Today is Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016
Hebrew date is 29 Cheshvan 5777
Islamic date is 1 Rabi’-I 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 1 Ajaw
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457723
Today’s Birthdays: Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Mark Twain (1835-1910), Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005), Allan Sherman (1924-1973), Terrence Malick (1943), June Pointer (1953-2006), Billy Idol (1955), Ben Stiller (1965), Kaley Cuoco (1985).
“The Constitution they wrote was designed to protect the rights of white, male citizens. As there were no black Founding Fathers, there were no founding mothers — a great pity, on both counts. It is not too late to complete the work they left undone.”
— Shirley Chisholm, advocating the Equal Rights Amendment in 1970. There still isn’t one.
In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, we visit the Standing Rock protest in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. The governor of that state has set a deadline of Dec. 5 for the camp to be evicted, and I read that chart. It’s not pretty. If we want to avoid a bloodbath, we’re going to need to join forces and get involved.
Play the episode here, or visit our main website for resources to take action — please post in the comments, or email us, if you have additional ideas.
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase on Dec. 3 at 5:35 am PST / 8:35 am EST (13:34:47 UTC).
Next Full Moon is on Dec. 13 at 4:05 pm PST / 7:05 pm EST (00:05:29 12/14 UTC).
Next New Moon is on Dec. 28-29 at 10:53 pm PST / 1:53 am EST (06:53:07 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on Dec. 1 at 12:52 am PST / 3:52 am EST (08:52:13 UTC).
Sun Degree: 9-10 Sagittarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Nothing today. But tomorrow, as with buses, four come along at once.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mercury conjunct Pholus at 9:45 pm 11/29 PST / 12:45 am EST (05:44:47 UTC), and Galactic Center at 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST (18:59:46 UTC).
— Venus square Ceres at 11:02 pm 11/29 PST / 2:02 am EST (07:02:05 UTC).
— Sun square Orcus at 2:03 pm PST / 5:03 pm EST (22:03:07 UTC).
— Sun square Neptune at 5:17 pm PST / 8:17 pm EST (01:16:39 12/1 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Nov. 30
(The Day of Measured Attack) | Sagittarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You may find yourself especially attuned today to social attitudes and motivations, and how easily they can act like a runaway train. Often that is not productive. However, this phenomenon can take a beautiful twist when we’re talking about attitudes of gratitude, love, a sense of soul’s purpose or cosmic oneness. If you can tap into that message, feel free to spread it far and wide.
Written in the Planets
With Mercury conjunct both centaur Pholus and the Galactic Core in Sagittarius today, consider popping the cork on that bottle of universal truth and love you’ve been holding for a special occasion. Pholus suggests that small ideas can often have surprisingly big effects. With the center of the Milky Way Galaxy right there, things take on a potentially profound tone. It gets hard this time of year to slow down and be still. But if you can take a moment, see if you feel yourself tuning into some higher vibration or the better essence of humanity. We are part of something far vaster than what most of us can even conceive. When you think, speak and act with that in mind, it can ripple out further than you’ll ever know.

Get hold of the 2017 Planet Waves Annual, The Book of Your Life, by Dec. 1 for our special pre-order price. Read more here or go straight to the purchase page.
“We are part of something far vaster than what most of us can even conceive. When you think, speak and act with that in mind, it can ripple out further than you’ll ever know.”. Yes. Lovely. (((()))))
<3 Lizzy!