Author Archives: Amy Elliott

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 21, 2019

Posted by Amy Elliott


With Mercury still working through its change of direction in your sign, it might be useful, especially over the coming few days, not to rush into any new project. You might treat this as something of a stocktaking week. First, you could slow down and review how you’re feeling within yourself — that is, in your physical and emotional body.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 7, 2019

Posted by Amy Elliott


You are gradually becoming liberated from restrictive notions about who you are, and who you can become. Others cannot dictate your identity or character; it is for you alone to decide. And you are complex; were it possible to sum up a whole human being in one sentence, I suspect our brains would be a lot smaller, for one thing; and for another we would not alter nearly so much.