Bring the Bright Side

Posted by Len Wallick


As Len Wallick reads the astrological weather for this week, there might be a few interruptions. Longer-term trends are not likely to be diverted, however. What, in the long run, turns out merely to be passing through is likely to be every bit as refreshing it might be challenging.

We are now past the first Full Moon of the current season, which took place in Capricorn on Sunday. You might, then, logically perceive a theme of consolidation or elaboration to be setting in. With the Sun about to complete its third week in Cancer, the perception is being reinforced.


Trends that initiated since the Cancer solstice in June would now be expected to begin assuming some sort of recognizable form. One example would be length of days relative to nights compared to this time last month.

Trends, however, are subject to interruption. It is not unusual for a long spate of sunny weather to be occasionally, and temporarily, disrupted by clouds and rain. Looking ahead to the astrology for the remainder of this week, similar scenarios could well become evident.

As today’s Aquarius Moon wanes further into Pisces tomorrow, it will set up a water trine (a separation of 120 degrees on the zodiac) with the Sun on Thursday. If that aspect correlates with some emotional disruption, you should remember to keep a longer perspective in mind.

This is not to say that emotions (or intuitions) you experience this week are in any way without significance. How you feel, regardless of the time or context, is always an important matter. The idea is to integrate what is implicitly of ephemeral quality so as to make the more enduring nature of any continuum a more sustainable experience.

Rain absorbed in the ground keeps life going once the skies have cleared. By the same token, any inconveniences you encounter before the weekend will probably turn out to have a silver lining of their own.

This would therefore be a good week to experience everything to the fullest, come what may. Even if you encounter some interruptions of your own, engage with them as fully as you can. That way, when the Moon moves into Aries to begin the weekend, you could very well find yourself more refreshed and energized than you might otherwise be.

Of course, if you feel the need to take shelter, you should. There is something to be said for knowing and respecting your boundaries — especially as they differ from others.

To the extent that you can, however, it would probably be a good idea to take in all this week offers. With more than two months to go in our present season, the time to orient yourself with indications of a foreseeable future is drawing nigh.

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Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

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