Today is Friday, Jan. 20, 2017
Hebrew date is 22 Tevet 5777
Islamic date is 22 Rabi’-II 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 13 Chuwen
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457774
Today’s Birthdays: George Burns (1896-1996), Ernesto Cardenal (1925), David Tudor (1926-1996), Buzz Aldrin (1930), David Lee (1931), Hennie Aucamp (1934-2014), Dorothy Provine (1937-2010), David Lynch (1946), Apa Sherpa (1960), Heather Small (1965), Philippe Cousteau, Jr. (1980).
“If you put yourself in a situation of unpredictability and then find that it’s completely possible to accept it, then you become an observer.”
— David Tudor
On the eve of the presidential inauguration, Eric Francis discusses how we got here, and where we might be going. What do we do now that a con artist and fraud is to take office? The best solution would seem to be offering help and compassion where it is most needed. Read the full edition here, including your short February horoscope by Eric.
Moon Phase: Moon is in Last Quarter phase and enters Balsamic (waning crescent) phase on Jan. 23-24 at 5:24 pm PST / 8:24 pm EST (01:24:14 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Aquarius on Jan. 27-28 at 4:07 pm PST / 7:07 pm EST (00:06:58 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon in Leo is on Feb. 10-11 at 4:33 pm PST / 7:33 pm EST (00:32:49 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on Jan. 22 at 2:45 am PST / 5:45 am EST (10:45:00 UTC).
Sun Degree: 1-2 Aquarius.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Bienor stations direct at 7:33 am PST / 10:33 am EST (15:33:37 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun square Pelion at 10:28 pm Jan. 19 PST / 1:28 am EST (06:28:39 UTC).
— Venus sextile Pluto at 5:57 am PST / 8:57 am EST (13:56:47 UTC).
— Mercury sextile Pallas at 12:28 pm PST / 3:28 pm EST (20:28:21 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Jan. 20
(The Day of the Freewheeler) | Aquarius Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
Sometimes it is hubris to see what one has created and assume it will last forever. Other times, it is hubris to assume that things must change to reflect oneself. How can you solve the puzzle? One way is to be sure that you are looking beneath the surface-level glamour of self-image. Image is not all that matters in life (if, indeed, it matters much at all). You need not worry that your deeper emotions are ‘monstrous’. Use them deliberately to push yourself toward growth and transformation, and you can stay humble while making great strides.
Written in the Planets
There’s a pair of interesting aspects involving the signs Capricorn and Pisces today; together, they seem to suggest that anyone looking to subvert the dominant paradigm has some energy they can tap into. First up is Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn. On one level, this speaks of intense sexuality and deep, passionate emotions. If you try to get under the surface of something today, you’ll likely succeed. You could get real (and really hot) with a lover under the covers. Or, you could go deep with friends to evolve something like your worldview, or how you interact with ‘the establishment’. We also have Mercury in Capricorn sextile Pallas in Pisces. Can you communicate your most idealistic, egalitarian strategies in focused, concrete detail? More simply, are you broadcasting the message of ‘the love warrior’?

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More simply, are you broadcasting the message of ‘the love warrior’?
Sounds like a good question to ask today of all days !
Exactly what I was hoping to convey, Linda Rock! I suspect we’ll need to help remind each other on a regular basis.