Today is Saturday, Dec. 24, 2016
Hebrew date is 24 Kislev 5777
Islamic date is 25 Rabi’-I 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 12 K’an
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457747
Today’s Birthdays: Matthew Arnold (1822-1888), Mary Higgins Clark (1927), Lemmy (1945-2015), Clarence Gilyard (1955), Glenn McQueen (1960-2002), Caroline Aherne (1963-2016), Ricky Martin (1971), Stephenie Meyer (1973), J.D. Walsh (1974), Louis Tomlinson (1991).
“To have the sense of creative activity is the great happiness and the great proof of being alive.”
— Matthew Arnold
Moon Phase: Moon is in Last Quarter phase and enters Balsamic (waning crescent) phase today at 8:41 pm PST / 11:41 pm EST (04:41:32 Dec. 25 UTC).
Next New Moon is on Dec. 28-29 at 10:53 pm PST / 1:53 am EST (06:53:07 UTC).
Corresponding Full Moon is on Jan. 12 at 3:34 am PST / 6:34 am EST (11:33:54 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on Dec. 25 at 7:19 pm PST / 10:19 pm EST (03:18:40 Dec. 26 UTC).
Sun Degree: 3-4 Capricorn.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Not a creature was stirring, not even an asteroid.
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Sun trine 1992 QB1 at 7:41 am PST / 10:41 am EST (15:41:21 UTC).
— Saturn trine Uranus at 4:21 pm PST / 7:21 pm EST (00:20:42 Dec. 25 UTC).
— Sun square Logos at 5:43 pm PST / 8:43 pm EST (01:43:00 Dec. 25 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is Dec. 24
(The Day of Complex Emotions) | Capricorn Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
You appear ready to cross a threshold in some tangibly meaningful way. That could mean easing into a new leadership or business position. Or it could be something as simple as letting new traditions and objects slide into place to support how you prefer to live these days. However you identify it, what matters is your awareness that the shift feels right on time. It’s the sensation of your body saying ‘yes’.
Written in the Planets
Does your sense of practicality, efficiency or ambition seem at odds with ‘the natural order of things’ today? There is a certain logic to beauty, especially in nature, and the way it can symbolize our connection to All-that-Is. Yet, to see and embody it asks us to shift our awareness from “How can I use this?” to “How can this be of use to others?” That’s one way of reading today’s square between the Sun in Capricorn and asteroid Logos in Libra. The weekend’s beautiful aspect pattern between Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus is also moving into place. See if you can find new avenues for creative self-expression within an established tradition.

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