A Year for All Seasons

Posted by Len Wallick


Every seasonal change this year is being accompanied by something more. It is almost as if the equinoxes and solstices of 2017 are being astrologically underlined for greater emphasis. On the eve of the Cancer solstice, Len Wallick outlines the pattern of synchronicity and its meaning.

When the Sun enters a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), a new season begins. About half-past midnight EDT (04:24 UTC) tomorrow morning the solar ingress to Cancer will mark the second seasonal change of 2017. What the Sun will be doing at the time will make it an inherently percipient point.


If you are favored by cloudless skies, it takes only a small amount of diligent patience to see the meaning of seasonal changes with your own eyes. When the Sun moved into Aries back on March 20, it was rising precisely in the east and setting exactly in the west regardless of your location on Earth.

After a few days, a trend became evident. Since the week of the Aries equinox, the Sun has risen and set farther and farther to the north with every passing day. Now, the pattern is about to turn around. After this week’s Cancer solstice, the arc of the solar motion across the sky will be moving gradually south.

When we reach the Libra equinox on Sept. 22, solar risings and settings will emulate those of six months before with one important exception: the southern progress will continue. Finally, after the week of the Capricorn solstice on Dec. 21, the Sun will begin trending north again. So it goes every year. What you see of the Sun when it enters a cardinal sign anticipates a lot of what you will get in the months to come.

Every seasonal change this year, however, is being accompanied by something more. It is almost as if the equinoxes and solstices of 2017 are being astrologically underlined for greater emphasis. It all started subtly with the Moon in March.

Back on March 20, the Moon moved into Capricorn only hours after the Sun entered Aries. The result was a lunar last quarter phase (a ‘closing square’ aspect between the Sun and Moon) with the two luminaries located in the very first degree of their respective cardinal signs. That does not happen every year. When you consider how fast the Moon moves around the zodiac (proceeding at an average rate of about one degree every two hours), its timing with the Sun was amazing.

Even so, astrologers are seldom astonished by one isolated event, no matter how notable. With the solstice this week, however, things begin to add up.

Tomorrow, Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer by just hours. Shortly thereafter, the two meet up for what is called a ‘superior’ conjunction (a once-a-year event) in the very first degree of Cardinal water. When you consider how Mercury is presently moving at about two degrees per day, that’s a second piece of significant timing.

Looking ahead, the Sun entering Libra this year will be immediately followed by a complex celestial event that takes place only rarely. In spite of how the description of that alignment is not friendly to astrology, one fact is clear: a pattern will be making itself evident with the next equinox.

There is an old saying that goes something like this: “Once a fluke, twice a coincidence, three times a pattern.” If you ascribe to that aphorism even a little bit, you could very well be left at a loss for words when the Capricorn solstice of 2017 comes around.

On Dec. 20, Saturn will enter Capricorn to stay after more than two continuous years in Sagittarius. The next day, the Sun will ingress Capricorn, and make its annual conjunction with Saturn at precisely the same time. When you take into account how slowly Saturn moves, such timing is breathtaking enough. When you consider how every other season this year is also initiating with uncannily precise alignments to the Sun, one cannot help but wonder if all of 2017 is itself a turning point of its own; one in which the seasonal change motif is intrinsically implied all the way through.

In all probability, only the passage of years to follow will determine whether or not this year is somehow an extrapolation of the theme being repeated once again by the Sun this week. In the meantime, however, you could do far worse than to behave as if every day were indeed special by acting to make it so. If you want an example to follow, take it from the Sun. Rise to bring your light. Set to integrate any darkness. Do your best to shine as only you can. Be and make the rest of us grateful you are here.

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Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: lenwallick@gmail.com. His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

2 thoughts on “A Year for All Seasons

  1. Glen Young

    There is an old saying that goes something like this: “Once a fluke, twice a coincidence, three times a pattern.” Thanks Len, as its frustrating in how long it takes something to integrate into your conscious being.

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