Be The Great Country

Posted by Len Wallick


Len Wallick invokes ancient Chinese sage Lao Tsu, author of the “Tao Te Ching,” to describe this week’s opposition between Mars and Chiron, and to compare it to the last time Mars and Chiron opposed, in 2013. The deciding factor in what you can accomplish this week will be how much you believe in your ability to step up and be a great nation of one, defined by a dedication to peace.

Before trundling off into the wilderness, the ancient Chinese sage Lao Tsu kept his nation’s archives and advised the ruling class. He left some of his guidance behind in the Tao Te Ching. Among his key teachings was that a great country is not belligerent, and that a great leader offers virtue in return for guidance from those led.


That was about 2,500 years ago. History and evolution seem to have been at work since then. It’s high time to acknowledge what has changed.

Somewhere along the line, great nations and their ruling classes seem to have abdicated their proper role, aspiring to become something more akin to gods than leaders.

Just as it used to be with gods, the most powerful nations and their ruling classes now spend most of their resources vying to bring death down from the sky. There is little (if any) acknowledgement or leadership offered to their respective citizens. It is thus not surprising that many of us among the led now typically feel forsaken by our leaders, much as the biblical figure Job was reported to have felt about his deity.

All of which leaves it to you to fill the vacuum and comport yourself as Lao Tsu would have both a great country and a great leader do. After all, if not you — who? If not now, when? The alternative to your stepping up is to abdicate, just as many of your leaders have — allowing the belligerent and those without virtue to fill the void. Unless your conscience can either accept or ignore such consequences, your alternative is to do your best to be the great country that no longer serves you. It is also for you to serve as an example for other individuals to do the same.

Not surprisingly, the cycles of some of the faster planets (which correlate with the pace of your personal life) and their aspects to the slower, more distant objects in our solar system (which move with the rhythms of history) could reasonably be construed to be symbolizing just such a new role for you — and for others who would be inspired to emulate your example.

Right now, astrology’s most current indicator of how you should step up is Mars in Virgo moving to oppose Chiron on the other side of the zodiac in Pisces (180 degrees away). That aspect is exact just before 4:48 am EDT (08:47:57 UTC) on Friday. The implication becomes even more clear when you compare the immediately previous opposition of Mars and Chiron to the next one about to take place.

One thing to remember is that Mars aspects tend to express in advance of being exact. Hence, it’s not too soon to look ahead to Mars opposing Chiron on Friday. In essence, it’s happening all week. Another thing to note is that the word “opposition” for astrologers does not always (or even usually) represent conflict. It’s more a reflection, like the one you get from the mirror opposing your face.

The last time Mars in Virgo opposed Chiron in Pisces was Oct. 31, 2013. On the same day, Mars was in a precise (to the degree) trine aspect (a separation of 120 degrees) with relentless Pluto in Capricorn. When you consider how trines can be enabling, and look at the news on that day, it’s revealing.

The headlines for Halloween 2013 show aggressive Mars operating with impunity, as evinced by a U.S.drone strike (death from above) in Pakistan. Chiron, being more subtle and nuanced than Mars, yet nonetheless ever the “inconvenient benefic” (as the late, great Al Morrison put it), was reflected by undeniable revelations facilitated by Edward Snowden. As result of that one individual, it was revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) was spying on its allies, as well as on U.S. citizens. Indications are that this time around can be different, but only if you believe you can make a difference.

Regardless of how you feel about Edward Snowden (without whom we would never have known that the NSA was practicing unbridled god-like omnipotence by routinely spying on friend, foe and you), he did demonstrate that one individual can make a difference. While you are probably not in a position to make as big an impact as he did, the biggest constraint on your power in the world is how much you believe you can do.

Interestingly, Chiron will be sharing the same degree of Pisces (and the opposition from Mars) with Borasisi on Friday. As Eric put it last year (in his “Top Five Events for 2015“), “Borasisi is about the power of belief.” When you consider how Chiron makes denial difficult — and factor in another, substantially different trine to Pluto on Friday (from Venus in Virgo — emblematic of personal values) — you get a very different picture from October of 2013.  

That picture, of course, can only be completed by you. That’s how astrology works. You are the most important element. In this case, the deciding factor will be how much you believe in your ability to step up and be a great nation of one, defined by a dedication to peace. It’s time to believe you can be a great leader who offers virtue and accepts guidance. Yours is the privilege to prove how far individual human beings have come since the time of Lao Tsu.

This is not about changing the world, at least not for now. It’s about believing you can change yourself. From that belief, truly great countries of many may yet come to be again.

Offered In Service

Posted in Columnist on | 14 comments
Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

14 thoughts on “Be The Great Country

  1. Bette

    Thank-you for this, Len – it’s timely for me on more than one level.
    Yesterday, my country, Canada, elected a new federal government, ending almost a decade of increasingly divisive & nasty Conservative rule in favour of a Liberal administration. Our new Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau, born Dec. 25, 1971) ran a campaign of inclusiveness, tolerance, fairness & positive vision, a stark contrast to the outgoing leader’s politics of fear & militancy, & Canadians responded. This morning, I read that President Obama is looking forward to working with our new leadership & toward improving relations between our countries.

    This is the spirit in which it seems to me we all need to go forward in our lives. In my little community, which has voted Conservative for decades, I already find myself needing to address peoples’ fear of change, encouraging them to look for postive potential & to be patient as our country charts a new course.

    The cluster of transits in Virgo are currently in my 4th house, while Chiron’s in my 10th, Uranus 11th, Saturn inching toward my sun in my 6th. It all feels like “work”, but positive work if I do it well.

    I’ve come to believe that amidst the tumultuous times in which we live
    there is simply no place for struggling along in polarized groups pitted one against another, or divided within by conflict & fear. We have better things to do, better selves to be.

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Bette: Please allow me to add my virtual voice to those congratulating you (on behalf of your nation) for what appears to be a genuine step forward. Also, please allow me to add a more personal thanks for how you bring an uncommon compassion to the comments you offer in response to my service here. So often, i wonder whether my work is worthy of being here among the truly great writers and bright intellects at Planet Waves. You kind support helps me to carry on. Your understanding of my intent (however poorly i express it) is deeply appreciated. Please know that what (as you put it) “feels like work” feels like love on this end of the blog.

  2. Barbara Koehler

    Most perceptive, as usual Len. It’s true, citizens do feel forsaken. There seems to be little respect for the political side from the masses (and vice-versa), not like decades ago when the press/media would address leaders in a much more polite manner than now. It’s not uncommon to refer to them by their first name only or their last name only, no Mr. or title, and we-the-people have learned to do the same.

    That is so interesting about the last Mars in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces too. I was looking at the 2nd and committed ingress of Neptune into Pisces chart, when, ironically, Mars was in Virgo. He was conjunct the U.S; Sibly Neptune at 22+ degrees. The Neptune ingress chart’s Mars was square the Moon at 24+ Gemini, where Edward Snowden’s natal Mars is. His Mars is conjunct his north node at 25+ Gemini.

    The Neptune ingress chart (Feb. 3, 2012) with it’s square between Mars and the Moon completed a T-square to Venus (values) in Pisces, opposite Mars in Virgo-conjunct-US Neptune. Not only that but this ingress chart had the North Node (path forward/opportunities) at 12+ Sagittarius, conjunct the U.S. Sibly chart’s ascendant. This put the ingress chart’s South Node conjunct the U.S. Sibly chart’s descendent (partners, open enemies) at 12+ Gemini, and the south node of a chart shows old habits and talents which provide ease of access but probably need to be released to make way for north node opportunities.

    Transiting Saturn will reach 12+ Sagittarius and the U.S. ascendant and the north node of the Neptune ingress Pisces chart in January, 2016.

    This gives me the impression that at least one of the outer cosmic messengers, Neptune, has provide our country, the USA, with opportunities to overcome issues on the personal level (Mars, Venus, Moon T-square), such as through your example of Edward Snowden. It seems reasonable then, that your point about we “being the great country” that no longer serves us as it was meant to, is doable, thanks to Neptune in Pisces. Isn’t astrology wonderful?

    Bette, such a lovely response, and congratulations on Canada’s election. Your example of giving your neighbors who are afraid of change a better perspective of the future is commendable. Thank you for your example.

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Barbara (be): My gratitude abounds for you as well. Not just for your mastery of astrology, as evinced this time for your in-depth understanding of the outer planet ingresses (that combined to uncharacteristically take at about the same time not so long ago), your mastery of the U.S. (Sibley) chart and your knack for noting pertinence in synasty – all of which brings depth and breadth to my comparably humble efforts here. There are no words, really, that express my gratitude for how you so loyally enrich my relatively small service to Planet Waves. Thank you so very much.

  3. Bette

    Thank-you for the kind words, Mary & be.
    I don’t get to see a lot of political news from south of the border, but I have noticed the increasing disrespect with which most politicians are regarded these days, perhaps, at least in some instances, deservedly. Our outgoing government’s campaign team were, in my view, extremely disrespectful of both their competition & of Canadians deemed outside their “base” (immigrants, refugees, indigenous people, among others) – & Canadians seem to have resoundingly rejected that narrow view.

    One hopeful moment I did see in the Democratic debate was Bernie Sanders’ “damn emails!” remark – true civility, a focus away from trivia toward what matters. To see Hillary’s face light up, & the subsequent body language, was a delight & to me is exactly the sort of exchange & focus we need more of in politics. I really like Sanders, for a host of reasons, & will be a more interested observer because of him.

    As for my country, well, we Canucks have work to do!

    1. Mary

      Me, too, Bette. I am liking Sanders a lot and not just because he’s not someone else. I’m sorry really that I don’t know more about Canada’s political situation, embarrassed truthfully, but it sounds like this vote is a massive change and I applaud that for all of you. As you all celebrate your election for a new world let’s spread the word for Bernie!

  4. Mary

    Dear Len,

    Oppositions seem like such a good time to catch my projections … would you think the aspect that happens in my 7th house more likely to be witnessed in others than the 1st house that I might indentify with more organically. Thots?

    Thank you, Len and/or others,

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Mary: Additional thanks to you for so consistently be supportive of myself and others commenting here. In response to your question, i would aver that (what i take to be) transits to your 7th natal house would have to be more about you than others, especially as regards to the state of your personal evolution in personal relationships. (although your point about projection sis very well taken). First house transits, on the other hand probably have to do with how you express the more defining facets of your individuality. Please let me know if my response was not satisfactory.

  5. Pisces SunPisces Sun

    Thank you Len for your usually insightful pieces and Bette congratulations on your country’s changed tone- how delightful to see reform in Canada! It struck me, as I read your piece Len, words by JFK: “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America can do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” This prompted me to go back and read JFK’s inaugural address from where this quote comes, the link is here:

    It is truly inspiring. It basically is one of shared humanity, compassion, undertones of humility, and the respect for each nation’s self-governance provided that it is in the name of human rights of the governed. We say we will respect our neighbors to our south and throughout the world. We say we will not negotiate in fear and invite our enemies to the peace table instead. Our national leaders should re-read this address.

    Regarding our personal involvement in this country’s political stance, is of course, complicated. For some it comes down to abrogating our personal responsibilities, due to apathy and disenchantment. It takes a lot of energy just to maintain one’s life, especially if they have a family with children and their needs to be fulfilled. But I am reminded of a banner that hangs in my home that quotes a Chinese Proverb:
    “If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.” And another:
    “To bring peace to the Earth, strive to make your own life peaceful.”
    These little things help raise the earth’s vibration. Acknowledging one’s humanity, giving respect, offering assistance, yielding (especially on the road, in check-out lines, with others). When you make these little reforms within yourself, you can begin to make larger reforms in the world around you and take on your neighborhood’s problems, and perhaps those of your nation’s with full exuberance. If you go in an angry fashion, it will be received with hostile. As mother Teresa said, “I will not march in an anti-war protest, but I will walk for peace.” That distinction alone is profound.
    Peace and change begins within each of us and pushes out from us all. As Bette so beautifully said: “We have better things to do, better selves to be.”

  6. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

    Pisces Sun: i’m so very grateful that you chose to comment on this day when i’m very mindful of being grateful for all of those who offer their thoughts and kind words here. The utter depth of your perceptive compassion never fails to put me in my place in the best possible way. You have an unique ability to not only support, but also move me (and all of us reading here) to be the best, highest self possible. It seems as though you have made of your own experience in the world something exceptional and uncommon. Where others see only dross, you consistently find the overlooked gold that, i believe, resonates of humanity’s highest promise. Thank you so very much. Of all the people who “keep it real”, you are among those who do so in a way that makes me grateful for reality.

    1. Pisces SunPisces Sun

      Len, I am humbled by your comments. It is I that is grateful.
      We each are dealing with our own stuff in our own way, walking along our unique paths. But the issues that we are dealing with are the same because the philosophers and great spiritual leaders like Lao Tzu got it right about the human condition. There are universal truths: We impose a separateness within and upon ourselves when we chose the ego. Love and compassion brings internal and external unity. Its really simpled, but we prefer to make it complicated. Beginning with gratitude is so important. How many of our leaders begin their day in gratitude? It’s hard to have a philosophy of exploitation when you begin in gratitude, so I guess we know that answer!

  7. Mary

    I am now witnessing how my projections of virgo onto others (this mars transit is a 7th house affair, as you ably note) results in my missing the very essence of others in their weakness and humanity, chiron in pisces 1st house? Anyway, dear Len, maybe it’s not too late to call back my virgo projections, less judgmental mercury mind as I accent the service

    Your service is a brilliant model for me.
    Thank you, Len, always

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