Today is Saturday, April 29, 2017
Hebrew date is 3 Iyyar 5777
Islamic date is 3 Sha’ban 1438
Mayan Tzolk’in Day is 8 Ok
Mayan Long Count is
Julian Day is 2457873
Today’s Birthdays: John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Henri Poincare (1854-1912), Duke Ellington (1899-1974), Marietta Blau (1894-1970), Irvin Kershner (1923-2010), Heinz Wolff (1928), Lonnie Donegan (1931-2002), Willie Nelson (1933), Nora Dunn (1952), Jerry Seinfeld (1954), Kate Mulgrew (1955), Daniel Day-Lewis (1957), Timothy Treadwell (1957-2003), Michelle Pfeiffer (1958), Carnie Wilson (1968), Master P (1970), Uma Thurman (1970), Megan Boone (1983), Foxes (1989).
“How can anyone expect to be understood unless he presents his thoughts with complete honesty? This situation is unfair because it asks too much of the world. In effect, we say, ‘I don’t dare show you what I am because I don’t trust you for a minute but please love me anyway because I so need you to. And, of course, if you don’t love me anyway, you’re a dirty dog, just as I suspected, so I was right in the first place.’ Yet, every time God’s children have thrown away fear in pursuit of honesty — trying to communicate themselves, understood or not, miracles have happened.”
— Duke Ellington
This article by Eric from 2015 celebrated the first discovered asteroid (now a dwarf planet), named for the Goddess of agriculture, grain and what Cicero considered the very best of the Greek Mysteries. As such, Ceres’ domain is at the center of civilization itself.
Moon Phase: Moon is in New phase and enters Waxing Crescent phase today at 9:56 am PDT / 12:56 pm EDT (16:56:38 UTC).
Next Full Moon is in Scorpio on May 10 at 2:42 pm PDT / 5:42 pm EDT (21:42:25 UTC).
Next New Moon is in Gemini on May 25 at 12:44 pm PDT / 3:44 pm EDT (19:44:23 UTC).
Moon Sign: Moon is in Gemini and enters Cancer tonight at 6:48 pm PDT / 9:48 pm EDT (01:47:53 April 30 UTC).
Sun Degree: 10-11 Taurus.
Planetary Stations and Sign Changes
Ceres enters Gemini at 8:39 am PDT / 11:39 am EDT (15:39:34 UTC).
Interesting Selected Aspects | Data by Serennu
— Eros square Manwe at 11:42 am PDT / 2:42 pm EDT (18:42:37 UTC).
— Venus square Quaoar at 1:13 pm PDT / 4:13 pm EDT (20:13:34 UTC).
— Mars square Psyche at 4:24 pm PDT / 7:24 pm EDT (23:24:16 UTC).
— Haumea opposite Eris at 6:54 pm PDT / 9:54 pm EDT (01:53:52 April 30 UTC).
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If Your Birthday is April 29
(The Day of the Heavy Image) | Taurus Birthday Reading | All Other Signs
If you’re aspiring to a goal of some kind and you reach a seeming limit, don’t let that stop you. You must be persistent, which is different from stubbornness. Be content with a little effort every day; and let any success, no matter how small, embolden you to keep going. Take responsibility for your actions, and let integrity be your middle name.
Written in the Planets
Remember that there are many ways to nourish yourself. For example: literally, with food; through physical activity; mentally, through the ideas you focus on and the conversations you have; emotionally, by giving your feelings room and time to be processed; spiritually, by cultivating your inner space, energetic presence and connection to All That Is. Sometimes, though, we human beings need to be reminded to focus on one of these forms above the others. Today, Ceres enters Gemini and makes some interesting aspects to minor bodies, with a clear focus on the mental sphere. Honor any difficulties or bad habits you’ve had in this realm — they’re just part of your growth process. Then get to work addressing them, using what you’ve learned in the past. Or, if you’ve been super mentally oriented lately, try redirecting your focus toward good food and some quiet meditation or exercise, as your body and spirit need. Remember that this is an act of caring above all else; ideally it will leave you feeling better than you did before — mind, body and soul.

Join Eric live on Saturday, May 6 for his exciting new class, Eroticism: The Cosmic Mirror. Eric will bring everything he’s learned from studying tantra as well as the planets. There’s never been another astrology class like this.