Pisces 2015

Posted by Eric Francis


Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 17, 2015, #1080 | By Len Wallick Just as you have finally mastered seeing your own responsibilities through to completion, along comes another challenge: seeing through the nonsense that gets a pass from so many because it’s what they want to believe. The nature of this challenge for you […]

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 17, 2015, #1080 | By Len Wallick

Just as you have finally mastered seeing your own responsibilities through to completion, along comes another challenge: seeing through the nonsense that gets a pass from so many because it’s what they want to believe. The nature of this challenge for you is largely to test the boundaries of your perception, while willingly risking your ego. You have relatively little trouble (compared to many others) releasing attachments to previously untested beliefs, but accepting that your own insights have limits will be more difficult. It means taking some chances. On the one hand, you will need to indulge some speculative alternatives to conventional wisdom. On the other hand, you will have to do so with a sure and certain knowledge that sometimes you will be proven wrong — and be obliged to admit it.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 10, 2015, #1079 | By Len Wallick

Whether you know it or not (and you probably do), you have acquired some valuable and powerful allies as of late. Now your coalition of support will be stronger than ever, provided you continue to include those who were there for you when you had fewer options and things looked a lot less promising. Those who have recently thrown in with you have likely done so because of the interests you have in common, as well as the credentials you have earned. But those who have always been faithful to you for the long run have been motivated by more than just what you have to offer them in return. Your core constituency has hung in there with you through thick and thin because of who you are, not what you are. If you continue to honor their faith, you will have done the highest honor possible to yourself.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope — Dec. 3, 2015, #1078 | By Len Wallick

Travel beckons, but not in the conventional sense. For sure, traversing greater distances than your usual commutes and opening yourself up to new experiences should be in the cards for you sometime around the middle of next year, maybe earlier. For now, however, it’s time travel that is waiting for you at the curb with an open door. You may argue that time travel is the stuff of science fiction, but all of the work you have done on yourself in recent years makes a trip down memory lane not only safer but also potentially more productive than at any other time in your life. The same labors of loving yourself with diligence and purpose for so long have also made you better able to visit possible futures more clearly than most people can ever do. So when you get the time, take some time to explore time itself — and enjoy a payoff that has been long in coming.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — December 2015, #1077 | By Eric Francis

You may feel like you’re under some strange pressure, which is true enough. But how you describe that sensation and what you choose to allow it to motivate you to do are under your discretion and control. Your astrology describes the theme of synthesis. This word started off meaning ‘deductive reasoning’ though the current definition is about combining the parts of something into a whole. Presumably we are talking about your life, your work and what you’ve accomplished so far. I would take the meaning a step further, which is about the synthesizing of something new from previously existing elements. In other words, there are parts of this holistic entity you’re assembling that you will have to make yourself. This requires the use of chemistry and physics, in the metaphoric sense. Things that don’t seem to mix or combine on the first try may need a few more rounds of experimentation. You might need to account for the missing elements that will make your process work. The single most important thing you can be in possession of is an idea of what you’re working toward — a description and drawing of what it is and how it’s supposed to work. You might start that process with identifying the purpose that you need fulfilled, and let that purpose and vision guide and motivate you. Take up your role as the inventor of your own life.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015, #1076 | By Len Wallick

If you find yourself meeting the world differently from how you did just four or five years ago, don’t be concerned. There is nothing wrong with you. It’s very possible that you are actually showing the rest of us something very right. But being right will do you no good if other people only see righteousness. Therefore, have faith that the content of your character requires little or no revision. Rather, direct your efforts toward finding and refining your best outward form. Since what you have to offer is substantial, it would not do to have that form be trivial or superficial. Yet, your presentation must also be easy to take. Think about what sort of person you would feel comfortable inviting in your home, and model yourself along those lines. Think of your calling as being, at least in part, a caller. Be the different drummer who plays in harmony with the music others already hear in themselves.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, #1075 | By Len Wallick

Consider what it means to be attractive, and what you would be better off attracting. Not in the Madison Avenue sense of attraction, which emphasizes status and the unattainable. Rather, observe how attraction works in the natural world. Rivers do not flow up mountains that stand above them. All flowing waters, without exception, are attracted to the oceans situated below them. In other words, humility makes you more attractive to those who would actually contribute themselves to your life than authority does. Authority is only attractive to those who are looking to strike a bargain. After rivers, consider what makes flowers attractive to bees. The pleasing forms, colors and scents displayed by flowers are not an end in themselves; they are a signal of where nourishment may be found. Translation: being authentically attractive is more pragmatic than aesthetic. When the people of the world eventually do beat a path to your door it will be because they perceive something they want on the other side.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, #1074 | By Len Wallick

The idea of earning your own way in the world need not be limited to making enough money to purchase food, clothing and shelter while otherwise maintaining financial solvency. As you have discovered and proven, there are other forms of currency besides legal tender. Reputation is one example. So is authority. Right now you are in a position to redefine what reputation means and where authority comes from, without risking any sort of social or moral bankruptcy. If you so wish, you can now dispense with what previous generations considered to be the right ways to look, live, and work in order to receive respect and gain acceptance. Furthermore, you are now also able to demonstrate by example how others might earn their own way in their own way without having to employ or support a hand-me-down to do so.

Marie Claire Horoscope for November 2015, #1073 | By Eric Francis

You’re highly sensitive to your environment, and to the people around you. Yet you are also opening up to a refined sense of how to think of the future. Notice if you get information about what direction your life is taking, and trust that implicitly. Your vision is exceptionally clear right now, and time is on your side.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2015, #1072 | By Eric Francis

You’re in a period of achievement — though it may not feel like that, or at least not every day. Such a phase is different in that it’s not so much about preparation as it is about the results of the work you’ve already done. Of course, you’re always still learning, and this is essential to maintain as a daily yoga. Your current project is about working on the perfect hybrid of what you do and who you are. (I originally typed that as ‘who you do and what you are’, also accurate.) We see a lot of problems arise in the world when people try to split their character. By that I mean they have a reputation for one thing, and then conduct themselves in a way that entirely contradicts that. For you, Saturn square Neptune is about being one with yourself, which you will get to do on a moment-to-moment basis. The more you do ‘out in the world’, the more you will need to reconcile that with who you are, and who you are becoming. This is saying a lot, given that the end of the year is the busiest time for your professional activities. The underlying theme is about never losing touch with your humanity. But it works the other way too — the closer you stay to your core truth, the more you will achieve.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 #1071 | By Eric Francis

If you can step out of your Neptune-powered blind spot, you will get a glimpse of how many options you have open. First, about this blind spot: it makes it challenging to see how people perceive you. I suggest you make no attempt to change how people experience you, except to be as aware of it as you can. Remember one thing, mainly: most people are afraid and mystified. You have spent plenty of time in that state as well, and you may still lapse into it. But Chiron is also in your sign, and that means you have the option to tune in and focus. That, however, is not always experienced as friendly; in the current fog of our society, with all its thriving on denial and paying false homage to integrity, someone who is actually paying attention can seem threatening, merely for their awareness. Now, as for all these people in your environment: some may move toward you directly; others may dance around the point; still others may seem unable to make up their mind. See if you can notice the feelings under the surface, which may come across as simply as those who voluntarily make clear statements about their reality. They’re most likely to be the fun ones.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015 #1070 | By Eric Francis

Some people have a lot of weird ideas about sex. Some have nearly no ideas about sex. And a few people have some coherent, helpful ideas about sex. Right now you’re being invited into this third category, which will require you to question what most people are terrified to do: take charge of your own agreements. Everything that’s not a criminal act of some kind depends on an agreement, an understanding or some kind of contractual arrangement. Right now there is festering rage (particularly in American culture) about sex occurring outside the context of an agreement. There is a remedy to that, which is being the master of your interpersonal contracts. To do this well, you must question what you believe, which invariably takes you deeper into questioning who and what you are. That, I believe, is the controversy: to have an honest agreement, you must be in contact with your values, your desires and your needs, and unabashedly so. It’s easier to get overpowered. It’s easier to manipulate. It’s easier to compromise with your values — in the short term. Right now, you have an opportunity to put out what’s absolutely true about you, and in particular your ideas about sex, and get some positive result. This particular window opening up is rare enough, but I think you can squeeze through and come out on the other side.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015 #1069 | By Eric Francis

Mercury is now wrapping up its retrograde in your 8th house, representing the place where sex, relationships and agreements intersect. You of all people believe that fairness is possible. Indeed it would seem that you’re willing to hold out for that and settle for nothing else. The question you may be facing is what to do when others insist on absurd positions, or have a twisted idea of justice. And so far as I can tell, the thing to do is to engage with reasonable people. You don’t have to worry about the ones who make silly demands or who don’t recognize you for who you are. You do not need to be attached to them, or to the idea that they will someday change. The way you recognize reasonable people is by their willingness to make and keep agreements. That may seem simple, and indeed it is on one level; but when you start to hold people to that test, you might see how useful it is, and at the same time notice how few people actually pass it. That’s okay — you only need a few reasonable people in your life to have a very good life.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2015 #1068 | By Eric Francis

You have recently passed through one phase of an initiation, which had the effect of demonstrating your commitment to the truth. I don’t mean The Truth in some mystical sense, but rather your commitment to what you know. This initiation will last for a while, and proceed as you take on ever-greater challenges in the world. I suggest you consciously embrace and love every minute, day, week and month of it. As a Pisces you tend to take things on faith. This, however, creates some famously skeptical people, who are in reaction. I suggest you view the faith versus fact issue as an equation where both sides will eventually balance. If something is valid and authentic, it will probably stand up both to a test of faith and also to an examination of the data. Probably, but not definitely. There are times when a set of facts will point to an absurd conclusion, and times when faith will bear out a point of view that is otherwise not supported by known reality. You must therefore be gentle and avoid coming to quick conclusions. The beauty of your sign is that it grants the ability to be circumspect, which means to look around the whole circle of existence. Keep an open mind, and pay attention to what both your senses and your intuition tell you. In general, pay attention.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015 #1067 | By Eric Francis

You’re embarking on what A Course in Miracles describes as a phase of achievement. This follows a long trail of things like undoing what was not right, sorting out what helps you and what does not, settling in, unsettling and various other twists and turns — and now you know it’s time to establish something solid in the world. Therefore you must hold clearly in your mind what you want to achieve. You’re not being given a free pass, though the way is opening, leading you through obstacles you may have decided would never budge. As you do this, mastering something called the authority issue is central to your success. You are inclined to trust your life to a Higher Power. I would imagine that you believe in, or have faith in, a Divine plan. Now you must take up your role in that plan, which is to say, make your decisions carefully. You have learned plenty, and making decisions means using what you know. You might say that your central responsibility is to be aware of what you know and to put it to good use — not some time later, but today, right now.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015 #1066 | By Eric Francis

Give partners, loved ones and lovers room to move around. They may seem more certain than they are, and are likely to reconsider things they were certain of a week or three or six weeks ago. Get accustomed to being in a changing environment where all your relationships are concerned. Just to give a few examples, Jupiter is now in your opposite sign, which for you is an invitation to contact. There’s about to be a solar eclipse, which is another way of saying movement and change, with the potential for progress. Venus and Mars are working toward a conjunction in your opposite sign. The message I’m seeing in these patterns is for you to be open to the many possibilities, which means pay attention to your whole environment. Rather than just focusing on your life and what you want, notice the wider world for as many hours a day as you can. Notice what is changing; notice what people are saying; notice the ways in which others are becoming flexible enough to relate to the world in a way that’s a bit closer to what you recognize and can abide. It’s true that you’re the protagonist of your own story; we are each the hero in our own dream. Spread out your mind and embrace the full horizon, the background, the unusual way the light falls on the Earth these days.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015 #1065 | By Eric Francis

There’s plenty of you to go around. Your sign represents the ocean and the cosmic ocean. Currently Pisces is home to sea-god Neptune and master healer and mentor Chiron. And Jupiter, the classical planet associated with Pisces, is in your relationship sign Virgo. That means: take initiative. Offer what you have. Be bold about this, and consider every proposal that involves someone else to be an offering of yourself. Many factors suggest that you are the activating agency in your environment. You supply the fertilizing power, the water to sprout the seeds, the creative liquid that melts the paint and inspires movement and exploration. It is therefore essential that you be bolder than you might ordinarily be — that you be the one to start the conversation, to make the offer. Start the project, make the call, get the canvases out of the closet, tune the instrument, charge the camera battery, clean out your car and get ready to go someplace. Every influence in your chart is saying it’s time to live and to live well. This is what I’m talking about.

Monthly Horoscope for Sept. 2015, #1064 | By Eric Francis

By all indications (mostly, Jupiter and Saturn changing signs in the past few weeks) it’s time to stretch your potential. By that I mean it’s time to widen your conduits for emotional exchange, for productivity and for relating to the world in all modes that involve love and work. Everything is in the right place; you will soon discover that the sometimes-meandering journey you’ve taken to get here led you to the right place at the right time. For you now, there is one thing you must do above all else: be yourself. This may seem like the most obvious idea in the world, and it is. But it’s also the idea most easily forsaken, or denied or resented. It’s typically seen as the thing that’s ‘impossible’ to do, because it’s seemingly so difficult, or because it will allegedly blow up on you. Here’s the thing: Nothing else will work. You cannot afford to veil yourself, or to compromise your actual reality in any way. That means: be true to your goals, to your feelings, to the necessities of your environment, to your ethics and most of all to what you want. Notice and track even minor compromises of your reality, and tidy up as you go. Truly great achievements are possible for you now and well into the foreseeable future. Give yourself every advantage.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 20, 2015 #1063 | By Eric Francis

The question that you want to call into focus repeatedly over the next few years is: what is true, and what is not? This includes variants such as, what is true for me, and what’s true for this other person? You may find yourself in various circumstances where there are different versions of the truth, or two main alternatives that seem unable to be reconciled. This is a trap, and you can sidestep it by staying awake. If you’re tending toward a more complicated version of events or possibilities, experiment with simplifying things. Notice where the complication enters the scenario, and see if you can get an understanding of that influence. Try to break things down to their very most basic elements. You’re entering a phase of your life where your success depends on your clarity. Yet clarity will require an ongoing process of observation and assessment. Look, listen and feel. Always trust yourself above and beyond the trust you put into others, since you have the power to be the most dependable person in your life. As long as you stay awake and aware, nothing is beyond the power of your own intelligence.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 13, 2015 #1062 | By Eric Francis

Make room for your relationships. In the seasons of your life, you’ve arrived at a time of harvest, though you must be prepared to receive the abundance of nature. That means being open, paying attention to the people around you, and seeking a place of understanding with them. As a Pisces, you have the capacity for greater understanding, and you’re also a bit more of a mystery to others than you may think. So you need to lead the way when it comes to holding open a space of ease and acceptance. In service of that, it would help if you chose not to be a perfectionist, and to have as few expectations of your fellow humans as is humanly possible. Take things as they come, and take every opportunity to choose consciously who and what you want. You have figured out that the world has tried to set many limits on your bliss, be they rules about who is appropriate or who is not, and an ongoing attempt to turn individual emotional and sexual orientation into a homogenized product. Set yourself free of these things one day at a time, and love the way that is right for you.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 #1061 | By Len Wallick

Things are about to get very interesting for you in a promising way. The results will not be immediately apparent until about this time next year. Even so, you will be able to go a long way toward determining the outcome for yourself if you can simply define and whole-heartedly accept what satisfaction means for you. Doing so could very well force you to make some choices between material and spiritual satisfaction, which will not necessarily entail compromise. Indeed, it’s very probable you will be quite pleasantly surprised by just how often you can have your proverbial cake and eat it too. In other words, the next 12 months or so will not be about choosing one thing to the exclusion of another. Rather, the focus of your life will probably come down to what card needs to be played first so every card that follows will be set up to be a sure winner in turn.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 30, 2015 #1060 | By Eric Francis

You can turn any situation to your advantage. In fact, that situation is likely to turn to your advantage, if you let it. For this to work you need to keep in a positive state of mind, and not be deterred by others who might be polarized in other directions. Positive, in part, means focusing on the present. There are people in your environment who cannot get their heads or their feelings out of the past. This will not work for you; it never did. Yet focusing on what is happening now, and on who people are now, and what they say now, will provide all the information you need. Proceed from moment to moment, individual to individual, circumstance to circumstance, and you cannot go wrong. You have, if you tune in, a kind of clairvoyance available, which will tip you off to just about any situation where you need to understand the dynamics. Pay attention — to your senses and to your mind.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2015, #1059 | By Eric Francis

Your relationship environment is a kaleidoscope these days, with influences and personalities changing shapes and colors day by day. If you look, you’ll observe many things you’ve never seen before. This kind of change will work to your advantage, and to make the most of the energy, I suggest you dance with the movements and the developments. Try to let go of what is not in sync with the rhythm you’re hearing and slip into step with what is. The idea of loss is now being washed away by that of change, and change is gradually being replaced by progress. The single most meaningful thing you can do for yourself is to continue to live well, to live from your heart, and to be generous with yourself and with others. Many, many factors of our lives make this difficult for people, and it remains something of a challenge for you — though less than usual, and you seem to be way ahead of society on the theme of sharing who you are and what you have. But you truly must master the art of being generous with yourself, in particular with devoting your precious time to what nourishes you. You may need to do this like yoga practice, or music practice. However, if you focus on this wellbeing project for the next month or so, it’s likely to stick, and deliver excellent outcomes.

Weekly Horoscope for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 #1058 | By Eric Francis

Your astrology is pulsating with creative and sexual energy. You must be feeling this, and it’s likely that others around you are. The thing to do is express, express, express. Well, that and notice the world around you. Notice the beauty, notice the conflict, notice whatever there is to be seen, felt or experienced. You have an open invitation to involve yourself in existence, and a wide latitude for how you interpret things. That is the true nature of art. As for expressing — that is the opposite of things like repressing, suppressing and depressing. If you notice guilt, brush it away like a fly. Guilt only has the power over you that you give it, so start investing in love and beauty. I mean aesthetic and sexual, specifically both. Let whatever and whoever turns you on, turn you on. I know there are rules and by now you know that most of them are bullshit. You exist, you have a right to see and look and feel and encounter people, and ideas, and the whole universe for that matter, boldly and directly. Call that and nothing else being alive.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 9th, 2015 #1057 | By Eric Francis

There are so many planets moving in your favor that you have nearly every option open to you. You would go a long way toward fulfilling your desires by keeping your promise not to doubt yourself. Others may be hesitating; others may be unsure; others may not see the potential in their own lives, or be frightened of it. Don’t let them influence your opinion of what is possible for you. Rise above that kind of herd mentality for which humanity is so famous — especially now that anything and everything is used as an excuse for fear. You’re on a path of growth and self-realization that few others around you understand. Put yourself in the presence of those few, and set the example of being fearless about your own potential. Set the example for yourself of being willing to work for what you want, and to live well. Each verges on meaningless without the other. Be bold and saucy in your personal life. Be clever and strategic in your professional life. Remember: as David Bowie once said, small moves mean a lot.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 #1056 | By Eric Francis

Keep diverting your energy into creative and recreational experiences. In other words, chill out a bit. Pretend all your work is done for a while, no matter how much you may have to do, or want to do. Live as if everything is chill and under control and working out just fine. Do what you can to tune into that feeling tone. Consider this a creative experiment in manifestation without working as hard as you usually do. This is a chance to allow your emotional body to lead the way to contact, to experience and to an expansion of your life. In fact, you have less to worry about than you may think, and certainly less than you did a month or two ago. Much of that worry was the result of a mental fog that obscured your real state of affairs. It described a confused state of communication in your relationships that was in many ways outside of your control. Therefore, strive for ease and clarity and you will receive the benefits that they offer.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2015, #1055 | By Eric Francis

Make the most of every situation in your life. Make the most of every day. Involve yourself in what you do with full commitment. As you do this over the next few weeks, certain people and scenarios are going to have the sensation of opening the way to the future. There are no guarantees, but you will feel that resonance, and it’s worth noticing when you do. Meanwhile, the personal security question that has been nagging you the past two months or so is now coming to a head. You have a decision to make about what is really in your best interests. Before you get there, you have to decide what your best interests really are. This would be a good place to pause, so that you give yourself some time to assess your priorities. You’re at one of those junctures where you must update your files and make sure that every goal you have is really something you still want. Don’t be afraid to decide that something is no longer working for you. Be bold about what options you have to get things working better. Through this process, you will need to be responsive to your own inner feedback. More than that, keep your focus on your creative and erotic impulses. They contain the most valuable information about what you want, and what actually offers you some grounding and stability. Remember: Listen to yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 18th, 2015 #1054 | By Len Wallick

John Muir had little patience with those who were interested only in what was ‘useful’ to them. Just as Muir made it a point to periodically step away from the world of those who did not appreciate what was useful in nature, try to get out of your world and into experiences that do not serve a ‘useful’ purpose for you. Also, take some time away from what’s most immediate and pressing for you, and take in the ways of other people. Go to the movie your date wants to see. Ask somebody older what songs she likes, and listen to them three times. Ask somebody younger what’s good to eat ‘around here’ and dine on it twice. There is more to this world than what you are concerned with or want out of it. Whatever you are not into deserves a try, especially if there is no conceivable reason you can now see for doing so.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 11th, 2015 #1053 | By Eric Francis

You’ve been carrying some tension and it’s been throwing you off balance. There are many factors involved; some of them are short-term and others are long-term. Over the next few days you may get some insight into the source of this tension and what you can do about it. If you feel a need to figure things out, do your best to set it aside. What you’re experiencing is emotional and physical rather than mental. Searching for an answer or for some logic to your situation may throw you off the scent, and it may be frustrating. Therefore, stick to what you feel, and stick to your experience of being in a body. You are involved in a long-term healing process, by which I mean something that covers a period of years. This involves Chiron and Nessus moving through your sign — two centaur planets associated with deep transformation and self-awareness. At the moment, both of them are being aspected by inner planets Mercury and Mars. So you’re getting an immediate look at what you’re working out over a rather extended phase of time. Take it easy, and take it easy on yourself.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, June 4th, 2015 #1052 | By Eric Francis

I suggest you breathe life into the forgotten aspects in your life. That might include projects, it might include set-aside desires, goals or plans, and it might involve physical spaces. Let’s start with the latter. Clean out rooms and closets; put your work areas in order; if you’ve been so busy you haven’t used your kitchen in three months, it’s time to move out the old supplies and energy and restock with what you want. If you have a second residence, now is the time to revitalize that, open the windows and allow in the fresh air. As for goals and plans, it would seem that you’ve had to put an emphasis on certain aspects of your life at the expense of others, and now is the time to start balancing that out. I have suggested many times that Pisces needs a second residence or home away from home. This is designed to give the ‘other side’ of your nature a place to come out and play. It can be elaborate (a summer home) or modest (a friend’s place you stay at, or a B&B you visit once a month). Try it out and see what I’m talking about.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 28th, 2015 #1051 | By Eric Francis

Mercury, Mars and the Sun in Gemini are exaggerating your concerns about your wellbeing and safety. Whatever forms those worries may take, you can test the theory that they’re overblown. You can also test the theory that there’s no problem you cannot think your way out of, as long as ‘think’ means a blend of thinking and feeling. The way to evaluate an idea is how it feels to you and to others, as well as whether it makes sense to you and to others. The two will be intricately related. But be patient in working this out. Your emotional body has a lot of moving parts at the moment. The combination of Mercury retrograde and Mars blazing forward suggest that the future and the past contain elements of one another, elements that cannot be separated. There’s something you’re looking for in the distant past that holds the key to setting you free today. When you’ve worked this out, the thing you will find is your confidence.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2015 #1050 | By Eric Francis

First, the question of the month is: how good do you think your life can be? Keep that in mind for a moment. Meanwhile, you may be going through a phase of insecurity beyond what’s normal for you. This has a great benefit — you’re asking questions about what makes you feel safe, which translate into questions about what you want. Insecurity is usually considered a bad thing. Raised to full consciousness, it’s one of the most productive feelings you can have. So I suggest you do the full consciousness thing and see what comes up. Your astrology is drawing two closely related pictures right now. One of them describes you working to resolve a seeming split in your emotional body. That could be two competing sets of feelings; the influences of radically different childhood family backgrounds; or some other inner division that you are currently exploring one side of, then the other side of. Over in another corner of your chart, your life is illustrated as something in a state of continual improvement. So potent is this developing event that you’re likely to get a taste of the life you want in a way you’ve never seen or felt it before. I suggest you remember that this is not so much a point of arrival as it is a demonstration of what is possible. Remember — this is actual proof.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 14th, 2015 #1049 | By Eric Francis

Aspects associated with the forthcoming Mercury retrograde will pass by quickly, though they will highlight some of the most important long-term themes of your life. You will see what you’ve been missing, and get the chance to sort out what you may have had no clue needed your scrutiny and awareness. The theme of this project will seem to be your home base and the structures that help you feel secure. That would be a good place to start. Yet the story that unfolds is really about getting clear about who you are, in part by discovering who you are not; figuring out what is true for you by an elimination process of tossing aside what is not true. Every decision you make needs to be focused on sustaining and developing your vitality. The partners you work with must be true partners, devoted to your wellbeing; otherwise it will be more efficient and sensible to do without them.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, May 7th, 2015 #1048 | By Eric Francis

Mercury square Neptune is not exactly doing wonders for your clarity in relationships, though in service of resolving that, I suggest you listen more than you speak. If you find yourself speaking because you feel like you’re not being heard, start asking questions. Find out what people know and what they don’t know. Get them on the record. Find out what they’re doing and what they’re not doing. You need to know more than you currently do in order to guide your life the way that you must. I would remind you that the people around you know more than enough. There’s just this odd thing that happens when strong people exert their leadership — and you would count, especially since Saturn entered Sagittarius late last year — that others feel like they can slack off. You can avoid that by involving people in clear agreements that they state out loud, face to face or on the telephone. Email is not enough. Text messages don’t count at all.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 30th, 2015 #1047 | By Eric Francis

Security for you is a state of mind. We could say that’s true for most people, but you’re especially sensitive to the ways in which your mental state sets the scene for whether you feel safe in your home or on the planet. This is independent of whether you’re actually safe, or have reasons to feel that way. What is interesting about your solar chart is that you have two distinctly different viewpoints related to your own sense of belonging. Sometimes they conflict, sometimes they work in harmony, and sometimes they function independently of one another. One growth mission you have now and for the next month or two is charting this out. You will get to create a mind map, and this map will take you into the distant past. For now, I suggest you stay in the moment, and adopt as your mantra a question: Is that really true? Use that with everything you hear, what you say and what you think.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for May 2015 #1046 | By Eric Francis

Consider all the possible combinations of work, wellbeing and healing, and experiment with them. I don’t mean the words, I mean what those words represent. This is where you can find benefit in your life, for yourself and for others. Many factors may seem to be unpredictable or unstable, at least for the moment. What is dependable is that there’s work to do, that you have some important healing processes going, and that wellbeing is the core theme of your life. Your greatest productivity and strongest relationships will come from the place where these things meet. Focus on those relationships and you will strengthen them, and come into a new state of balance. The world may be stressed out, and people may be struggling to find time to check all their devices. You have abundant energy, you have a clear agenda and a sense of what matters to you. You can trust your perceptions about these things. While you’re here, I suggest you focus on one longterm plan that you know is going to improve your life. If you must lean on others to create (or claim) the space and energy for this special project, that’s why they’re in your life. Allow yourself to be supported by your environment. If it helps, remember the abundant benefit people get from your presence. Take care of yourself and remember that your priorities actually matter.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 16th, 2015 #1045 | By Eric Francis

You’re at a state of your growth where you must engage with money and with the life of your soul as one thing. These two concepts are usually divided off and made to be not only different but antagonistic toward one another. You are now involved in a process of integrating them into one concept, one experience. The thing they have in common is that your money and your soul are both expressions of you. They are both manifestations of your energy. That is the way to think of whatever you make, touch, or change; that’s the way to think of any interaction. One of the most significant problems we have in a society that’s full of ‘money issues’ is the failure to see money as a direct extension of life force energy. While nearly everyone is busy amputating it or making it into some kind of abstraction, I suggest you focus and understand that in this world, use of financial resources is a core theme of evolution. Let that inform all your choices.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 9, 2015 #1044 | By Eric Francis

You’re having to make a lot of decisions about money lately, and what you’re likely to be discovering along the way is what is truly important to you. In astrology, the same house — the 2nd, which in your chart happens to be Aries — covers your resources, your values and your self-esteem. Resources means money, equipment, supplies and most of all, talent. Values means your personal constitution, which by the way is getting amended regularly as you set new values based on new experiences. Self-esteem is the inherent respect you have for yourself. One message from that facet of your mind is that you’re figuring out how radical you are. Radical has two meanings: it’s commonly said to mean one who dares to challenge the status quo, such as a revolutionary. Semantically, the word means going to the roots of whatever is in question, in this case yourself. Upcoming aspects describe you going deep, and gaining confidence expressing yourself from your core.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, April 2, 2015 #1043 | By Eric Francis

Keep your arrangements flexible, and make sure any agreements you enter are responsive to your immediate circumstances. You are in a rather significant moment wherein anything is up for renegotiation. Evaluate everything first on the basis of how it works for you, and then on the basis of how it works for others. You will need to meet both qualifications for something to be functional for you, though remember the order of operations. Most of all, stay in contact with your environment. Ultimately, that is your primary relationship, and your environment will give you nearly all the information you need about what to do, and how to do it. You probably already know that adaptability is your greatest strength. Put it to work now. Make any changes you need to make. Focus on being flexible, with everything from money to time to any arrangements you need to make to your physical body. Look at the world and be limber enough to look into it, and even through it. You will be told everything you need to know.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2015 #1042 | By Eric Francis

With Chiron in your sign, it’s easy to feel like despite all you’re doing, you’re not getting anywhere. That’s an illusion distinct to Chiron. Really, the truth is quite the opposite. It’s your long, slow persistence that has got you much further toward some specific goals than you think. One by one, every facet of your life has come up for questioning; every system has been (or will be) subject to maintenance; every agreement will be revised and improved; and in the process, you will get to know yourself as you never have before. If you feel like you’re in an ongoing and endless challenge, I suggest you remind yourself that you’re really living your life. You are situated in a society and in a time of history where there is very little offered easily, to anyone. Even those who exploit others are under the constant assault of paranoia about their particular house of cards falling down. At the same time, you are driven by your ideals and your faith in yourself, and you may wonder if you’ve taken on more than you can handle. You may have — and when you discover that you can, in fact, handle it just fine, you will discover that you’ve stretched your capacities beyond what you imagined possible. Therefore, stand up straight, keep your eyes wide open and do what you are called to do every day.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 19, 2015 #1041 | By Eric Francis

Friday’s total solar eclipse in your sign is suggesting that you’re being invited to take a step toward becoming yourself in a way irrespective of any other relationship. This experience or process will set you up to be closer to others, even though it may seem to be solitary and introspective. I would propose that the single most significant barrier affecting people’s ability to relate to others is their struggle relating to themselves — and this is something you’re ready to give up, in exchange for something much better. You do not need to struggle with self-esteem. You merely need to be yourself. You do not need to question your value; you only need to express yourself in a way that will demonstrate your value is beyond question. It’s so far beyond question that you will be rather pleasantly shocked.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 12, 2015 #1040 | By Eric Francis

Pisces is the sign that, by definition, contains all the potentials of humanity, in a way similar to how more than 100 elements are contained in ordinary seawater. You may need to make contact with, and peace with, the seemingly darker shades of your nature. That runs directly contrary to the ‘love and light equals enlightenment’ spiritual school. And it remains true that love is the only force in the universe that can guide a person out of the darkness, be it their own or imposed on them. Sometimes this is as simple as just loving, and sometimes it’s necessary to be bold about discovering what the other possibilities are. There is a common psychological move: ‘I don’t want to be that way so I’m not going to admit that I contain that potential’. The thing is, you want to contain that potential, whatever it is, because to exist in your full strength, you need every resource available to you. And that’s what you have.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, March 5, 2015 #1039 | By Len Wallick

As absurd as it may seem, your lot is to be envied by all beings without exception. To live as a Pisces now is to receive a challenge divine beings would kneel and beg to face. Though you be mortal, uncounted are the immortals who would be overjoyed to trade places with you. Even if it seems your valiant wit and heroic labors are for naught, your efforts are not leading you into an abyss. Everything you are and all you are doing is amounting to something beyond profound. You need not fear the void. In fact, it’s fair to say the void fears you because only you and others like you possess what even galaxies do not: the ability to bring the deepest darkness into the fullest light. To do so you need not sustain belief. You must allow belief to sustain you. — by Len Wallick

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015 #1038 | By Len Wallick

Throw a party. If you are not a party animal, send out invitations for an afternoon tea. Should tea not be your style, sponsor a game night. Perhaps you are not a night-owl. In that case, ask neighbors over for a weekend brunch. However you do it, it’s high time to have some sort of soiree where you live. If you have roommates, negotiate. Make this your chance to finally clean up if your place is a mess. No matter what, somehow hosting a social gathering of some type holds a dual promise of both living it up and living better long after your last guest has gone home. — by Len Wallick

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2015 #1037 | By Eric Francis

Ultimately you can, must and will do what you want, and that may make some people around you nervous. You are naturally susceptible to the viewpoints and opinions of others, and you must not allow yourself to be blown off course by those with strong opinions. It is, however, in your self-interest to have others allied with you and in service of your goals — and self-interest is potentially a sticky topic for a Pisces. I suggest you wash that off and get real about what serves your agenda. The necessary second step is to figure out how to get others thinking on your frequency. I would remind you how persuasive you can be, which in part accounts for others feeling destabilized by your drive and your intensity. For some, persuasion will involve appealing to their altruism. For others, you may need to appeal to what would be profitable for them. Others will best understand the language of mutual benefit. You are blessed with the gift of insight, as long as you can get some distance on any situation or any person. You have this gift for a reason. Tune in and you will be guided what to do, what to say and how to make the best decisions. Your options remain wide open, and there are people who are eager to assist you.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 #1036 | By Eric Francis

You get a second chance at something you were sure was a lost cause. That this happens may surprise you; you may not have seen it coming, or thought that it was remotely possible. This development may manifest a number of different ways — for example, as discovering an advantage you’d overlooked; remembering something you had forgotten, but that changes everything; or discovering you have the cooperation of your friends or colleagues, when you were starting to doubt that. Either way, there is the feeling of some deeper truth being revealed to you. Whatever happens will provide a boost to your confidence. At the same time, you have this idea that you must take absolute responsibility for yourself. You are better at this than you think and you can cut yourself some slack. As others take increasing responsibility for themselves, you will have a lot less to worry about.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015 #1035 | By Eric Francis

These have been a bold few weeks for you. You are experiencing what it means to have Chiron and Neptune in your sign. Though these are long-term transits, and somewhat well developed by now, they are being lit up by the presence of Venus and Mars. This whole constellation of planets has been offering you a look at your actual potential, and the opportunity to feel what it’s like to be yourself in full-spectrum form. Mercury, for its part, is slowing to a station in a sensitive corner of your chart, which is adding a depth of inner vision unusual even for you. Here is how I would sum things up: You are learning to engage the physical with the spiritual. You are bringing what is normally etheric or astral into some solid form, and you are doing so in a way that’s revealing of what is possible: the beauty of translating your inner world into tangible form. The beauty of real.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 #1034 | By Eric Francis

You are experiencing two distinct facets of your nature that each seem to be all of who you are. The effect may be rather convincing, as if you have two entities inhabiting your feelings, your senses and your thoughts. These may, in turn, seem to have two different agendas, which may seem to conflict. But do they really? Are there really two of you, or rather are there two or more ways that you tap into something deep and let it out? I suggest you experiment with that approach. You seem to be experiencing two amazing pools of feeling, inspiration, talent and the need to bring that forth into the world. Yet each of these leads to a common pool, to a vast space within yourself that contains all your potential. You do not need to choose anything at the expense of anything else. Merely reach deeper and bring out what you find there.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February, 2015 #1033 | By Eric Francis

Step out of your own way and allow your radiance to light up the landscape around you, and guide others to you. You need to make no special effort; you merely need to be available and observant. It’s likely that you would underestimate the influence you have on others, which is why I suggest you look, and be open, rather than try to guess. Because you’ve decided to step up to challenges perhaps greater than you ever have, the way you relate to others is essential. Few people accomplish much alone. People whose minds are rich with ideas, in particular, benefit from the support of others who are able to carry a vision in a creative way. You in particular place a high value on collaboration. This is less about getting others to do work for you and more about what is possible when different approaches combine to form something more brilliant, more original, more helpful. I suggest that you put some trust into how much nourishment other people receive just from being around you. Now in particular, you’re focusing a creative energy reaction that pulses out into your surroundings. This is vividly noticeable given that it’s set amidst a world of entities, many of which merely drain energy. You offer heat, light, nourishment and a measure of reassurance to others. But don’t believe me! Look and feel.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 #1032 | By Eric Francis

Mars in your sign is stoking up your desire to live and to make contact. Mars in the fashion of Pisces is a self-sustaining creative dynamo. Monday, Mars focuses an exact conjunction to Neptune, which feels like connecting to some elemental source of who you are. You’re likely to have a drive to express that in some way, and I suggest you make contact now and let that inspire you for the next couple of years. Then next week Mars connects with Chiron, in a conjunction that will remind you how much strength, awareness and power you hold in your hands. That is more than a metaphor — Chiron almost always expresses itself through the hands, whether for healing, loving touch, some creative enterprise or digital (manual) contact with the wider world. Mars won’t be back in Pisces till the end of 2016, so get it while it’s hot.

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015 #1031 | By Eric Francis

Your worst fears are not true, as you will soon see. But you may as well notice what they are, how they feel and the general theme, which seems to be the results of your karma. Well, your karma is a lot better than you think. People who consciously concern themselves with right and wrong, with self-reflection, and with the possibility of denial are usually working on a pretty high level. You are aware of the possibility of denial and you’re also aware that you can do something about it. You are aware that your thoughts have influence and even power. So, you’re in good shape. At the moment, you can afford to take it all in, and see where you can add something positive and creative.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2015, #1030 | By Eric Francis

No need to wonder what has become of your insecurities: the mighty Saturn has taken its place at the top of your solar chart. This is your moment to take command of your life, and by extension, all the affairs over which you preside. Pisces has big dreams, though few know the extent to which you are driven by the desire and indeed the need to achieve something real. However, in recent years it hasn’t been that easy to concentrate your efforts. Yes, there has been a bit too much going on, and events moving faster than you could keep up. Mainly there has been a confidence issue. Thankfully you’ve grown tired enough of it to want to get over it — and that’s most of what it takes. Part of your confidence issue has involved concerns about being accused of the profit motive. I realize that not every Pisces aspires to be Jesus or Buddha, but most people born under your sign put service first, pleasure second and profits last. Your current phase of enhanced leadership directly involves focusing the drive to make money at what you do. You don’t have to play the game of society’s cognitive dissonance on this issue. Whatever their theoretical philosophy, everyone likes to have money in their pocket. All the better if it’s earned with a clear conscience, as yours most surely is.

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