Eric will have the exciting new Spring Reading for you by April 17. Pre-order today for the best price.
Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces monthly for April 2006.

Note the difference between gossip and stating how you feel. In fact the two are opposites, and the minor and inconsequential bits of data we trade with others amount to little other than a cover-up for what we truly want or need to say the most. But hey, the funny part is that when you want to say nothing, nonsense works a lot better than silence.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
Here’s another issue…
When it is taught that ‘God is the father’ this is easily interpreted as ‘the father is God’,
especially in some forms of language where the status of ‘to be’ is linguistically ambiguous.
Men who become ‘fathers’ in the biological/social sense and all those (men and women) in or aspiring to any form of leadership or exercise of personal power who have this idea (‘the father is as God’) embedded in the deep structure of their beliefs may then find themselves trying to live as an archetype, (or to validate this constrction [Freud?]) rather than using it as a learning device – which in my understanding is tantamount to a form of psycho-spiritual suicide.
The drive for power can thus become an intoxicating blinker; the achievement of power is always limited under patriarchy to the scope of power-over, which is distributed through a carefully constructed hierarchy. And so, the desire to seek the true source of our power – the power that we all have within us – is extirpated.
It is cut off from its roots thereby denying the reality of the male/masculine principle and any possibility of the true power of union with the female/feminine principle (itself under a different form of attack) that would within the vertical axis of realisation, ground or ‘root’ reality in and with the Earth. Ever reaching onwards, upwards and outwards, the ‘projected reality’ (irreality) in which we live our mundane lives has thus became dyfunctional and dystopic – it is not formed from the present, but casts shadows from the past into the future.
Denial is a flimsy defence against ir-reality, and only the sleeping can sleepwalk. So especially to the men i’ve loved (‘and lost’); i never needed you to be God, just a man who cared to love; i didn’t understand. So i say to the spirit of the divine within your ‘isness’:
I am sorry.
Forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
Marie, And the best reality is in turning this (I am sorry. Forgive me.Thank you.I love you.) Inward!
Thank you.
Yes. For me, the spirit of the divine is One – but that is my personal (inward) view – which i do not assume is shared by those to whom i speak. Though it is shared with many i do not ‘know’!
I am speaking to you. And even tho we do not ‘know’ eachother, I hear you. Find those. That’s the connection we share of One.. We Know!
Love is also ‘found’ in letting others go.. but you already know that, it shows.
Thank you, so much. When one tear falls out of my right eye i feel all fallen into place – very peaceful. It is rare for peace to come so spontaneously and naturally…and i have no more words. Wonderful!