Eric will have the exciting new Spring Reading for you by April 17. Pre-order today for the best price, and get the lowdown on Mars retrograde. Includes video!
By Judith Gayle | Political Waves
With Mars moving toward a retro in Scorpio, 8th House issues are popping up like mushrooms in the dark corners of the garden. Sex, death, and taxes come to mind, and today we’ll look at what’s going on with taxes. No, not the Panama Papers, which is growing into something much larger: perhaps a palm tree to relax under with one’s ill-gotten gains.
Speaking of Mars retrograde, there is a rich tapestry of detail available on how that effects your sign(s) along with other transiting influences, during our Spring Reading pre-sale. You’ll find the information you need to help you swim these choppy spring waters here.
I’ve written before about corporations that establish their headquarters overseas in order to reduce their tax liability. Both Walgreens (drug store chain) and Burger King mulled a merger with foreign companies in 2014, a move known as corporate tax inversion. Walgreens stood to gain somewhere in the neighborhood of $4 billion with this increasingly popular procedure, Burger King around $275 million.
While this process is not illegal, the thought of making such a change to evade taxation strikes most Americans as highly immoral. The public, sensitized by the fraudulent behavior of Wall Street and banking loopholes that had birthed the fledgling populist movement, met the Walgreens and Burger King plans with a squeal of outrage and threats of boycott. Both corporations received such a drubbing that each decided to keep their headquarters stateside.
This week, President Obama threw an e-brake on plans by Pfizer Pharmaceutical to do the same by merging with an Irish company, Allergan (maker of Botox), in order to establish a new corporate entity. The deal would have saved them $160 billion — read that BILLION — in federal taxes.
The mechanics of having sufficient size/holdings to make such a merger is as convoluted as is our tax system, but suffice to say that this is a process that Pfizer has been working toward for years. No surprise, then, that investors became alarmed when Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced a new rule on acquisition, which threw their goal into doubt. In the hours after the announcement, Allergan shares fell 22 percent.
Besides putting a hitch in Pfizer’s giddy-up, this has also put the unwieldy U.S. corporate tax code into the spotlight. Much as Obama’s “You didn’t build that” speech fostered Elizabeth Warren’s further declaration that “There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own. Nobody,” the attention has underscored the need for corporate tax reform and scrutiny of loopholes benefiting the wealthy.
That said, almost a year ago, Elizabeth Warren launched an investigation into the perks and pay-offs received by financial advisers. She was troubled that there was no law protecting consumers who assumed they were receiving financial advice that would benefit them, not their advisers. Turns out the perks received by some of these brokers were, as feared, lavish, while the investors were routinely encouraged to buy into risky annuities that lost them much-needed retirement funds.
This week, the administration put out new rules that require retirement advisers to put their clients’ interests before their own. All of us owe Elizabeth a debt of thanks for her influence, and Obama a thumbs-up for following through. These are important and necessary protections. Now if we could just get the entire corporate community to put their clients’ interests before their own, and approve a Supreme Court that favors real citizens over corporate personhood, we’d be on our way!
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UPDATE: The Pfiser/Allergan merger has been scrapped but Allergin had a nice back-up plan. From Fortune:
Allergan Struck a $3.3 Billion Alzheimer’s Drug Deal Right After Its Pfizer Merger Collapsed
“Wednesday, just hours after the firms dissolved the deal, Allergan announced a significant licensing pact with the U.K.’s Heptares Therapeutics for its Alzheimer’s drug portfolio.
“The tale of the ill-fated Pfizer-Allergan engagement is well-known by now. An Obama administration intent on blocking tax domicile-shifting corporate inversion issued new Treasury Department rules which would have made it particularly difficult for the drugmakers’ union to pass regulatory muster. That’s thrown a wrench into a number of Wall Street and hedge funds’ plans and forced to Pfizer and Allergan to quickly map out their next moves.”
Thanks to the unyielding conservative philosophy that all taxation is bad for both the individual and the nation, the corporate share of federal tax revenue has gone from 32% in 1952 to 10% in 2013, a drop of two-thirds. Especially in a time of austerity practices for lower and middle class citizens, along with little to no change in the astounding amount of corporate welfare, think of how the loss of that resource impacts our national budget.
Those who cry big croc tears that Obama is taking liberties with his job description might better spend their time doing THEIR job as advocates for the people of this nation.
Con men come in all sizes shapes and form as well as wardrobe. From the halls of justice to Wall Street to the small town carnival, there is always somebody wanting to pitch you a deal that will make you rich if you just listen to their advice.. Amazing that this tactic still works, century after century. It is the human condition of never being satisfied with what you have that makes us vulnerable to the likes of these people. Live and learn I guess.
Indeed the 8th house and Scorpio deal in this kind of deception, among other more reputable partnership deals, but somebody always has to play the role of the sucker. In the USA it would be the taxpayers more often than not. The 8th house in the Sibly version of that U.S. chart is the Moon. The Moon rules the People and the majority of them are also the Taxpayers.
I don’t know much about con men, ‘cept what I see in the movies, but astrologically speaking it would take some Mars and some Neptune and some Pluto to be good at it wouldn’t you think? Well, when Neptune met Pluto in Gemini (a flim-flam-man sign if ever there was one!) they were sextile Mars in Leo who was conjunct Chiron (pain leads to wisdom). Pluto and Neptune in Gemini were conjunct the U.S. Uranus in Gemini and that leads one to wonder how long has this been going on?
In 1891, 115 years after the U.S. became the U.S.A., Neptune and Pluto were conjoined to begin the cycle we now find ourselves in and guess what? Transiting Neptune has been square (off and on) the degree where he met transiting Pluto; right where the Great Awakener resides, the U.S. Uranus. Last year during March and April, again last year in August and September, and this year in January and February, transiting Neptune challenged its own cycle with Pluto from his position in Pisces. Then during this past December, transiting Saturn opposed that same degree where natal Uranus resides and where the Neptune-Pluto cycle began. Saturn specializes in facing reality.
Transiting Saturn won’t return to oppose the U.S. natal Uranus for another 30 or so years, but he will square transiting Neptune again in June when both are in retrograde motion (review, etc.) and again in September. Transiting Saturn will in 2020 conjunct transiting Pluto, as will transiting Jupiter, before transiting Saturn and Jupiter start their new cycle at the end of that year.
Before that happens though, transiting Saturn will oppose the U.S. Sun in Cancer and square the U.S. Saturn in Libra and that will entail change in the way business is conducted in the U.S. Before that happens though, transiting Saturn will trine transiting Uranus (3 times) for some unexpected and perhaps shocking action. That starts right after this November’s election; on Christmas Eve I believe. Then comes the transit of Saturn to agitate the square between U.S. Sun and U.S. Saturn, and then after that, he will conjunct transiting Pluto and after that he will start a new 20 year cycle with Jupiter that most certainly will make it more difficult to con the U.S voters/taxpayers.
This can be viewed then as a possible period of (1) facing the consequences of being conned, (2) of changing the rules of the game and (3) breaking through corrupt practices between big business and government. Or not. This period starts now, goes through the U.S. Presidential election, through the following 4 years and on to the new 20 year cycle between Jupiter and Saturn, a cycle of cultural and societal evolution.
It can’t be said often enough that Bernie Sanders and only Bernie Sanders puts ending corrupt business practice at the top of his to-do list as President of the U.S. If that is good enough for the Universe then it should be good enough for the citizens of the U.S. Courage fellow Americans.
I left out “rules”. . the Moon rules the 8th house Sibly chart. Sorry! A;so, that next Jupiter/Saturn cycle that starts in December 2020 will be conjunct Elizabeth Warren’s Jupiter. 🙂
So Bernie won Wyoming — his 6th win in a row — but he ended up with 7 delegates and, counting superdelegates, Hillary bagged 11 — talk about yer flim-flam!
The Donald lost to Cruz in Colorado, and just to underline the reality of that, here’s a snip from Samantha Bee’s Full Frontal, giving us a dose of what we’d have to swallow with a President Cruz. Lord help us!
And on that note, so very cool that Bernie was invited — yes, he was and unsolicited — to the Vatican to attend a conference on social, economic and environmental issues and give a speech. He’ll take time out from his campaign in New York, but I think he’ll make up for any lapse on the stump with the international goodwill he’ll gain. He and Francis have a lot in common, including a strong devotion to ethics and a determined goal to make a difference. Both do — and will. If you’re a Bernie fan, this link will please you — fun pictures.
Bill Clinton has done it again — every so often he just goes off, and that doesn’t help his wife’s campaign. Gotta wonder how she deals with it. Now he’s at odd with Black Lives Matter and, although they are not the generation that is cozy with the Clinton’s, that’s muddying the waters for a demographic Hillary desperately needs. He just can’t seem to help himself.
Here’s the link to Huffy’s Bill Clinton page in case you missed the specifics.
Thanks for stopping by, be and aWord — always pleased to see your comments. Hugs to both.
Hi, Judith,
I love your posts always, but it’s come out that the Sanders’ campaign solicited an invitation to the conference. He has a lot of good qualities, but he is also a politician.
“He also confirmed to CNN that Sanders had reached out to the Vatican first. ‘He has expressed an interest many times in the Pope’s encyclical and it’s clear that he has an interest in studying it,’ Sánchez Sorondo said. ‘It might have that effect, but we are not looking to support the campaign.'”
God works in mysterious ways, can I have an amen?
You got my Amen! kiddo. Had to laugh this morning on Meet The Press. Asked if he was going to release his taxes for scrutiny, he said yes, his wife was working on them now. The Right gave us their ‘average person’ and it was Joe the Plumber. Our average person has been working in congress for decades.
Hi Jude. Just thought I’d just let you know that the Cruz video has been replaced by a caption card reading: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams.”
Shame. I was dying to see it. It’s a pity the U.S. doesn’t have a similar policy for swiftly deleting presidential candidates who scam and deceive.
Oooooh dear, look’s like the Cruzy’s are on damage alert. Fortunately I’ve got a back-up — go here to get it, Geoff.
It’s such an embarrassment you just can’t look away. Seriously, I couldn’t make this shit up (but the evangelicals seem to have a talent for it.) Good catch, lovey — thanks!
Thanks, Jude. I hadn’t seen this clip and it’s a doozy.
Thanks, Jude. Horrendously well worth the wait.
Can’t help wondering how exactly this violates YouTube’s policy on spam, deceptive practices, and scams, though. Here’s Google’s official BS:
They also have a rule that forbids Hateful Content:
I would have thought that ruled out most Cruz/Trump election vids.
As with so much we’re facing today, it’s a he said/she said issue as to whether or not Bernie Sanders intruded himself on the two-day Centesimus Annus conference. If you’ve read about it, you know that ‘she said’ Bernie did and ‘he said’ he didn’t — and when I wrote the piece, on Friday, the president of the social-science academy, sociologist Margaret Archer, had already pointed her finger at Sanders for bypassing the niceties, while the chancellor of the academy, Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, defended Bernie by producing the invitation he said was his idea.
At this writing, neither is giving on their position — he said, she said, yadda ad infinitum — so I’m calling it a toss-up. But it seems to me that if one were to propose an American speaker for an international conference on economic justice the obvious choice, at this moment in history, would be Bernie Sanders. No stretch!
Still, T. Nappier, your comment sent me searching for something more definitive and while I didn’t find anything to move the scale on the ongoing tiff, I did find two reads that were not just informative but encouraging.
One is a New Yorker piece by Naomi Kline, who was invited to speak at the Vatican on the topic of climate change last summer.
The next is a piece from Forward, a respected source of Jewish news, culture and opinion regarding Sanders as — willing or un — a representative of the liberal platform of American Jews
The talking points become tedious after awhile, especially the he said/she said’s — I appreciated reading something that fleshed out more than just the obvious. If you hadn’t commented, T. Nappier, I wouldn’t have found them, so thanks for jumping in.
(And belated thanks to Geoff and Deborah, who did so as well.)
Judith, did you see Bernie Sanders on Larry Wilmore’s show last night? I’d never seen Bernie laugh so hard – almost a belly laugh!
I did see him, be — that’s about the third time he’s been on Wilmore and he’s found a comfort zone, the audience goes wild for him so he knows he’s in friendly territory. I wish we’d see more of THAT guy on the stump, but he’s had to keep the message front and center in order to inform folks (against the odds and in spite of MSM.)
And today’s new wrinkle? This whole dust-up about calling Hillary a whore is SOOOO bogus! If it hasn’t occurred to the public that the governmental systems are bought and paid for by what Matt Taibbi calls the ‘vampire squid’ of Goldman Sachs and its Wall Street counterpart has COMPLETELY missed the elemental story of this new century.
Perhaps the coming Mars retro will allow us to revisit the WHY’s … which would be productive if it woke up the establishment that their structure is crumbling and informed the public that MORE of the same won’t impact the crisis we’re suffering.
I’d look for Hil to be on the offensive tonight — and Bernie’s not one to side-step a challenge. I expect sparks and, with Sag a major player in the energy, perhaps some interesting ‘blurts.’ .