As I write, Mercury is working its way out of late Virgo as it completes its second shadow phase. That relates to the recent retrograde (Aug. 30 through Sept. 22). It’s still covering the same ground as when it was retrograde, and making similar aspects. There was something special about this past Mercury retrograde, and now we’re getting it in replay.

Photo by Eric Francis.
This weekend, Mercury made an opposition to Chiron, and a quincunx (150-degree contact) with the Uranus-Eris conjunction. It’s about to make a square to Pholus (high-potency centaur).
That’s a lot of aspects for Mercury, which represents the collective mind. You might say we have a lot on that mind, and our individual ones.
Mercury direct making these aspects is offering potential solutions to problems that may have seemed intractable a few weeks ago. Notice the difference in vibe, the sensation of being out of the slog and of getting some traction. Keep your mind in puzzle-solving mode. Be grateful when an observation leads to a tangible question rather than an answer; the question is probably more useful, because it will lead to a more applicable response.
Meanwhile, Mars is newly in Capricorn — making a square to Jupiter, newly in Libra. This is the one that emphasizes the bit about not being too certain of yourself. Be circumspect rather than leaping to conclusions.
One last thought about Mercury. It’s currently in aspect to the Galactic Core. That’s the homing signal, the spiritual beacon, and the thing that’s so wide you can’t get around it. Remember that. You cannot push the Galactic Core any more than you can push the ocean. Keep your mind open, and remember to ask “what if” in the highest expression of that question.
“You cannot push the Galactic Core any more than you can push the ocean. Keep your mind open, and remember to ask “what if” in the highest expression of that question.” Thank you, dear Eric.