Background Shift

Posted by Len Wallick


By the time next week is underway, five sign rulers other than the Moon will have changed sign in a fortnight. As Len Wallick sees it, that flurry of ingresses will correspond to a change of context for your life – a shift of background you might very well be able to take advantage of.

By early Monday, the zodiac will look a lot different than it did only two weeks before. On Oct. 9, Venus and Mars were both still in Virgo, just starting to separate after briefly sharing the same degree of that same sign on Oct. 5. Meanwhile, the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter were clustered in Libra’s latter half.


Then, on Oct. 10, Jupiter concluded over a year in Libra to begin a similar residence in Scorpio. A week later, Mercury followed Jupiter’s footsteps. In between those two ingresses, Venus made one of its own with a Libra homecoming.

On Sunday, Mars will move on to Libra too. About ten hours later (either late Sunday or early Monday – depending on your time zone), the Sun will begin its annual tour of Scorpio. That’s an unusual amount of celestial shifting for such a short period of time. Unsurprisingly, the corresponding fortnight is already proving to be an eventful time in the world – and probably your life.

Quantity is not everything, however. Quality counts too, but often in a way more subtle than numbers or frequency can express. Therein lies a clue for how next week could very well differ from this week (and the week before), assuming you can accept a premise that what’s above somehow correlates with what’s here below.

Archetypes represented by the Sun, Moon and planetary bodies basically remain the same no matter where those emblems are moving on the zodiac. A change of sign tends not to alter the figure so much as the ground. Hence, once the current flurry of cosmic motion from one field of expression to another has subsided, it will implicitly be easier to ascertain whether and/or how the context of your life has shifted.

You may, for example, find it easier to either stand out or blend in next week – and not because you are in any way much different. For that reason, you might want to experiment with how you dress, the places you frequent and whose company you keep while also noting how any of those new contexts change the quality of your life.

In addition, it would probably be a good idea if you were alert for shifts in how the world responds when you are in your usual haunts, doing as you usually do. In all probability, any such trials and observations will not be empty exercises, either.

That’s because the spate of astrological ingresses now reaching the end of its run has more than likely manifested as a background shift. As result, a lot of people (predominantly those who pay no attention to astrology) will either miss new openings or wonder what happened with accustomed portals.

Besides the evident advantage of actively reevaluating your environment for any alterative (or recently altered) niches, tinkering with your life can be fun. We are, after all, entering a season when wearing masks and costumes is a predominant party theme.

When you get right down to it, temporarily assuming the appearance of a pumpkin doesn’t commit you to become one. Intentionally incurring just such an experience, however, could go a long way towards your having a deeper appreciation of all you have and what you can bring.

Offered In Service

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Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

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