Today is Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016
Hebrew date is 27 Tishrei 5777
Islamic date is 28 Muharram 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 8 Lamat
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457691
Today’s Birthdays: Martin Folkes (1690-1754), Caterina Scarpellini (1808-1873), Don Simpson (1943-1996), Melba Moore (1945), Dan Castellaneta (1957), Randy Jackson (1961), Winona Ryder (1971), Milena Govich (1976).
“People think that they just want movies like Pretty Woman, when really they — at least the ones that I know personally — have been waiting for something that doesn’t completely insult them.”
— Winona Ryder
Moon Phase: Moon is in waning crescent (Balsamic) phase and enters New phase on Oct. 30 at 10:38 am PDT / 1:38 pm EDT (17:38:08 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Scorpio on Oct. 30 at 10:38 am PDT / 1:38 pm EDT (17:38:08 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon is in Taurus on Nov. 14 at 5:52 am PST / 8:52 am EST (13:51:59 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Libra and enters Scorpio today at 7:01 pm PDT / 10:01 pm EDT (02:00:46 10/30 UTC).
Sun Degree: 07-08 Scorpio.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Scorpio at 7:01 pm PDT / 10:01 pm EDT (02:00:46 10/30 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data from Serennu
— Mars square Uranus at 9:06 pm 10/28 PDT / 12:06 am 10/29 EDT (04:05:36 UTC).
— Vesta square Pelion at 2:09 am PDT / 5:09 am EDT (09:09:16 UTC).
— Mercury sextile Psyche at 10:23 am PDT / 1:23 pm EDT (17:22:36 UTC).
— Venus conjunct Saturn at 5:45 pm PDT / 8:45 pm EDT (00:44:50 10/30 UTC), and Great Attractor at 5:45 pm PDT / 8:45 pm EDT (00:44:59 10/30 UTC).
— Saturn conjunct Great Attractor at 5:47 pm PDT / 8:47 pm EDT (00:46:37 10/30 UTC).
If Your Birthday is Oct. 29
(The Day of New Ideas) | Get Your Scorpio Birthday Reading
Surprise! What’s that? You don’t like surprise parties? Think of it this way: relatively few things in life offer the opportunity to shift fixed tendencies like the unexpected does. This, in turn, provides an opening to regenerate what you’ve metaphorically cut yourself off from. While others are scrambling in chaos, you get to focus on what you truly desire, which is the most obvious way to adapt. Any new solution that emerges hints that your sense of self-worth will as well.
Written in the Planets
If someone tells you, “Wow — I never expected that from you!” in response to something uncharacteristically bold that you’ve just done, take it as a sign that the growth you’ve been engaged in behind the scenes is ready to bear fruit. (If it’s in response to losing your temper, what needs have you been suppressing?) Today’s square between Mars in Capricorn and Uranus-Eris in Aries could be quite productive if you’re honest and up-front about changes you need to make, and if you have constructive ways to channel any frustration or sexual energy you’re feeling. Speaking of which: Venus in Sagittarius seems to be saying, “Run away with me!” If you immediately reply, “Oh, no, I can’t,” ask yourself why not — and then check whether you’re being pulled in that direction despite your professed belief of limitation.

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, please email us at for your discounted price.)
With all respect to whoever wrote it, I would say that Venus conjunct the Great Attractor is just as likely to be saying “Run away FROM me!” Author? Watcha’ think?
Could well be, Len! Though I think my own experience today was closer to the scenario as written. Not literally by any means, but if I stretch my imagination a little, I could detect an element of “Come *here* with me” being met with the other person kind of moving in the wrong/other direction instead. Or, maybe it’s that they *did* move in my direction, but then *I* was already elsewhere?
Luckily, it was nothing that a little extra communication (and some unhurried patience) couldn’t find its way to/through/around.