Today is Monday, June 5, 2017
Hebrew date is 11 Sivan 5777
Islamic date is 10 Ramadan 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 6 Manik’
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457910
Today’s Birthdays: Allvar Gullstrand (1862-1930), John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936), Otis Barton (1899-1992), A. Powell Davies (1902-1957), Richard Scarry (1919-1994), Sheila Sim (1922-2016), Tony Richardson (1928-1991), Alifa Rifaat (1930-1996), Christy Brown (1932-1981), Bill Moyers (1934), Spalding Gray (1941-2004), Laurie Anderson (1947), David Hare (1947), Freddie Stone (1947), Ken Follett (1949), Carole Fredericks (1952), Kenny G (1956), Mary Kay Bergman (1961-1999), Michael E. Brown (1965), Ron Livingston (1967), Brian McKnight (1969), Mark Wahlberg (1971), Liza Weil (1977), Pete Wentz (1979), Felisha and Fallon King (1988), DJ Mustard (1990).
“Mother wasn’t content just to say that I was not an idiot: she set out to prove it, not because of any rigid sense of duty, but out of love. That is why she was so successful.”
— Christy Brown
Dharma 101: Assertive Caring and Emotional Accessibility
We begin this week with three personal planets on the move that represent some of our most palpable facets of personality. Broadly speaking, this is a reminder to notice what’s shifting — particularly within you, or in terms of your responses to your immediate environment. Yet it’s how things are shifting that really matters.

Spider monkey at the Belize Zoo, which cares for animals that have been injured, abandoned or rescued from the illegal pet trade. Photo by Amanda Painter.
The background context for this other astrology is that the Moon is approaching Full phase. On Friday, the Moon in Sagittarius will oppose the Sun in Gemini. Like all Full Moons, this one speaks of energy coming to a peak, particularly in interpersonal relationships. And as noted, the tone of ‘the personal’ is being modified.
First off, Mars ingressed Cancer earlier today (Sunday). On Tuesday, June 6, Venus enters its home sign of Taurus at 3:26 am EDT (7:26 UTC). Then later on Tuesday Mercury ingresses its own home sign of Gemini at 6:15 pm EDT (22:15 UTC).
Both Venus and Mars are entering ‘feminine’ (or more receptive) signs: Taurus and Cancer. (Gemini, like all air signs, gets called ‘masculine’, though astrologer Isabel Hickey points out that due to its dualistic nature, it’s rather neutral in terms of ‘gender’.)
In an email conversation about this cluster of planetary shifts, Eric wrote: “You might ask: if people suddenly seemed to be more emotionally accessible, and if you wanted to be more accessible, what would you do? How would you respond?”
For example, there’s the idea of allowing oneself to be more open with a partner: stating your feelings and listening to theirs. Or in social situations, being more receptive to simple gestures like eye contact. Making eye contact is such a powerful way of connecting with another human being. Yet in this era of the smartphone, people seem to avoid it like the plague with anyone they don’t already know.
Moon Phase: Moon is First Quarter phase and enters Waxing Gibbous phase today at 3:41 am PDT / 6:41 am EDT (10:41:27 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Sagittarius on June 9 at 6:09 am PDT / 9:09 am EDT (13:09:31 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Cancer on June 23-24 at 7:30 pm PDT / 10:30 pm EDT (02:30:38 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Libra and enters Scorpio today at 3:46 am PDT / 6:46 am EDT (10:45:50 UTC).
Sun Degree: 15-16 Gemini.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Moon enters Scorpio at 3:46 am PDT / 6:46 am EDT (10:45:50 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Mercury square True Node at 4:15 am PDT / 7:15 am EDT (10:15:16 UTC).
— Saturn conjunct Ixion at 10:59 am PDT / 1:59 pm EDT (17:59:14 UTC).
— Sun conjunct Ceres at 5:15 pm PDT / 8:15 pm EDT (00:15:25 June 6 UTC).
— Mercury sextile Chiron at 8:41 pm PDT / 11:41 pm EDT (03:41:15 June 6 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is June 5
(The Day of the Brilliant Path) | Gemini Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You’re perched on the edge where you have a rather interesting view of life, and of yourself. Remember what it’s like where you are now. You may feel like you’re in transition, and like you have to live with more uncertainty than you would prefer — though the truth is, this is a rich moment where you can taste your true potential. It’s not just in your imagination.
Written in the Planets
Mercury is preparing to enter its own sign Gemini, which could facilitate matters of communication, as if speeding up the collective brain. Prior to doing so, however, it makes contact with the Nodes and with Chiron, which might feel as if it’s urging us to carry forward the gifts of Taurus: among them persistence, care and thoroughness. Don’t lose sight of what you have recently learned and achieved. Keep checking your facts; and if you start work on something, be prepared to see it through.

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