Today is Friday, Oct. 28, 2016
Hebrew date is 26 Tishrei 5777
Islamic date is 27 Muharram 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 7 Manik’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457690
Today’s Birthdays: Harold Battiste (1931-2015), Caitlyn Jenner (1949), Bill Gates (1955), Julia Roberts (1967), Maryam Nawaz (1973), Matt Smith (1982), Frank Ocean (1987).
“There is just some magic in truth and honesty and openness.”
— Frank Ocean
Halloween Special Planet Waves Includes November Extended Reading
In this week’s edition, Eric looks at an intriguing event that took place around this time in 1938: Orson Welles’ broadcast of War of the Worlds, a novel adaptation some people took as a real invasion from Mars, or the Germans, or someone. You may read that here.
Moon Phase: Moon is in waning crescent (Balsamic) phase and enters New phase on Oct. 30 at 10:38 am PDT / 1:38 pm EDT (17:38:08 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Scorpio on Oct. 30 at 10:38 am PDT / 1:38 pm EDT (17:38:08 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon is in Taurus on Nov. 14 at 5:52 am PST / 8:52 am EST (13:51:59 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Libra and enters Scorpio on Oct. 29 at 7:01 pm PDT / 10:01 pm EDT (02:00:46 10/30 UTC).
Sun Degree: 06-07 Scorpio.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
It’s oh so quiet…ssh…ssh
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data from Serennu
— Chiron trine Cyllarus at 6:48 am PDT / 9:48 am EDT (13:47:48 UTC). In myth, Cyllarus and his wife Hylonome were young centaurs much like Romeo and Juliet in their passion for one another.
— Mercury sesquiquadrate Chiron at 7:19 am PDT / 10:19 am EDT (14:18:49 UTC).
If Your Birthday is Oct. 28
(The Day of Research) | Get Your Scorpio Birthday Reading
You have an opportunity to express yourself in play, or in art. What begins in jest may turn out to be of surprisingly durable benefit; so dance, laugh and love as much as you please. It’s true that most of us have to work for a living; bring your creative mind everywhere.
Written in the Planets
Cyllarus seems to represent all the best manifestations of youth and feeling, including the ability to shift something seemingly immovable. Aspects to this point and Neptune mean that we’re all being given a gift — the chance to reclaim some of our early dreams, and the sense of idealism and possibility that seems to evaporate with age. Keep in mind two things: you never need to stop learning, and you have all the power you need to direct your life. As they said on Galaxy Quest: “Never give up; never surrender.”

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, please email us at for your discounted price.)