Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 4, 2019

Posted by Amy Elliott


If you’re wishing to make a fresh start on any facet of your life, a New Moon in your sign is always useful in some way to that end; though this particular conjunction may be significantly more so. The act of making a beginning, and of getting yourself out of any situation where you feel stuck, will require you to take the initiative.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for April 4, 2019 (#1241) | By Amy Elliott

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you’re wishing to make a fresh start on any facet of your life, a New Moon in your sign is always useful in some way to that end; though this particular conjunction may be significantly more so. The act of making a beginning, and of getting yourself out of any situation where you feel stuck, will require you to take the initiative. Once you do, though, the metaphorical wind should be at your back. Count yourself in, and try to envisage what you want without placing limits on your potential reach.

Get your full Aries INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Profound healing may be open to you at present, especially relating to longstanding patterns of self-judgment or self-suppression. You are on a path to a place where you can be fearlessly unique; this means addressing every challenge to your doing so as it arises, and probably digging deep to tackle some sensitive material. The sense of liberation you are likely to feel at the end of this endeavor should make every effort worthwhile. Make accepting yourself in your true identity a conscious intention.

Get your full Taurus INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may well be able to have some fresh experiences in your social life in the coming days. This could come in the form of simply meeting new friends; you might also decide to revisit certain activities you enjoyed in former days. Taking advantage of whatever opportunities occur may require you to loosen up a little, particularly in regard to work commitments. You are perhaps overestimating the importance of remaining tied to your duties; don’t forget to treat your need for relaxation and fun as equally significant.

Get your full Gemini INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Continue your journey of growth into the character of leadership, which as you know by now is significantly different from merely possessing a formal title with accompanying perks. A good leader teaches by example, demonstrating the qualities they would see awaken in others. Encouragement and judicious praise also go a long way. Should all this be developing in parallel with possible career advancements, take care to select positions and duties that coincide with your ethical principles.

Get your full Cancer INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The New Moon in your fellow fire sign Aries could well prove an excellent one in terms of opportunities for your spiritual development and/or making contact with your higher self. It’s as if the fence we often place between ourselves and the Divine, in the workaday world at least, is no longer a barrier for you, unless you actively reinforce it. This might appear somewhat discomfiting, though that can be part of the nature of growth, and keeping an open mind almost always has beneficial results. Listen and see what comes through.

Get your full Leo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — “Know thyself,” the famed inscription over the door of the Eleusinian temple, is perhaps especially pertinent for you this week. Specifically, knowing yourself as apart from others might be more precise. With effort, you could very well reach a turning point in understanding the truth of you as an individual in your full power, independent of other people’s influences and of your own desires regarding them. Set your aspirations high; in theory, there is very little that is not within your power to attain.

Get your full Virgo INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Take extra care over the boundaries between yourself and loved ones, mainly in your mind and feelings. Projecting desired or undesired qualities onto a significant other may be a serious temptation over the forthcoming week, the more so if something important to you might be at stake. Check in with your emotional state frequently, and be thorough in analyzing your motives. It would probably be worthwhile to avoid quarrels as much as you can for the time being. Focus instead on living for yourself.

Get your full Libra INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you were a child, did you have certain dreams about what you wanted to do and become? This week you may find you have the chance to revisit some of those ideas, and perhaps figure a way to realize them in your present life, or in the near future. The key to this is likely to be a change in your daily processes; probably in making some time for yourself to act. Keeping the spirit of those early bright ideas close by will surely go a long way toward helping you. Wherever you rekindle your passion, stoke the flames.

Get your full Scorpio INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Give your inspiration free rein as the New Moon kicks off a firestorm of creative potential. Whether or not you think of yourself as an artist, if you feel called to attempt something in that line, try to embrace that mission without allowing any fears of mistakes or of what others might think to deter you. Remember that practice and hard work are almost always the main ingredient in success; you don’t need an obvious innate talent. In any case, you have every right to pursue your desires.

Get your full Sagittarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Be a good friend to your inner child, and let yourself out to play. Do things you enjoy, and be with people around whom you can relax. Try to view everything around you with that sense of wonder so many of us seem to discard once we grow older. It’s highly fashionable to play it cool just now. Be warm instead, and keep your heart open. You need to stretch your wings and then take them on a good few test flights; to grow into all the space you can reasonably take up, and allow no one to shrink you down again.

Get your full Capricorn INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — New information you receive this week may require you to revisit something you thought you understood fully: an assumption you might have made or a conclusion drawn based on where the facts seemed to point. Try to consider the matter as a chance to learn and improve, rather than anything to be troubled about. It’s rare indeed for one person to grasp the whole picture on any one subject; our perspectives are by nature incomplete, yet to form interpretations is a normal and necessary part of human experience.

Get your full Aquarius INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Cherish the refinement of your mind, and let the values you hold paramount seep through into your daily thoughts and movements. For you, there is no satisfaction in yielding to inertia, or in merely passive benevolence. You are not content to rest on laurels, imagined or real; you feel the importance of pursuing excellence, of practicing discernment, and of striving for an ever better understanding of the world. These are sterling qualities, and this is a great time to cultivate their full power.

Get your full Pisces INTELLIGENCE reading by Eric here.

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