend to ‘where you live’. This includes your actual home, family history, and old baggage you’ve put up with that’s weighing you down. Your new solar year approaches, and it’s time to clear the ground for rebuilding foundations, literally and figuratively. Every step in this direction will help kick-start new beginnings, sooner than you think.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself. Order individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Creative instinct flows from the well of fantasy. The imagination plays with the object it loves, to borrow from Carl Jung. The light of this weekend’s Full Moon illuminates your inventive gifts, and aspirations you may have harbored for projects rich with potential. The challenge is bringing that dream into tangible form. Recent focus on future goals might have bounced with dizzying speed between an idealized concept or romantic vision, and grounded, rational analysis. Professional or creative allies factor in here, which has presented its own challenges. If you encounter what feels like unduly harsh criticism, don’t be discouraged. Emotions are especially heightened right now, and you may tune into your muse more effectively without others around anyway. Communicate with those involved with as little judgment as possible, and/or get some of that inspiration down in written form, to mid-wife your dream. Note: exercise caution this weekend regarding recreational substances. This is not a good time to take chances.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Constraints are essential to genuine creativity. Courageous encounter with a problem sparks an alchemical process, setting conscious and unconscious forces in motion to form something new. Jupiter traveling through your sign this year has surely expanded your world in gratifying ways. Yet that quest for freedom and self-discovery has rubbed against slippery emotional history involving your past, your home, and your innermost private world. To the extent that you’ve established some personal sanctuary, a sacred space where you can retreat and commune, you’re in good shape. If you’ve felt undermined, or pressured to sacrifice your needs for family, look to what you honestly value. Denial or escape from what’s buried keeps you stuck. Recent intense activity related to your public role has likely brought this tension into sharp relief. This Full Moon brings it to a boil. You may have worldly commitments, but your power lies in quiet, meditative reflection now. Your inner being has wisdom to deliver. Note: Stay in or stay sober this weekend. Or both.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Sift the sands of your past for the lessons of value. They are your precious jewels and gifts of power. It’s gritty work, but archeology of the soul is your highest calling at this moment. Saturn, your ruling planet, hovers stationary in your sign, to resume forward motion next week. This weekend’s Full Moon is a prelude to a pivotal act in the drama of your life, and on the world stage. You’re well positioned to rise to the challenge. It requires honest examination of what may be unearthed, and the courage to feel, process and release what keeps you shackled to a self that you’ve outgrown. Dynamics in your chart right now speak of creative tension between conscious belief and intuitive wisdom. Your transformational journey has tested you to the limit, but you’ve developed strength you might not have thought possible. Most importantly, you seem to be asking the right questions, and are capable of opening to answers that feel true in your gut. That’s the metric to trust.

It is in times of the greatest change that the most progress is possible — and we’re in such an era. If you need help getting a grip, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, could be the lifeline you need to align with yourself.
Order individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What’s most important to you? That’s what describes your ‘values’. What deserves your attention, time and care, and occupies the highest place on your priority list? Friction between your own personal values (and security) and those of your community has been a theme this year. Your tribe has a reputation for independence, a certain ‘rebel’ cachet, but that requires a commitment to your personal truth that’s hard won. On a mundane level, the question has been how to reconcile idealistic aspirations for the future with available resources. Recently, that conversation has deepened to include those values and resources you may hold in common with partners, and reaches into highly sensitive psychic territory. This weekend’s Full Moon brings this tension to a head. You’ll navigate potentially contentious waters best by stepping back and taking as gentle and intuitive an approach as possible. Table financial decisions for a few days. Honest conversations about what may have been unacknowledged, fears or unexpressed needs, might be in order.

The 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, consists of 12 astrology sessions that will help you see where the stress points are, and where you can direct your energy and resources for some peace of mind and the results you want to get. Order individual signs here.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Dreaming-awake is a high art. It requires training yourself to become aware that you’re asleep; to realize consciously that you are dreaming. Then you can direct the dream with volition, and create a new reality in the physical, waking world. We’re heading into a positively oceanic Full Moon in your sign, a deep dive into Neptune’s realm. One over-arching theme conveyed is the need to retrieve essential aspects of your psyche that you’ve invested in relationships. You have a mission in this life, and you need all of yourself in the game. Your tribe is so acutely sensitive, and navigating this world can scathe your fine-tuned instrument to the point of shutting down. But you’ve ‘grown sick of shadows’, and have no desire to float down-river like the tragic Lady of Shalott. It’s time to come home. This emotional high tide is an opportunity to re-set, to heal old wounds in order to move forward. Honor this process. Your dharma calls you to bring forth your gifts to the world.

Feel deeper peace of mind, balance and a sense of influence over your affairs. Using the techniques of spiritual practice, therapy and astrological counseling, the 2019 Autumn Reading, In These Times, will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and your needs. You can order individual signs here.

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