Author Archives: Len Wallick

Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.


Posted by Len Wallick


Fair warning: Len Wallick refers to what would normally be something unmentionable in today’s column. Indeed, one famous American would almost certainly (but also quite hypocritically) call it disgusting. See what you think. The fate of public discourse may well depend on what you do in response.

Reach and Grasp

Posted by Len Wallick


Today, Len Wallick examines some astrological events leading up to Jupiter’s annual change of sign next week. Even though Jupiter implies bigger things than you, the path towards grasping those things is currently moving through representations of what you can plausibly get a hold of right now: yourself.

Seeds of Wisdom

Posted by Len Wallick


It would be a good thing if the upcoming Aries Full Moon is on your mind. It would be even better if you were to take a longer term into account. As Len Wallick observes today, no Full Moon is an end. Indeed, what you do up to (and following) the peak of our present lunar cycle could very well serve to plant some important seeds for both you and others.

Not If, How

Posted by Len Wallick

len wallick

On Thursday, the Aries Full Moon and the Venus-Mars conjunction in Virgo will herald a ‘personal planet’ climax that has been gradually building for some time. Len Wallick notes that this astrology signals the need to make personal choices, and the opportunity to choose forward movement.

Brought to You by the Sun

Posted by Len Wallick


Seasons are a function of Earth’s relationship with the Sun. That’s the truth, and today Len Wallick guides you in a brief exploration of how that truth forms the backbone of astrology. Of course, you don’t have to take Len’s word for it. You can see the truth for yourself, but only if you choose to do so.

One Step, One Stitch at a Time

Posted by Len Wallick


It is always important to be present in the moment, but often it is also helpful to be aware of where you are over a longer span of time. Today, Len Wallick offers both a look back and a glimpse ahead so that you can better appreciate this moment as well as your place in it.

In the Air

Posted by Len Wallick


In the aftermath of hurricanes and other current events, Len Wallick today directs your attention to the wind. From its origins (which include the Sun and Moon), to its effects, the wind carries information from far and wide to even the most isolated. Included with that data are answers.

What’s Going On

Posted by Len Wallick


To recover your power and reduce the risk of speculation, you must start by verifying information. As Len Wallick interprets the astrology and corresponding events of the recent past, once your data is no longer subject to question, you can do even more. You can question the ongoing.