Today is Friday, Nov. 4, 2016
Hebrew date is 3 Cheshvan 5777
Islamic date is 4 Safar 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 1 Ix
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457697
Today’s Birthdays: Will Rogers (1879-1935), Dixie Lee (1911-1952), Shakuntala Devi (1929-2013), Loretta Swit (1937), Kathy Griffin (1960), Sean Combs (1969), Matthew McConaughey (1969), T.O.P (1987).
“The pursuit of happiness is in our constitution. We’re all entitled to have the best we can.”
— Loretta Swit
Where are the strong, and who are the trusted?
Most Americans think that working hard entitles us to everything, and that having rights is a waiver from responsibility. Look where it’s getting us.
The missing piece is the personal one. It’s the part about the significant work of becoming human. We have human bodies and human DNA and all that, but actually evolving into one’s humanity is about the work of self-awareness and growth. This is challenging for people who admit that neither exist.
It’s about questioning one’s assumptions, which requires becoming aware of them. There’s also something about discernment: doing the work of deciding what is true and what is false; of deciding what is in accord with one’s values, which means knowing what they are.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Waxing Crescent phase and enters First Quarter phase on Nov. 7 at 11:51 am PST / 2:51 pm EST (19:51:03 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Taurus on Nov. 14 at 5:52 am PST / 8:52 am EST (13:51:59 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Sagittarius on Nov. 29 at 4:18 am PST / 7:18 am EST (12:18:09 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Nov. 6 at 5:55 am PST / 8:55 am EST (13:55:08 UTC).
Sun Degree: 13-14 Scorpio.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Thereus stations retrograde at 5:57 pm PDT / 8:57 pm EDT (00:56:35 11/5 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mercury opposite Bienor at 8:58 am PDT / 11:58 am EDT (15:57:34 UTC).
— Venus square Chiron at 9:39 am PDT / 12:39 pm EDT (16:38:42 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Nov. 4
(The Day of the Provocateur) | Get Your Scorpio Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Can you feel your own authority? Not a superiority complex; rather, how you deal with confrontations with those who try to place social, relational or familial expectations on you. Are you secure in claiming authority over your life? Believe it or not, this is not entirely the norm in our culture. Today, however, if you have the will, you can likely begin to find a way to the independence and self-actualization you seek.
Written in the Planets
It’s natural not to want to experience tension, and many people are incredibly uncomfortable expressing their emotions. Yet tension is an indicator that something needs to shift. And while intense emotional expression can feel terrifying rather than exhilarating, when done consciously, it’s still healthier than bottling things up. Remember: one opposite of ‘expression’ is ‘depression’. Today’s square between Venus in Sagittarius and Chiron in Pisces could feel a little pressurized. But resolving that sensation not only has the power to help you get more clear on your values — including, possibly, how they were once transgressed — you might even find the experience quite cathartic and healing. Here’s the catch: you have to let it out to let that in.

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, please email us at for your discounted price.)