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Read more in Solstice Fire and the Art of Service, by Eric Francis.
By Judith Gayle | Political Waves
This has been quite a week, starting off with Obama getting his Fast Track and ending with a double whammy of Supreme Court decisions favoring people over politics. This is also the week my computer died, so I’m pecking this out with one finger on my little tablet, a severe strain to my patience and good humor, but I didn’t want to miss sharing this moment of celebration and gratitude with my Planet Waves family.

As we explore the Art of Service in our lives and this online community, it’s clear that the ability to gather together in like mind and heartfelt, authentic communication serves not just ourselves, but all of humanity. Nothing illustrates that so well as does the sea change in marriage equality which could simply no longer be denied.
Planet Waves is one of those spots on the cyber-map that is truly egalitarian regarding sexual, religious and political practice, so long as it is not harmful. If you can’t find a comfortable place at this table it would only be because you can’t open your arms wide enough. And even discomfort serves — some would say especially discomfort — so all of the cousins are invited to this picnic.
While some might say we lean far to the left in our worldview, Eric once wrote a marvelous piece regarding our shared conservatism and intent to protect and conserve history and science, environmental resources and species, Constitutional guarantees and civic protections as well as freedoms of speech and dissent. We are more like than we will admit.
And if liberty and justice for all is our national template, then we can’t rest until it is true for every citizen. Which is why, today — with some 6 + million fellow citizens still guaranteed healthcare coverage and our LGBT brothers and sisters free to enjoy the legal protections of marriage in all fifty states — we can pat one another on the back and hug everyone we see (at least the ones with a smile on their face) knowing that we’ve added our bit of conviction and intent to a game-changing progressive human victory. With so many saying it couldn’t be done, Hundredth Monkey won the day.
Over the years, I’ve assured friends and readers that marriage equality was coming soon and –although I’m no longer a big fan of the institution — I’m delighted my intuition proved sound. I’ve also signed off many Planet Waves articles with the meme of the day, love wins, and it’s reassuring to hear it echo across the nation, although my reference was more to the full-spectrum of ‘agape’ love as all-inclusive and unconditional.
That is such a HUGE concept, so empowering and Light-filled, I find that the continuing challenges we face as a nation and a planet take on a slightly different feel, at least for the moment. Our winning tactic for facing these restrictive challenges must continue to be our ability To keep on keeping on, always believing that what must be will be, so long as love leads the way.
And so, fingers cramping and battery running low, I invite you to bask in that feeling of overcoming great odds, and ‘bookmark’ it so you can return whenever you need a lift. Nothing builds enthusiasm and determination like success.
To my loved ones whose marriages are now legal everywhere, to my friends who now have dependable medical coverage for the first time and to my Planet Waves family, with whom I share the pleasure of this moment, allow me to sign off one more time, united with each of you in service to one another and a waiting world: LOVE WINS! Amen and amen!
…and amen! Glad you could get through at all Jude, I’ve been there – lacking ease of access to the cyberworld – and although it reinforces our gratitude for Planet Waves and the whole Internet thing, it is definitely a style-cramper!
I found some astrology that supports the marriage equality ruling (beyond all the Neptune-Uranus cycle stuff I’ve shared – or not shared here) and it comes from the progressed U.S. Sibly chart’s Mercury. U.S. Progressed Mercury, at 20+ Aquarius is in the process of stationing direct and therefore is intense as well as in Aquarius. It is trine the U.S. natal (Sibly) chart’s Juno (marriage equality) at 20+ Libra (marriage). They are both trine the U.S. natal Mars at 21+ Gemini – double standard? -and that makes it a Grand Trine in Air (thinking) Signs.
Also, the U.S. Sibly progressed Saturn (get real) at 3+ Scorpio trines the U.S. natal Venus (ruler of Libra, sign of marriage) at 3+ Cancer.
I do believe the most persuasive element of the initiative has been the children of gay and lesbian marriages and therefore the progressed U.S. Sibly chart’s Sun at 10+ Pisces, conjunct the natal U.S. Child at 10+ Pisces, could be what tipped Justice Kennedy’s decision in favor. . . if it needed tipping at all.
Even so, transiting Jupiter (who endured a long stretch of time conjunct his mate Juno recently) who expands the law – in his trine to transiting Uranus, who now conjuncts the U.S. natal Chiron who opposes the U.S. natal Juno – is the Big Kahuna in this drama (and several others!) but it is Uranus who made the whole dang thing so exciting to watch. Can I have an amen?
Thank you aword!!!
Amen, be. Your esoteric knowledge is a true revelation.
And yes, thank you, Jude. I love you more than you will ever know. Your computer has died because you don’t need to say more than you already have. Let it rest it in peace. Your voice has been heard, and its message has manifested. Hallelujah, sister.
More, different, later, no doubt.
God speed goodness.
Keep the faith.
Bree Newsome = Rosa Parks.
Amen, Jude. Thank you for persisting to share this moment with us, helping us to understand the fundamental nature of what has just happened so that the moment will serve in turn to sustain us even as it has sustained you through the technical problems you encountered writing this great piece.
Yes – you’re right Jude, love leads the way – this wonderful event, happening hot on the heels of Ireland’s victory (yes – I’m not crazy about the institution of marriage either, but this is a truly historic moment). shows how, though these are difficult and often violent times – the message is loud and clear – love leads the way
Thanks for all you do here, dear 🙂