By Amanda Painter
Have you been thinking deeply about all the things you’d like to express thanks for, or are you stressing out about getting all the cooking done (if you celebrate Thanksgiving this week)? Or perhaps you’re feeling a little anxious or hesitant about gathering with extended family so soon after a contentious election? Then again, you might be facing the prospect of isolation this week, which can carry its own version of emotional stress (though not for everyone).
If that last statement applies to you, and if you do not wish to be alone, I’d encourage you to reach out.
Whether that means you try to connect with estranged family, offer an invitation to a neighbor, or contact a local church or food bank (to volunteer or simply to attend their dinner), please know there are many ways to avoid isolation. Yes, it can feel awkward; perhaps downright embarrassing (and for this reason, if you know someone who might be alone, consider extending them an invitation). But the astrology of this week, as I read it, points overwhelmingly to an air of generosity, inclusion and an ability to shift what might feel stuck.
Top of that list is the Sun in Sagittarius as of Monday afternoon, possibly making a breath of optimism more palpable. You also might find yourself feeling a little more adventurous, or willing to visit someplace new (or just a new menu). Maybe you’re feeling even more conviction in your humanitarian beliefs, and a desire to further them.
Depending on how focused you get on feeling ‘righteous’, and how deeply your buttons get pushed at the dinner table, the conviction of certain beliefs (such as political or religious) could call for some tempering. The Sun will be square centaur planet Nessus on Thanksgiving (exact 9:25 pm EST Wedesday / 2:25 UTC Thursday). This suggests it would be wise to stay aware of any inner tension you feel around old and difficult emotional patterns that run through your family.
Nessus belongs to a class of objects that, in astrology, are known for making us aware of psychological legacies we can now begin to heal. That probably sounds more complicated and uncomfortable than it has to be, given that the Sun is in Sagittarius. What I see here is an enhanced ability to take the high road — and a productive road — if you encounter or anticipate any triggering familial patterns.
The very fact that you are aware of the dynamic means that you have the power to do several things: refuse to engage with it, through breezy detachment or humor; employ any tools you’ve learned in therapy in combination with the Golden Rule to process your emotions on the fly, and rise above any provocation. You could also stand firm in your convictions and clear the air on situations that might escalate — including within yourself — by speaking your thoughts precisely, clearly and directly. After all, one key phrase of Nessus is ‘stopping the buck’.
Meanwhile, Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn offers a boost to your ambition to achieve, rebuild or improve. Jupiter-Pluto is exact at 6:00 pm EST / 23:00 UTC.
Whether you apply that energy to improving a favorite Thanksgiving recipe or rebuilding your whole approach to this holiday, you should be able to make some progress. Yes, there’s always resistance to change; but since that is nothing new, simply remember to acknowledge that you’ve heard any objections. Maybe offer your ‘improvements’ as a temporary experiment.
But what is most encouraging about the Thanksgiving astrology this year has to do with Venus and the Moon. Venus will be conjunct Pluto in Capricorn and square Jupiter in Libra (both exact Friday). The Moon will be passing through Libra, including a conjunction to Jupiter in the evening (exact Thursday at 10:21 pm EST / 3:21 UTC Friday).
While you might notice some emotional intensity ‘behind the scenes’ (especially if you have the hots for anybody at the dinner table — or at any ‘post-family’ gathering), the general atmosphere looks to be one of wanting to keep harmony, balance and beauty central to events. The Moon plus Jupiter in Libra highlights generosity, good feelings and an ability to tolerate petty irritations. Offering kindness is even more likely today to generate kindness in return.
Venus square Jupiter will be enhancing this effect, thought it does caution against overeating and drinking too much. Black Friday note: if you go shopping Friday, stick to a planned list. The urge might be to go for full-on luxury, so figure out ahead of time what counts as an investment and proceed with discipline. Emotional impulse buying could prove problematic.
No matter what the astrology looks like on Thanksgiving, opening your heart in gratitude and letting everyone you come into contact with know that you appreciate them is always sound guidance. May your week be filled with unexpected blessings, both given and received.

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, please email us at for your discounted price.)
I’ve been struck by the brutal irony that this week — the week of Thanksgiving in the U.S. — Morton Country Sheriffs brutally attacked the peaceful water protectors at the Standing Rock reservation. Here we have this holiday celebrating the (albeit mythologized) first harvest dinner at Plymouth Plantation, wherein the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Native Americans for helping them not to die during the harsh winter.
…and we repaid them with attempted genocide. And now, they’re being persecuted again, in a manner that grossly out-sizes their peaceful actions.
SO: if you’d like to add some activism to your Thanksgiving this year:
Go to amazon and ship our water protectors some love and protection.
Remember that amazon usually uses UPS so ship to the physical address, not the PO Box.
**from the website to support Standing Rock: Supply note: With at least two hundred injured last night, Standing Rock medics are in critical need of the following items:
Milk of Magnesia
Wool socks
Wool blankets
Space blankets
Hand warmers
Trauma kits (portable)
Suturing kits
Straw bales
Supplies can be shipped to:
Standing Rock Medic and Healer Council
PO Box 1251, Bismark ND, 58502
***or if you are shipping via UPS or Fed Ex, please use the address:
220 E. Rosser Ave. 1251, Bismark, ND, 58502