By Jen Sorensen

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, please email us at cs@planetwaves.net for your discounted price.)
I think any illusion that he’s secretly a liberal went flying when he appointed Mr Breitbart.
He might be secretly a Nazi. But that would be a rather poorly-kept secret.
Ooh Jen just gets it every time…. Wicked!
I’m trying to figure out who benefits from this, and right now I think the question remains open. It wouldn’t take much for the Dick Cheney/Darth Vader types to move in, and we all need to watch for those moves.
But at the moment I’m seeing everything cracked wide open. I don’t pretend this is all good. Yet the cracks leave room for the new, and a lot of that doesn’t serve Trump, or the Right, or the Crazed Right.
What I’m trying to say is that there’s a lot of room now to create, to reshape, and to manifest. I wish I had good examples, but I’m still struggling with that. One early thought- if Trumpettes deny federal funds to, say, Seattle for refusing to prosecute illegals, then Seattle should redirect our federal income taxes to stay local and fund the city and the state instead. Federal funds come from all of us (and the Blue states disproportionately).
Our worst possible response right now is hopelessness, isolation, and escapism. I know too many people who are binge-watching TV. Anger, humor, art, whatever- yes, yes, and yes. Scheme and plan like your life and the next generation’s depend on it. I think they very well might.
OldWetHen — I totally agree that everything is cracked wide open now. It’s shocking, but there’s as much opportunity for the light to get in through those cracks as there is for darkness to fill the void. Which of course goes with your other point: that we need to shift into “anger, humor, art, whatever” and scheming and planning without too much delay due to hopelessness and escapism. Grieve as one needs to, yes; but allow the clicker of life and creativity to help move you through that process.
As Leonard Cohen sang, “Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”