You have probably seen your share of what might broadly be called optical illusions. One of the most famous and straightforward examples (linked here) shows either a vase or two faces, depending on who you are and how you look at the picture.
Most of you can alternate how you look at the picture to either see a vase against a black background or two silhouetted faces separated by a white background. It’s not so easy to see both at once.
If there is anything to what’s indicated by the astrology at this time, the perceptual challenge of seeing both the vase and faces at once is reflected in (and by) your life. Perhaps that is no accident. It could be that your lifetime is a very important time in human history precisely because such challenges to perception exist.
You might very well find yourself cycling rapidly, alternating between what to focus on at any given time and what to relegate to the background. When you consider how modern innovations such as text messaging constantly pull your attention away from one part of your life into another, it can be dizzying to even contemplate. In addition, with so many things vying for your attention and energy, you may often find yourself wondering whether it is necessary (or even advisable) to keep up with everything all at once. Yet, there also seems to be an imperative to perceive everything as a connected whole so that each part can be better understood.
How to respond to such apparently authentic but also daunting perceptions? Astrology appears to be providing you with some clues.
For astrologers, the outer planets, which take many years to go around the Sun (and through the zodiac cycle of signs), have often symbolized the background. That background contains subject matter represented by generations, nations, cultural institutions and other long-term phenomena. The so-called “personal planets” — the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and (maybe) Mars — on the other hand, have usually been relegated to correlate with cycles that repeat many times in the course of a typical human life. Actual experience, however, does not seem so simple anymore.
Ever since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 (and perhaps going back even further to when Pluto and Neptune began a seemingly perpetual separation of about sixty degrees in the middle of the 20th Century), distinctions between long-term and short-term have less meaning. As Eric has often noted, “everything at once” has become more the rule than the exception. The same sort of coalescence has also taken place between the public and private parts of many (if not most) lives.
Now, with Neptune in Pisces for the last five years or so, the phenomenon of “everything at once” accompanied by a blurring of the lines between personal and political issues is reaching a crescendo. The idea is to see that as both a good and a necessary thing. As the personal planets move in rapid succession between major aspects to Pluto, Neptune and Uranus (which is in Aries), the celestial message seems to be that you must find your own way to make life manageable rather than rely on ways of the past.
Part of finding your way is determining a middle ground between foreground and background. It is no longer either advisable or possible to hide away from the world, if indeed it ever was. By the same token, it is more than any human being can manage to keep up with everything at the same time, all the time.

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Rather, it is up to you to select what to focus on, but not to compartmentalize your life. Separation is no longer a realistic approach. Instead, it is consistent with the world’s realities to discern what areas and types of involvement will keep you conversant with the whole while not overwhelming you.
In other words, you can’t do it all and shouldn’t elect to do nothing at all. There is another way that you can contribute to developing, thereby furthering the evolution of our kind. It is a middle way, in which each individual releases attachment to being separate, while also embracing the potential to emerge from the background — as called for to make a difference when too many others retreat into anonymity and non-involvement.
Your middle way does not require a rapid oscillation between one state and another. Quite the contrary. It is determining where you are at, and finding the rest of the world there with you. It will not be easy. It is possible, and efforts of the astrologically conversant (such as Eric and others you read here at Planet Waves) can guide your contribution to make it so.
Offered In Service
How true Len. Even before the techie age though, one would experience times when overload on sensory perception would require a timeout. Too much fun for example. Those periods of transiting Neptune sextile transiting Pluto, off and on between the mid 1940’s and the mid 2030’s, part of their 500 year cycle, are seen as what “constitutes, as it were, the deep base-note supporting the chord of faster shifting planetary relationships” according to Dane Rudhyar. What you have referred to as the background I would think would be what Rudhyar has called the faster shifting planetary relationships.
Well, those faster shifting planetary relationships are upon us and are filtered down to us through this last quarter of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle that began in 2000, a decidedly earthy, material cycle. In between those sextiles (between Neptune and Pluto) are the septiles they make; those 51+ degree aspects that are irrational and confrontational, and what Robert Wilkinson says provide “forks in the road of destiny”. Wilkinson says that is when we “must choose which way we will define our personality and therefore our future” which sounds a lot like what you call our middle way.
At the moment, transiting Pluto and transiting Neptune are just under 53 degrees of separation. The exact septile is 51 degrees and 3/7’s, so just over 1 degree of orb separates them. Some astrologers give only 1degree of orb as allowable for this aspect while others say up to 3 degrees of orb is allowed. I say these are man-made lines in the sand and Neptune (or Pluto for that matter) doesn’t play by man’s rules or his lines in the sand. Therefore, I would surmise, based on what I allow myself to watch of TV debates between Republican candidates or coverage of their speeches, we are in the septile phase between Pluto and Neptune.
So your advice to get in the game and help to further “the evolution of our kind” might seem daunting, but by focusing (as you say) on what you (all of us) can contribute to that end is why you are here at this time and in this place. Just do it. (Of course, you are already doing that Len, I didn’t mean you specifically. 🙂 ) Thank you for being out there good buddy.
Read more of Wilkinson here:
For more on Dane Rudhyar written by Michael Meyer go here. .
Absolutely feeling this Len. I can feel the speed of the personal planets and how they are quite literally aiding/ contributing in their rapid advancement to the slower, broader evolution. Both Internal and external, INTEGRATION. And i am finding the more open you are to recieving from the external cosmic, earth and elements the more you magnitize it and become a part of the process of wholeness within. It is quite extrordinare. An incredible experience of love and blessing we are recieving at this time. Even acknowledging the old patterning of separation is part of this higher cycling of integration as well, (Mercury is currently in 5th). I have found gently understanding and working within to realize they are there as a reminder, whereby the utilization in blessing these scares, becomes part of the shifting to the next level that symotaniously magnitisee you to the broader view; one.
yes, I am feeling the transition(s) and getting so much help from Pema Chodron … can’t recommend her books more highly.
love to all,
go bernie