Today is Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016
Hebrew date is 30 Tishrei 5777
Islamic date is 1 Safar 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 11 Chuwen
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457694
Today’s Birthdays: Jan Brozek (1585-1652), Sippie Wallace (1898-1986), Edward Said (1935-2003), Jim Steinman (1947), Tim Cook (1960), Sophie B. Hawkins (1964), Tina Arena (1967), Aishwarya Rai (1973), Penn Badgley (1986).
“The [role of the] intellectual … cannot be played without a sense of being someone whose place it is publicly to raise embarrassing questions, to confront orthodoxy and dogma (rather than to produce them), to be someone who cannot easily be co-opted by governments or corporations, and whose raison d’etre is to represent all those people and issues that are routinely forgotten or swept under the rug.”
— Edward Said
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase on Nov. 3 at 1:50 pm PDT / 4:50 pm EDT (20:49:39 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Taurus on Nov. 14 at 5:52 am PST / 8:52 am EST (13:51:59 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Sagittarius on Nov. 29 at 4:18 am PST / 7:18 am EST (12:18:09 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius today at 7:43 am PDT / 10:43 am EDT (14:43:00 UTC).
Sun Degree: 10-11 Scorpio.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Sagittarius at 7:43 am PDT / 10:43 am EDT (14:43:00 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun trine Neptune at 1:17 am PDT / 4:17 am EDT (08:16:33 UTC).
— Mars semi-square Neptune at 4:23 am PDT / 7:23 am EDT (11:23:02 UTC).
— Saturn opposite Asbolus at 8:22 am PDT / 11:22 am EDT (15:22:16 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Nov. 1
(The Day of Onslaught) | Get Your Scorpio Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
There are birthdays, and then there are ‘Birth Days’ — those days when you understand that you have the power to spin the thread of your life however you wish. That might sound overwhelming, but here’s the beauty of it: you cannot make a wrong choice, because your life is yours to create. True, regenerating your relationship to yourself might leave old self-conceptions in the dark; but that’s just part of the grand cycle, and par for this season. Put some real energy and action toward your purpose, and build what matters most to you.
Written in the Planets
Today’s water trine between the Scorpio Sun and Neptune in Pisces bodes well for any creative activities you have planned, especially those associated with Day of the Dead celebrations. (Although anything artistic, musical or imaginative will be in the zone.) In fact, if you’re planning to tune into ancestors who are ‘behind the veil’, this astrology could give the signal a boost. The pursuit of healing, particularly of the sexual and emotional variety, may also be fruitful. With the Moon moving into Sagittarius today, you might notice your energy shifting into expressing outwardly what you’d previously been processing inwardly. At any rate, working at a cafe for a couple of hours, taking a different route home from work or getting in touch with a faraway friend (and making plans to visit) could help you satisfy any restlessness between today and Thursday.

Eric has begun the early pre-order phase of the 2017 annual edition. You can read his full letter about it here. Or, go straight to the purchase page. (If you’re a Core Community or Backstage Pass member, please email us at for your discounted price.)