By Amanda Painter
This weekend brings the moment you’ve (possibly) been waiting for. No, I’m not talking about Valentine’s Day (though you might be excited about that, too — or not). Rather, this weekend Mercury finally breaks free, and maybe in some metaphorical way you can, too.

Lobster buoys painted with the flags of the homelands of Maine’s immigrant population decorate the fence in front of the former home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and the historical society in Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.
On Saturday, Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius (at 5:43 pm EST / 22:43 UTC). Then on Sunday (Feb. 14), Mercury leaves the degrees of the zodiac where it was recently retrograde, entering fresh territory for the first time since Dec. 19.
I know; sometimes it feels like the only thing that happens in astrology is Mercury retrograde. Technically its last retrograde ended Jan. 25. But I’ve heard from a number of people for whom this post-retrograde ‘shadow’ or ‘echo’ phase has been tougher than the main event. If that sounds like you, take heart.
I suspect there’s something about Capricorn’s orientation to the past (thanks to Saturn) that made it easier to review insights from you personal history as you perceived them within the container (Saturn again) of the official retrograde weeks. Now that you’re trying to implement those insights and initiate something new, your ideas about ‘where you could go’ might still be bumping up against the old walls of ‘how things used to be’.
At least, that’s one possibility. Or maybe teasing out the solutions to problems you encountered is taking more ingenuity than you feel like you have at your fingertips. That could change soon.
The charts for Mercury’s ingress of Aquarius and the end of the shadow/echo phase both suggest to me a little extra freedom — or, at least, an unusual absence of intensely direct mental influences. A brief breather, perhaps, since Mercury does not make any major aspects to major planets immediately upon entering Aquarius.
That’s not to say that nothing else is happening in the sky; the Moon will be traveling through impulsive, go-getter Aries from Thursday morning through Saturday morning, and then it will be in persistent-yet-leisurely Taurus until Monday morning. In each of those signs, the Moon will make a variety of aspects to many planets — so you can expect a constantly shifting inner landscape, rather than camping out in any particular emotion.
But that’s true for the Moon most days, since it moves so quickly from sign to sign. Mercury, on the other hand, has been involved in some particularly attention-grabbing situations lately.
Additionally, the one co-existing aspect that jumped out at me in the chart for Mercury entering Aquarius is rather a pleasant one. Mars in Scorpio and retrograde Jupiter in Virgo will be exactly sextile each other Saturday.

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This is one of those aspects that generally speaks of positive opportunities, good physical energy levels, sincerity, and a constructive approach to authority. That Jupiter is retrograde suggests you might take a more inward tack with the good mojo.
What does that mean, exactly? Well, in Mercury-ruled Virgo, I could see it taking shape as a much-needed pep-talk with yourself, if you’ve been struggling — the kind of pep-talk that is oriented on a tangible plan of action. With Mars in watery Scorpio, we get the potential to open the flow into some generosity, devotion and empathy toward yourself (‘evolved’ Scorpio traits), and to go deep with it.
I like to think that an un-aspected Mercury in Aquarius is open-minded enough to ‘get it’ intellectually, in a way that sticks on some level. Aquarius allows Mercury (and therefore your mind, which it represents) to be steady, yet resourceful and intuitive. Like when you take a brisk walk on a crisp winter afternoon, and suddenly the angle of some tree branches in the sunlight, glimpsed through your frosty breath, suggest a workable solution to a problem you’ve been mulling over.
If you’ve been struggling, and especially if you’ve been down on yourself about it (or if you’re getting angsty about Valentine’s Day, or beginning to pile it with expectations), what might a fresh, crisp Aquarian mind show you this weekend? Most problems have creative, productive solutions to them; sometimes it just takes some fresh air to notice them.
Yes, have been struggling, and nasty things have been happening à la Mercury! But at the same time, there’s gold appearing in them there hills, off in the distance. Thanks so much for this wonderful piece, dear Amanda. Lovely photo.
Lizzy (and Amy) — glad to hear that the piece has been helpful, though I’m sorry to know you’ve been struggling! This too shall pass…
Amanda always comes up trumps with her photos.
As for the article, on reading it my main thought was, “Ah, now it all makes sense.” Well, insofar as Mercury’s antics ever do, of course. Talk about being put through the wringer.
I too have been going through a spell of tough sledding – in my inner landscape, mostly, with the inevitable outward consequences. Lack of motivation, dis-couragement, a faltering sense of clear goals have been manifesting in artworks which hit the garbage rather than sparkling, procrastination on projects that need attention….a whole lot of “blah”.
On the plus side, Mercury’s wanders, together with Pluto’s presence in my 7th, Mars in my 5th, Jupiter in my 4th, have supported some examination of both family of origin & relationship issues. It’s been possible to let go of some baggage I’d become so accustomed to that I hadn’t realized it was now redundant.
Definitely a bit of “through the wringer” here too, Amy. And yes, this too shall pass.
Thank-you, Amanda. Your post today is both validating & encouraging.
Bette — it sounds like your insights — hard-won as they have been — will be lasting ones that you can really build on. I guess that’s partly the foundational benefit of Mercury in Capricorn, yes? Best of luck with your art — I’m sure it will see an upswing soon. I feel like I’ve been in quite a photography slump, myself. I just try to trust the cycles and not get too worried — and also not get too detached from the art-making process, either.
Thanks, Amanda. I’ve just finished printing some reference photos, mostly of flowers in my garden. I’ll pin them up & see if one calls me. Earlier, finished sorting my pastels by colour, into containers. Yes, the creative process ebbs & flows. AND I agree – detached from it isn’t helpful – for me, that feels worst of all.
This week has been one of breakthroughs in awareness and the words to express! I have also put in 12 to 15 hour days/nights, sleeping 4 hrs a morning to meet deadlines, while digging deep for the creative juice projects required. And it has all been online, learning new systems, new technology, and focusing on making good work doing things I am not good at! Tonight it is over. I am going to be Pisces Diva for a few days. Indulging and enjoying, and feeling my way toward the next layer. Mars and Jupiter sound like the guys to party with!
DivaCarla — yikes! Four hours of sleep? That would do me in. Sounds like it is paying off for you, though. And I am glad you get the reward of some R&R for a few days. Enjoy Jupiter and Mars!