Planet Waves is running a membership drive.
Read more in Solstice Fire and the Art of Service, by Eric Francis.
Dear Friend and Reader:
As of this morning, the Moon is in cardinal Libra, bringing a desire for more diplomatic and graceful interactions than might have occurred yesterday. Did you get a little inflammatory on social media yesterday, like I did? Whoops. Today’s Libra Moon might urge some finessing of your stance — not backtracking per se, but a reconsideration of what is truly justified.

Photo by Amanda Painter.
The bigger story, or at least part of it, is the Sun in the next-to-last degree of Cancer. Wednesday night at 11:30 pm (Thursday at 3:30 UTC) the Sun will ingress Leo.
Leo is a fixed sign, which means we’re in the middle of the season — yet the big news of this season is Venus stationing retrograde Saturday.
In today’s Planet Waves FM, Eric will be looking at the station retrograde of Venus in the first degree of Virgo. This is happening conjunct an unusual point called Transpluto, which has a way of hyper-focusing Virgo tendencies.
Eric will also begin the discussion of his Astrology for Artists approach to reading charts and putting astrological information to work.
For some preliminary thoughts on the Sun entering Leo and Venus stationing retrograde, check out Monday’s Astrology Diary — a collaboration between Amy Elliott and Eric. With these two astrological events happening so close together, “the effect is multiplied, and you may feel a condensation of experience.”
Elsewhere on the Planet Waves website:
— Sarah Taylor’s tarot reading suggests that you are currently between one wave of revelation and the next; yet there is something practical to which you can devote your time, care, and attention now.

Photo by Amanda Painter.
— Fascinated by the underworld mythologies invoked by the new images of Pluto, Amanda Moreno considers the importance of imagination, personal mythology and our culture’s tendency to avoid thinking about death.
— Speaking of the underworld, Fe Bongolan deconstructs Donald Trump as he strokes the beast of intolerance in his absurd (yet disturbing) run for U.S. president.
— Judith Gayle reminds us that we need to keep picking off the metaphorical Mahjong tiles hiding the darker energies of old paradigm aggression, to let spiritually mature concepts through.
— And in this week’s excellent sex-and-relationships post (fitting for our current Cancer sky), Charlie Glickman offers grounded tips on how to turn toward the difficult feelings of a partner as a way to hold space, encourage trust and intimacy, and avoid undermining a relationship.
As always, Len Wallick’s column will post early this afternoon, and I’ll be back Thursday with a closer look at the late-week astrology. Also, watch your email for our official rollout of the Leo birthday pre-order phase.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter