Aries (March 20-April 19) — It is as if you are a bridge. On one side is what formed during the years of individuating yourself. On the other side, a newer plateau you reached after an evolutionary leap sometime during the last five years or so (a place you are still becoming fully aware of). Now, it’s a matter of whether you want to remain a bridge, holding the tension, or fill in the gap. Either choice will require some effort. Sustaining the status quo will entail constant, indefinite maintenance. The alternative is to metaphorically move a lot of material by doing some proverbial heavy lifting for a while, ultimately allowing you to relax. There is no good or bad in either elective. There is no right or wrong, either. It is a choice to be grateful for. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Reputation is a funny thing. It’s not a question of whether repute makes a difference — it does. It’s more a matter of how names are made, and for whom. Distinguishing yourself primarily to the satisfaction of others may seem like a safe and sound thing to do. Your sense of discernment is finer than most, however. Having a solid place among others is important for you, no doubt. Being able to live with yourself is probably even more vital. Now would be a good time to consider how the choices you have made thus far in your life have shaped your public character, and to what extent your private conscience is comfortable with the result. It’s never too late to make adjustments. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You have always been able to move on. It’s one of your strengths. Over the last year or so, a different imperative may have come to the fore. Perhaps it’s a need to stake out and occupy some form of ground. Alternatively (or in combination) you may have been compelled somehow to be more persistent than ever before in quest of a goal. Either way, the result at this juncture may be a bit of internal conflict. To resolve that tension, employ a three-step process. First, mentally retrace your choices over the last 12 months. Then, take adequate time to be clear about what you want. Finally, envision what inner peace would look like four years from now, and take your first steps towards achieving it. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’ve had enough excitement for one year, you’re in luck. Your life should begin to settle down after a few more weeks. In addition, a journey so long and complex as to have felt like more than a lifetime should finally start to transform into an epilogue. In sum, you will soon be reaching a point where you have both reconciliation with your past and a clearer vision of where you are going than perhaps ever before. The only thing that might trip you up is if you are reluctant to shed the equivalent of a shell or skin that you have outgrown. Sure, doing so might make you feel vulnerable for a while. Don’t worry, though. What you have gained inside will translate to your being able to work and play better with what’s outside. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — For you, ‘work’ is not the cursed four-letter word it is for some others. To have work to do and be able to do it is a blessing because you are aware that worthy labors, like time, wait for no one. Whether you are aware of it or not, it would appear that you have nearly completed your preparations to shift from one form of work to another. In spite of any qualms you have, follow through on what you resolved to start. Give yourself a chance to complete the transition(s) you have initiated. Feel secure that the aptitudes and skills that have allowed you to excel in other fields will transfer to your new endeavors. Finally, look forward to uncovering new and deeper layers of truth through new ways of working. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may have had good cause to wonder about your future this year. In fact, the only lasting consequence of events that have caused you to feel concern is that you now know your destiny can be clearly seen simply by looking in the mirror. In a very real way, you have become not only your own fate, but also an example for many others who worry about what the future has in store for them. Even though you may never recover the sense of certainty you once had, what you have gained in return this year is a new and more authentic independence, which has enhanced your natural adaptability. If anybody in your world has a just and proven reason to feel more confident than ever, it is you. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
So Much Potential, Libra! Maximize It with Your Birthday Reading.
“The Sun is about to join Jupiter in your birth sign, which will emphasize what an unusual time this is in your life. By unusual I mean beautiful, and with your potential making itself known to you. The thing with potential, though, is that you must consciously choose to make it into something, and then take action.”
— Eric Francis, in Libra’s horoscope for Sept. 19, 2016
Dear Friend and Reader:
What will you do with the potential greeting you now? Or, to lean on the oft-quoted Mary Oliver, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
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We can’t all be a John Lennon (shown with Yoko), but he’s a brilliant example of Libran potential and action. Photo by Jeff Simpson, via one of Eric’s archive articles, What Is It About Libra?
As Eric notes above in your horoscope, the potential and the plan are only two parts of the equation. The missing element is action. You get to supply that piece — and luckily, you have some incredible assistance coming your way, in the form of your 2016-17 Libra Birthday Reading.
“Once again, am bowled over by your extraordinary gifts, preparation and wisdom, dear Eric, and am filled with inspiration, courage and joy by your words.”
— Liz Glanville
This reading will be delivered in two phases: phase one is two segments of audio astrology (at least 30 minutes each). Phase two is your video tarot reading using the Voyager Tarot by James Wanless, and any astrology afterthoughts.
All segments can be accessed as many times as you wish throughout the year (and people frequently do so). They are accompanied by an extended sign description and the charts Eric used, and you can leave comments right on the reading’s webpage.
Currently you can pre-order your reading at the discounted price of $19.97 — once the reading publishes, the price increases.
Motivational workshops cost exponentially more; yet what Eric offers here is nuanced, straightforward inspiration to help you identify blocks, hesitations and other challenges, and then get moving toward your personal, professional and creative goals. It’s suitable for anyone with a Libra Sun, Moon or rising sign — and it makes an incredible gift.
“You are the absolute best astrologer I’ve encountered.”
— Catherine Sullivan
You know you have a purpose on this planet. When the Sun ingresses Libra on Sept. 22 and encounters Jupiter, the potential you can fulfill as you embody that purpose looks like it will open wide.
Tune in, and make sure you have one of the most effective and personally relevant tools at your side as you navigate your solar year, with the 2016-17 Libra Birthday Reading.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
Planet Waves Astrology Editor
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It was not so long ago that your good faith was not always met in kind. As recently as five years ago, your good heart may have led you into confining commitments. Now, all of that is in the past. A whole new life is at hand. You can do your part to make the most of any doors now opening by closing a few of your own. Most of all, close the door on cynicism. Leave discouragements and pessimism behind. Plan on doing your best and receiving both support and encouragement in return. Have faith that what you believe in can, and will, come true. Know that your heroic efforts have not been wasted. Finally, open your heart and mind to receive the same gifts of love you’ve already given so well. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you are breathing easier lately, don’t be suspicious of your good fortune. You have earned any break you are now receiving. It may seem counterintuitive, but the best way to keep good times coming your way just might begin with relaxing and allowing yourself to enjoy every single respite in full. Besides the reduction in tension, practicing joy like it’s an occupation will help your creative juices to flow as never before. While trials of the past may have provided you with both motivation and material to work with, it is not necessary for you to suffer in order to be the gifted, proficient and productive artist you are capable of becoming. Only fear can hold you back. Only fear need be feared anymore. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It is with good reason that you may feel a need for stability. Yet you also have every reason to be choosy about where, when and with whom you either drop anchor or put down some real roots. Validate the impressive progress you have made in finding yourself on the inside by also taking an appropriate amount of time to find your place in the world. There’s no need for you to rush into commitments. Any place or partnership worthy of you will remain open while you explore other options to be sure of what you want and get clear on what you need. This is not a good time to be impulsive about decisions of substance. Give yourself at least six more months before finalizing anything of long term. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have already seen the light. Now, you might want to busy yourself with widening the crack through which the light is shining. Interestingly, one way to do so is for you to support and encourage those you are closest to in their efforts to change and grow, just as you have done since about this time last year. In addition, you may want to consider the benefits of sprucing up and otherwise improving your immediate environment, rather than yielding to restlessness and jumping ship without just reason. After all, the light does not always shine everywhere at once. You also know that you have done more than enough time with darkness. Work on improving what’s already good and you will not have wasted your time. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Among your most precious possessions are a conscientious nature and a capacity for true originality. By now you know that hard work is the best way to cultivate both of those proficiencies. Pure pragmatism, however, is not your best friend. There is more to you than the tried and true. There is also more to life than just a means to an end. To realize and work the utter magic you are capable of, you must consistently do the right thing by others and constantly endeavor to do your thing in a new and different way every time. For you, being industrious does not require you to emulate the ruthless and derivative ways of big industry. Be not a dinosaur; rather, become a bird. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Cutting corners does not become you. Show good faith and others will be faithful in kind. Neither is it necessary for you to be menacing or intimidating, especially given how formidable and impressive you already are. You have nothing to prove. Instead, you are a living proof. Just be who you are with those you love. Just be who you are with those you feel safe with. That will be enough to sweep others off their feet in devotion, and eliminate any need to bring others to their knees in defeat. Yes, you may have been hurt by the untrustworthy in your past, but that does not mean you should abandon trust altogether. If others know you have their back, there is nothing they will not do to protect yours. — by Len Wallick. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.
Thank you Len! As I was reading your words for Libra, my whole being lit up :)….feeling just that….the faith and resolve…..rise in me since yesterday…..and feeling like I’m poised on the edge… to creating a heart-crafted life……so it looks like I’m perfectly on track!
Priya: It’s gratifying to know my efforts lit you up and validated how you feel. May your further heart-crafting serve to affirm your own continued efforts toward manifestation.
Cancer (rising) especially relevant for me, Len – & Sagittarius (sun) also. Recently diagnosed with anxiety disorder, not inclined to use pharmaceuticals except for short-term bridges when absolutely necessary, I have been exploring nutritional & herbal solutions, also beginning to work with mindfulness meditation. With Neptune in a long-term square to my sun, I’m very aware that I need to proceed with care, & not necessarily believe everything I see (or am told.) AND, I know that all energies pass & change over time.
I am indeed in the process of weaving in the ends of a long & difficult chapter in my life, & hope to emerge from this passage refreshed & renewed, ready to get on with my creative work. I look forward to Jupiter’s transit of my 5th, & a Jupiter return. Not to mention Saturn moving further away past my sun. He’s been quite the taskmaster for me this year.
Thank-you for your gifts of insight & encouragement today, Len – much needed here.
Hugs if you want them, Bette x
Good for you, Bette! When I began a proper meditation practice (over 10 years ago now) it totally turned my life around. I’m sure that you’ll find a real shift taking place in you really soon, as a result of your courage and determination to heal and understand. Keep us posted! (((())))))
Thank-you, Lizzy. Your example is encouraging. Where I live, therapy is quite utterly unavailable, but meditation practice is always possible. I’m working on it.
My pleasure – good luck with it, Bette! There’s loads of stuff you can find on the Internet – don’t hesitate to ask me if you need any help with it.
PS And even a therapist could pop up unexpectedly, if that’s what’s needed, that’s what happens when one takes action, and moves in the right direction – all kinds of weird coincidences and synchronicity started happening to me.
Bette: My heart goes out to you in empathy. What you are going through is no small thing. I support your exploring improved nutritional and meditation pathways to contribute to your well being. Also i’m encouraged by your understanding of how transiting Neptune can be turned towards useful purposes. It’s clear that your experience has given you of gifts and insight to equal anyone else. Your substantial example is at least as encouraging to me as my small service here is to you.
May the Equinox be golden for you.
Oh yes, Amy – hugs are most welcome – thank-you!
Thank you for your wonderful (Scorpio moon) dear Len. This is exquisite: “Besides the reduction in tension, practicing joy like it’s an occupation will help your creative juices to flow as never before” – resonates so deeply with me.