In election news, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are slated to face off tonight in the third and final presidential debate at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. The final debate comes as Donald Trump’s campaign is reeling from a series of accusations of sexual assault from nine different women. Trump has denied these allegations. On Tuesday, People magazine published an article quoting six different people who all corroborated People magazine journalist Natasha Stoynoff’s account of being sexually assaulted by Donald Trump in 2005 at his Mar-a-Lago resort. Stoynoff says Trump pushed her against the wall and kissed her against her will. The six cited in the article include two People magazine editors and one of her co-workers, Paul McLaughlin, who said, “I advised her not to say anything, because I believed Trump would deny it and try to destroy her.” Clinton, meanwhile, is facing questions about newly released and leaked emails, which reveal everything from Clinton’s State Department prioritizing “Friends of Bill Clinton” while assigning aid contracts after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, to Clinton bashing environmentalists and anti-fracking advocates during a meeting with the building trades union in 2015, where she said the activists should “get a life.” Ahead of tonight’s debate in Las Vegas, people are placing bets on everything from whether Clinton will take a drug test—as Trump has called for—to whether Trump will show up at all.

Democracy Now! — Wednesday, Oct 19, 2016
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