Today is Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Hebrew date is 5 Sivan 5777
Islamic date is 4 Ramadan 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 13 Imix’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457904
Today’s Birthdays: Georg von Peuerbach (1423-1461), Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), Randolph Bourne (1886-1918), Howard Hawks (1896-1977), Cornelia Otis Skinner (1899-1979), Countee Cullen (1903-1946), Mel Blanc (1908-1989), Benny Goodman (1909-1986), Joseph Stein (1912-2010), Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016), Keir Dullea (1936), Gladys Horton (1945-2011), Michael Piller (1948-2005), Larry D. Alexander (1953), Colm Meaney (1953), Colm Toibin (1955), Harry Enfield (1961), Wynonna Judd (1964), Tom Morello (1964), Mark Sheppard (1964), Peter Keys (1965), John Ross Bowie (1971), Duncan Jones (1971), Idina Menzel (1971), CeeLo Green (1974), Big L (1974-1999), Rachael Stirling (1977), Remy Ma (1980).
“The President is an elected king, but the fact that he is elected has proved to be of far less significance in the course of political evolution than the fact that he is pragmatically a king… Kings have often been selected this way in European history, and the Roman Emperor was regularly chosen by election.”
— Randolph Bourne
Moon Phase: Moon is in Waxing Crescent phase and enters First Quarter phase on June 1 at 5:42 am PDT / 8:42 am EDT (12:42:02 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Sagittarius on June 9 at 6:09 am PDT / 9:09 am EDT (13:09:31 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Cancer on June 23-24 at 7:30 pm PDT / 10:30 pm EDT (02:30:38 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Leo and enters Virgo on May 31 at 9:16 am PDT / 12:16 pm EDT (16:15:44 UTC).
Sun Degree: 9-10 Gemini.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
No changes today.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mercury opposite Deucalion at 9:22 pm May 29 PDT / 12:22 am EDT (04:21:57 UTC).
— Mercury trine Juno at 12:19 am PDT / 3:19 am EDT (07:18:43 UTC).
— Venus conjunct Eris at 9:09 am PDT / 12:09 pm EDT (16:08:57 UTC).
— Sun sextile Vesta at 4:23 pm PDT / 7:23 pm EDT (23:23:30 UTC).
— Mars sextile Uranus at 7:39 pm PDT / 10:39 pm EDT (02:39:23 May 31 UTC).
There’s a theory of personality that says the only way we learn who we are is through conflict. Mostly that means the social bump and grind that comes from asserting who you are and what you want. Currently society is set on hair-trigger when it comes to expressing any desire that can’t be fulfilled by shoving a credit card into a chip reader. Yet you seem determined to express what you want, and since that’s the case, be prepared to ruffle a few feathers and get the chickens squawking. Whether you get what you want or not, what you learn will provide you with some valuable information about yourself. And please, don’t let anyone’s response wear down your self-confidence. Rather, be emboldened. There’s plenty of room for you on the planet. Everyone can squish over a little.
You may read all 12 signs here.
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If Your Birthday is May 30
(The Day of Nimble Time) | Gemini Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You know that when you put your mind to it, you’re capable of serving a truly great purpose with your ideas. As in, devising or communicating the kind of altruistic project that makes life better for everyone involved. See what you can do to tap into that side of yourself today. Remember that it starts with feeling compassion — which is a function of your heart, not your mind. The brainstorming of solutions happens as a result of that deeper connection.
Written in the Planets
Part of owning one’s sexual energy is knowing what you desire, and then choosing to be clear in attracting it or asking for it. Are you aware of when you use less-than-direct tactics to get someone else to take the lead in giving you something you want? Today Venus conjoins Eris in Aries. On the one hand, this could merge their qualities in a very bold, assertive and obvious way — even if it’s surprising or causes momentary chaos. Yet sometimes a conjunction between planets can create a blind spot in one’s awareness. In this setup, that blind spot could be where manipulation hangs out. As unsettling as chaos can be, ultimately it gives everyone involved the opportunity to choose clearly for themselves how to respond. If you’re feeling compelled to “change and become,” it’s okay to own that process fully, and to embrace not knowing what the outcome will be.

INVOLUTION has now been published! Order all 12 signs of INVOLUTION here for instant access, or choose your individual signs here. Check out our all-new video preview.