Today’s Oracle takes us to the Libra monthly for Oct. 1, 1999

Each year around this time, I get that irresistible calling to visit a place called Middle Earth, home of the Hobbits Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, both of whom were born on the Libra Equinox. These were the cozy, mild-mannered fellows who undertook great odysseys, came face-to-face with evil and were instrumental in defeating it with their cleverness, guts, perseverance and pure luck. Libra is often mistaken for a nondescript astrological concept, natives of which are allegedly characterized by indecision and good taste in wallpaper. However, anyone holding that view would have some explaining to do when it comes to Mahatma Gandhi, Groucho Marx, Truman Capote, Bruce Springsteen, John Lennon, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Falukner, Oscar Wilde, and, while on the subject of writers, two of the finest daily horoscope columnists to grace the tabloids, Patric Walker and his successor, Sally Brompton. One might ask what engine is behind their lives and creations, and in my view, the answer is a dedication to living on one of the most daring edges of human reality: a commitment to beauty, be it the aesthetics of justice, passion for harmony, or the righteousness of original creation. Yet the lives of Frodo and Bilbo speak more to the themes of your coming year than any of the real-life Librans I’ve mentioned. Prepare for a journey through the deep unknown, a pilgrimage into the heart of the unspoken mysteries, and some extremely rare life experiences just as the millennium turns that will provide you with an opportunity to fulfill one of your deepest callings of recent years: a personal story compelling enough to tell.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
Ah – what a beautiful Oracle! Thank you.
Ah YES!! :))
Libra Ascendant 4+ and house of Moon. 1999 October I was newly impregnated by a few day, in my first trimester of imbubation of my son. If the timing relates there is something really creative and good coming around the corner. Aka, prayers answered and life blessings betowed. Feeling optimistic especially after coming off one of the most intense days of 19th to mid 20th of the solar eclipse. Processing through some deep old fear. Since then it is like rock has been removed, my heart feels lifted to a higher ground.
*incubation ( imbubatio. Ha! is a emoji keyboard spell check word)
OK realizing as being compelled to add, that (moving through fear) was the downside (if you were to look at it from one perspective) of this event. The upside, and what was new to me was the how, the processing. This was through standing up, expressing my truth, as well as recieving awareness through all 4 of the elements. The message was of connection, touch, of love.
Sounds wonderful, P. Sophia! Good for you. I’m still very much in the middle of it all. But yesterday, when I walked onto my terrace, a blackbird flew up from behind me and settled on the corner of the terrace wall – less than a metre a way from me. I always take heed when a bird drops by (thinking of Amanda M, too!).Think this heralds a shift in perception , that is as yet hidden – hence the coming up from behind.
Yep Lizzy, sounds like a message of hightened awareness. Listen to your heart, instinct, intuition. Whatever the symbolism, or scene is telling you in that moment. Acknowledge your power and use it.
Thanks so much sweetie! Will do.