Aries (March 20-April 19) — The creative process involves a good deal more thought and effort than is sometimes portrayed. It’s not merely a case of waiting for the divine light to descend and bless you with inspiration. Even Archimedes’ legendary cry of ‘eureka’, which he supposedly uttered on discovering fluid displacement, was at least partly the result of training his mind to notice such things. Genius is something that’s gained or developed gradually. Planning your steps, organizing your time well and working on your present project as often as you reasonably can is the surest way to reach it, even if the eventual breakthrough is not what you expect.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s necessary from time to time to revisit the territory of the past, or to retrace your steps, in order to work out snags. When this happens, frustration is a usual response, especially in our culture where we want everything to move ahead constantly, often at a frenetic pace. Yet, however reasonable your emotion, remember that you can get past it and work around any delays that do arise. Every longterm effort has similar phases. You need not see these as the result of wasted labor; try to perceive them as a way to consolidate the foundations of what you intend to build when the gears are ready to shift.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — One of your greatest gifts is versatility. You have the knack for adapting to pretty much any environment that presents itself, and for getting along with all kinds of people. One useful point to remember is that this ability depends largely on your willingness to keep an open mind, and also your curiosity; both can be cultivated through education and practice. Let these encourage you to enter unfamiliar situations and expand your horizons at least a little, especially if inexperience is the only thing really stopping you. Consider this an opportunity for adventure, for learning, or for personal growth.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — A lot of people get into trouble financially simply because they don’t know the extent or limits of their funds. If you’re not clear on your own circumstances, this would probably be an excellent time to find out, particularly if you’re considering committing substantial resources to anything. If you find accounts challenging to understand, get hold of someone who can help, whether a professional or a trusted friend. Have them explain to you exactly what is available and what, if anything, you owe. The more you know, the more thoroughly you can plan ahead, and it’ll likewise be far easier to avoid spending too much.
Leo Birthdays 2018-19:
Eclipses, Retrogrades and You — Oh My!
“For what it’s worth: never heard anything so right on, dead on, aligned with what I am looking at, aware of, dealing with, leaning into — especially professionally and emotionally. I can’t even list them all — so many subtle angles and aspects that all resonate and add up. Affirming experiences, potentials, challenges. To a T. Wow. Will be getting these transcribed so I can read them over and over.”
— Robyn Landis, on a previous birthday reading
Dear Reader with Leo Sun, Rising or Moon:
Big things are happening in your sign right now. Can you sense it? Are you feeling energized and excited, on edge, perplexed, stuck, like you’re right in the sweet spot of your flow, or just plain curious?
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Remember last year’s big eclipse in your sign? Smile — you have more coming! Photo by Amanda Painter on Aug. 21, 2017.
Any of those responses (and more) would make total sense: Mercury is now retrograde in your sign, and on Friday, July 27, there was a total lunar eclipse in your opposite sign (and relationship zone) Aquarius.
But that’s not all! Soon, we’ll get a partial solar eclipse on Aug. 11 — in the same part of Leo where a storied eclipse took place in August of 1999.
Your solar year is getting off to a dynamic start — and the events and energy of these weeks will ripple out, develop and influence your life for the next six to twelve months. That’s why no matter when you listen to your newly published 2018-19 Leo Birthday Reading, you’re sure to discover a wealth of helpful and inspiring insights you’ll be able to get to work with right away.
If you’re new to Planet Waves and Eric’s audio readings, you’re invited to listen to last year’s reading as a gift. The 2017 Great American Eclipse occurred in your sign last year, and it has been reverberating ever since — so listening to your 2017 reading is sure to help you review your year and get oriented on what’s to come.
When you order your 2018-19 Leo Birthday Reading, you’ll receive access to two audio segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each) and an extended description of your sign, plus custom-selected music by Vision Quest, the Planet Waves musical ensemble.
“Planet Waves has been crucial for me lately as I navigate this topsy-turvy landscape; life is in transition on so many levels and it’s been an incredible resource in my life, especially now.”
— Ronny K.
Thank you again for your patience, faith, and for being a valued Planet Waves customer in these wild times.
Wishing you an excellent eclipse season,
Amanda Painter
P.S. If you have any questions or prefer to order by phone, please call us at (845) 481-5616; you can also email us at And don’t forget: the 2018-19 Leo Birthday Reading makes a fantastic gift.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — As a personal quality, intelligence seems increasingly underrated. Currently, thanks to the tribal character of modern social discourse, there’s a tendency to distrust those whose abilities set them apart from the group. Forget all of that and don’t allow it to trouble you. You have a unique purpose on the earth, and the skill to meet whatever challenges may come is within your reach. You don’t need anyone’s permission to cultivate and make use of your resources, or to aspire toward further learning and greater achievements in your chosen field. Value both the person you are now and the one you are becoming.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Certain feelings and past scenarios we’ve not quite dealt with can have a habit of returning to visit us from time to time. If that happens, remember that you’re not alone in this experience, and also that you’ve come through all the challenges you previously faced. Human beings are far more resilient than we often give ourselves credit for; being a mutable sign native, you have this gift in spades. If something of this sort emerges, resist the urge to shove it back under the metaphorical carpet; rather, treat this as an opportunity to find a lasting and positive resolution. You will reach the other end if you keep going.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your ruler Venus has newly entered your birth sign, which may invest you with a certain irresistible charm this week. You might plan to spend time around friends and in your general social milieu, where you tend to shine. Leave behind any temptation to doubt yourself, or to hold back if you have some fun lined up. Just make sure it’s the sort you’re really going to enjoy; a variety of people will likely be drawn to you, so you can be discerning about who you actually want to hang out with. It might also be a good idea to avoid intoxication to a level where you start to lose control of your faculties, though that’s really a useful rule at any time.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Be careful not to hold on to resentment for its own sake. The longer you maintain it, the more energy it leeches. This isn’t to say that grudges are never justified; rather, they tend to get in the way of healing when one is safe from any return of unpleasantness. In particular, this week’s astrology is suggesting that it may be practical to consider moving on from a prior conflict, so as to orient yourself spiritually in the present, rather than the past. You might also bear in mind that our memories are nearly always subjective and incomplete, especially regarding events of long ago. Turn your thoughts to the future.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Spiritual systems aren’t often associated with practicality, although I imagine in your case there would need to be at least some groundedness in common sense or realism. There’s also an attraction in simplicity. Note that over time our beliefs, and the rituals and habits we derive from them, can increase in complexity to the extent that they become less serviceable and less in tune with their original purpose or intention. That happens individually as well as collectively, and it’s why examining your spiritual framework from time to time can be helpful, so as to allow it to evolve alongside you. Don’t be afraid to consider that possibility.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In order to reach maturity (which is the ongoing process of self-actualization), it is necessary to confront unfamiliar challenges, thus gaining in confidence and independence. That is naturally easier said than done; and some situations can be frightening when encountered for the first time. Yet growth follows on the heels of each experience. If you’re faced with a scenario this week that seems less than ideal, try meeting it boldly. Dare to dare. This doesn’t automatically require rushing in headlong or acting recklessly, however. You can take stock, make sensible decisions, and move forward one step at a time.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you’re not quite certain of your next steps, especially where a relationship is concerned, there should be no problem with you taking a little time and getting your bearings. Above all do not force yourself into any entanglement, for any reason. There should be enough of an understanding between you and a partner to foster mutual trust. Listen to your intuition regarding this, and don’t hesitate to ask questions if there’s something you need to know. People who sincerely care about you will respect all of this, and give you the room to move at your own pace. If someone expresses frustration, ask yourself why.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Reviewing and re-organizing your daily routine involves a number of factors. The big overall question, of course, is whether your plans work for you. Included in that is the consideration of efficiency: to borrow from Occam’s razor, the simplest solution is usually the right one, so ponder where you might remove or reduce steps. Another factor is whether you have, or can access, the resources to carry all this through. Luckily, this process is unlikely to establish traditions that are set in stone and last until they become superstitions. You’re free to experiment, to change direction and to take as long as you need.