Today the Earth and the Sun align with the Great Attractor, the center of our local universe. The Great Attractor, associated with the Laniakea Supercluster, a pool of subatomic particles located in deep space. It’s so vast that it serves as the central feature of a cluster of 100,000 galaxies, including our own.

The Laniakea Supercluster of Galaxies. See a video presentation on our home in space at this link.
The alignment is exact at 4:21 pm EST [21:21:21 UTC] on Monday, Dec. 5. At that time, the Sun aligns in a conjunction with the Great Attractor at 14 degrees of Sagittarius and 11 arc minutes.
This happens once a year. If you’re curious about Laniakea/Great Attractor, you can hear an interview with Dr. Brent Tully, one of the leading scientists studying the phenomenon, on an archived edition of Planet Waves FM.
Later in the week, the Sun aligns with Saturn in Sagittarius. This occurs at 6:51 am EST [11:51 UTC] on Saturday, Dec. 10, though it’s a defining feature of the week. The Sun-Saturn conjunction can feel like psychological pressure or a struggle to express oneself. Yet the results of effort and focus go further than you might think they will.
Under this astrology it’s helpful to narrow your focus to certain specific goals that you work toward. Under Saturn’s influence in Sagittarius, it will help to question your assumptions and beliefs rather than to accept them or let them go unnoticed.
More on Tuesday’s edition of Planet Waves FM.
Gay Therapy Cure banned in Europe.
OK, Malta is a very small island, but from small beginnings, etc. I forget which asteroid covers this, but I think it must be in conjunction with Jupiter today.
Huzzah! Another step in the right direction for humanity.