Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’ve gained enormously in wisdom over the past few months, making discoveries about how your individuality mixes with the world beyond in its various manifestations. Now you’re preparing to take that knowledge into the deeper recesses of your mind, which is prompting a longterm reconsideration of your entire philosophy, and of what holds meaning for you. Likewise, you’ll probably want to review your aspirations and spiritual beliefs during the next several seasons, gradually forging a path that primarily upholds what you know to be true, and enshrines your right to self-determination. If there was ever a time when you could compromise your integrity or core principles, that can be safely consigned to the past. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — An essential component of embracing change, especially within oneself, involves embracing mystery and complexity, and apparent paradox. This can include confronting your own shadow material, or deep-seated emotions; which means being open to new information about who you are and what you might need or want, and not suppressing or denying any of it. If you’ve been prone to mistaken conceptions regarding any of those points, you’ll have the chance to deconstruct them, and gently rebuild a self-understanding that integrates all of you. Be careful of apparently simple answers to anything you’re puzzling over. This is likely to be a signal that you have somewhat more to discover before reaching a conclusion. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Jupiter is now in your opposite sign, Sagittarius, where it will reside until December 2019. This is your sphere of interpersonal relationships, and it’s also where your ruler Mercury is about to station retrograde. If your previous partnerships have been subject to any kind of pattern — if you’re consistently meeting the same kind of person, for example, or similar habits tend to form when you’re with someone — now is your chance to analyze the causes and, if necessary, break the mold. Jupiter’s influence may pique your interest in a different type of partner, or encourage you to experiment with new venues or hobbies. What you learn in forthcoming weeks could be considerably useful in helping you loosen any self-imposed restrictions. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The concept of altruistic service sometimes gets mistaken for a martyr complex, or false humility, or mendacity. Yet in its highest form, shorn of pretensions or pointless self-flagellation, it gives a fundamental sense of purpose to daily life in a way nothing else can quite parallel. This need not be mutually exclusive from the pursuit of your calling; if anything, the two would encourage and support one another. What it might help you to consider is whether you’re choosing goals, and methods of reaching for them, that are really worthy of you; how far you truly identify with your aims; and whether you need to rearrange certain aspects of your world, so as to make it easier to devote time and resources to what’s most important to you. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Jupiter’s yearlong visit to your zone of creativity, self-expression and fun should herald a new sense of freedom and the ability for you to engage in play, including play with a purpose. You might want to develop some new skills, or immerse yourself in your art form of choice. Be aware that any activities that might be seen as unconventional can attract the ire of the staid and the boring, though don’t let that hinder you. If you face pressures of that kind from bosses or other parent-like figures, perhaps consider finding a more congenial environment in which to explore your interests, or meet the challenge head-on if you wish to. At any rate, your time is your own; no-one can prevent you from being yourself.Get your full reading by Eric here.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — During the months ahead, you could experience changes in your relationship to your past, roots or family. You’ve possibly already noticed this beginning, and may have some idea as to where you wish to focus any re-evaluation process. Mercury retrograde should help with this, bringing certain facts into the spotlight. Look closely at any event or action that seems to resonate with phenomena from your early life, or from interactions with parents; notice what you’re thinking and especially what you’re feeling. Also, your concept of home might be altering or expanding; perhaps you’ll be fired with an urge to see more of the world, or resettle elsewhere. After all, home is a relative term; it could refer to a specific address, or the planet. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Is your current environment exciting enough? Do you feel sufficiently stimulated in your work, or in your interests? If the answer to either of those questions is anything other than a resounding ‘yes’, this may be your year to do something about that. You’ve likely already caught a glimpse of a new perspective on your capabilities; if you’ve previously underestimated them, chances are you’re much less inclined to do that, and quite right, too. Once this series of inner planet retrogrades is finally over, why not take up a class, or a new hobby? You might also visit some places you’ve never been to, or spend time with different people, especially if you’ve gotten into a habit of doing the same things week after week. Live your life. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You could see a surge in productivity over the next several months, with Mars and Jupiter working together to unleash your creative powers. You may find you’re able to turn ideas into a concrete reality with surprising speed. What this will perhaps require from you more than anything else is self-belief. In part, this means being willing to devote yourself to your ambitions regardless of how others might react, and regardless of any desire you may have to gain approval. If nothing else, this exercise will help you to value yourself and the gifts you bring to the world; though the more actively you work on supporting your self-worth and independence, the more your inventive mind can manifest satisfying results. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Sagittarius Birthdays and Rising 2018-19
A Window to Your Soul for Your Jupiter Year
“This note is just to let you know how wonderful I find your work — intellectually and spiritually. Your Fall Empathy reading for Sagittarius was a like a x-ray to my soul.”
— Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award-winning author of Occult America
Dear Friend and Reader:
Jupiter has recently entered your sign for the next year. As wild and stressful as the world as been lately, Jupiter’s arrival means you’re entering a year of new experience, greater understanding of who you are, and inspiring growth.
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Eric, at his writing desk.
Chiron, the planet of healing, is associated with Sagittarius, and will be active in your chart this year — making its entry into your fellow fire sign Aries. This transit is about finding your identity through creative experiences, and actively developing your ideas. It’s time for the true artist in you to emerge, and Eric’s reading will support you in this.
What’s more: as you take advantage of the benefits that may come your way, you have an opportunity to share your abundance to mutually benefit those you’re engaging with. Jupiter is a key energy to work with actively to move your projects and plans forward.
Maximize your year of Jupiter: pre-order your 2018 Sagittarius Astrology Studio (formerly the Birthday Reading) for the lowest price we offer: just $33 for two audio segments (at least 30 min each) and a tarot reading covering your next 12 months. The price of the reading increases as publication nears.
“Like others have said, it feels personal to my life, even though you’ve interpreted the astrology off of a group chart. It’s awesome!”
— Chris D.
Note that Eric’s audio readings offer significant insight for your Sun sign, rising sign and Moon sign — and they make a unique gift for your Sagittarius loved ones. He keeps astro-jargon to a minimum, instead telling the story of your year in a way that is motivational, accessible, empowering and surprisingly personal.
Wishing you a year of abundance and discovery,
Amanda Painter
P.S. If you have any questions or would like to order by phone, please give us a call at (845) 481-5616.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruling planet Jupiter has returned to your sign for the first time in about 11 years, which probably feels a good deal like coming home to yourself. What has happened for you in that span of time? What have you learned, and where do you want to go next? You may already have an idea as to these points; however, make sure you have a grasp on the breadth of the possibilities; there could be many more options available to you than you currently perceive. The one place you can’t go is backwards; you’ve experienced too much to allow the wisdom you’ve gained to be wasted. Also, there are others who need sorely to benefit from your fresh insights and understanding. Don’t be afraid to set an example. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — What do you dream of? Who do you see yourself becoming in the next few years? You’ll probably find yourself grappling with these issues in the approaching seasons. You might also notice that your intuition is somewhat enhanced, and that it’s easier than usual to access the deeper realms of your mind, and your spiritual nature, as if someone is shining a light into places that were previously hidden. Take a deep breath, and go exploring. As an earth sign, it’s likely that you’ll always have one foot on the ground; just be careful, like Ariadne did for Theseus, to make a trail you can follow back to the surface, especially if you’re not used to contacting these parts of yourself. Maintain your boundaries. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Thanks to the internet, the meaning of the word ‘community’ has in recent years been altered, no longer referring to a group of people necessarily within the same locale. In the months to come, you might also be revising your definition of a community, including what constitutes an ideal one for you. This would partly involve meeting and spending time with people who enhance your life, and vice versa. However, you could also think about the ways you can help improve your community, perhaps by providing a service or a gathering space for congenial minds. It’s likely there’s at least one area in which you have clout, expertise or a passion that you can bring to the table. Lead the way, and you’ll soon see who follows. Get your full reading by Eric here.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There would seem to be two particular things to note about Jupiter returning to Sagittarius, which is the region of your chart associated with career and ambitions. Firstly, this represents an opportunity to expand the reach and output of your working life, possibly through promotion, spreading influence or a change of focus. Consider what you’d ideally like to see take place, regardless of how likely that scenario appears, before taking steps to begin making it a reality. Secondly, you may find that your aspirations, and their fulfillment, become more closely connected to the expression of your identity on a profound level. This might feel something like discovering how all the various aspects of your life are neatly linked in a coherent pattern. Get your full reading by Eric here.