Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo monthly for October 2005.

You’re not the type to take huge risks, and we don’t need astrology to know that. You do, however, have your impetuous side, which is a good thing. At this point, an authentic degree of daring, even going beyond what you’ve ever known, is called for. It’s clear that the fortune you are seeking is neither cash nor credit, but rather a sense of inner completion. As such, the risk is likely to be seeing or experiencing yourself entirely outside the context of your relationships, and as authentically contained within yourself. In a world where everything is defined by its opposite, this is more daring than you may imagine. In a sense, you are challenging yourself to let go entirely of the petty games of give and take with which the world preoccupies itself. You are going to know what you look like without a mirror, and more to the point, you’re going to be sure that you exist.
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