Dear Friend and Reader:
With the world in its state of seeming madness, you may be feeling stressed to the point of being pulled apart. So much in the world seems scattered, fragmented and like it makes no sense at all. Everything is changing so fast, it’s actually impossible to keep up. There seems to be little rest for the weary.
The events of the current world would make the head of even the most balanced, even-keeled person spin.

Your astrologer, Eric Francis Coppolino.
Astrology has one special quality revealing its profound benefit for spiritual growth and inner development.
Its seemingly wild complexity transforms into an elegance that can weave together the many threads of life into a cohesive narrative. It’s the perfect tool for seeing the order in the chaos.
Properly used, astrology can reveal the connections between seemingly unrelated events.
It can weave together personal assets that seem to have no connection into a personal gift: a talent, a way to heal your relationships, an idea and action plan to make an important change in your life. Astrology reveals the “cosmic order” yet in the most distinctly personal way.
You might say that astrology is the book of your life. It tells the story of your purpose, your days and your years, if only you’ll look and see.
In your 2017 annual reading, I will both read from this book and tell the story of the year ahead, weaving it into the past and the future. Astrology has a beautiful way of showing us how things make sense; that there’s rhyme and reason to the choices we make and the events we experience.
This will be a written reading only. It will be easily printable, so you can take it into the tub or sit in your favorite chair, away from the computer.
I am focusing on narrative, both of the worldly realm and the astrological symbols. At times, the planetary patterns are softly whispering many sublime truths, and then blazing out obvious things we need to pay attention to.
The same astrology that is behind the madness and fragmentation is also offering ideas for how to restore our sanity and peace of mind. The same astrology that is scattering the sense of what a person is, is also taking us to a deeper level, one where we can recall our wholeness of character and integrity of spirit.

Ancient rendition of The Sun tarot card, major arcana number 19. The Book of Your Life is the 19th annual edition of Planet Waves. Shorthand delineation of The Sun is “the sanity that brings freedom.”
My intention as reader of the planetary patterns and author of your reading is to remind you of the beauty of existence, of your deepest sense of purpose, and to speak directly to your core being.
Unlike previous years, when the annual has come out in January, I am planning to focus my efforts on the writing and bring this work in some time between Winter Solstice and New Year’s Eve.
I don’t want to say too much more about the way I’ll be handling the story, though for each sign it will be in two parts — a condensed version you can fold up and put in your pocket, called What the Astrologer Said, and an extended narrative called The Book of Your Life.
We are putting the annual on sale a few weeks earlier than usual this year. The introductory price will be in effect through October 22; it will gradually increase through November and December till publication.
Today we’re offering a package of all six sign pairs (like the BALANCE midyear reading, we’re publishing this as six sign pairs). The entire project will interweave the 12 signs, though it’s essential to take the signs as a polarity to see your life from two viewpoints — your own, and those of your relationships. I also recommend reading your rising sign and Moon sign.
The rate we’re offering today, through Oct. 22, is $99. It will then increase in $10 increments. (The total for all six sign pairs purchased separately will be $234).
This is the 19th consecutive year I’m writing the Planet Waves annual. Each year, it’s increased in length and complexity of presentation. Given all that’s happening, I feel a calling to honor my Quaker roots and keep it simple this year — focusing specifically on the writing. There will will be special introductory materials, a resource area and articles by the Planet Waves writers.
Thank you for your business. Thank you for making it possible for me and my team to do something relevant, soulful and helpful in this time of planetary upheaval, uncertainty and absolutely brilliant potential.
PS — The Book of Your Life is one purchase per household. You may share your readings with family members, significant others, and dogs, cats, and bunny rabbits who live with you.