Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for December 14, 2012.

An extraordinary New Moon in your birth sign on Dec. 13 is pushing you to express yourself, your whole self and nothing but yourself. This is often a risky venture on our planet, where we like to think that most of the people who tell the truth end up martyrs. I am not merely suggesting you tell the truth or lead the people or lay out a philosophy that could benefit many, based on the challenges you have faced so bravely. I am suggesting that you live your truth without compromise. Now, doing that also means living the truth of the aspects of yourself that you may not like, or that compromise your peace of mind. It includes being real about the history that led you to where you are today. Being real, however, does not mean acting out. It more suggests acting on — which can include opening yourself up to the healing and contact that you need. Sometimes it’s the darkness in us that can lead to a sense of isolation; and fact one of your life now is that no longer needs to be true. And if it ever did, it no longer matters today.
The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is upon us, just weeks away. While this event will happen two or three times in the lives of most people, this particular event is a moment of convergence and reckoning for the world and for us as individuals.
I’m underway recording RESPECT, the 2020-2021 Planet Waves annual readings, to cover the momentous astrology of the coming year-plus. You can read more about the project, and pre-order the readings, here.
Even if I am a disenfranchised disabled middle-aged, young-crone – call me hag if you like – second-generation immigrant*, (sexual orientation today – ambiguous), as long as the planet is burning, I don’t see that focusing on ego-based identity characteristics is going to get me or my children very far; even if i understand their political origins and significance. One thing I noticed about the election in the UK is there was less real political discussion than in this year’s Miss World competition – we are living in and through desperate times. While we humans are obsessed with the cult of celebrity and want messianic celebrity politicians, that is what we will continue to get. Almost anything that disrupts that has my support (conditional – ethics is a thing) in the current climate. According to the data I have seen only about 15% of women in the 18-24 age group voted conservative in the election – that includes a considerable number that were not enabled to vote in the referendum: if that’s all the hope there is to build on, pass me a shovel. If/when/as the welfare state completely collapses – yes, it can get worse – I expect it is this group (with older women) that will be disproportionately expected to fill the gaps in social provision with their unwaged labour. I hope enough of them figure that they are and will be better off in positions of power where they can start to turn the tide.
*this means I am not an actual immigrant (unlike the new PM) but it is socio-politically expedient to characterise me as ‘not-really-English’.